Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Write data to xlsb file at specific cell location

Currently we are able to write data to an .xlsb file if the Access Driver 2010 is installed. What we are not able to do is, write data to a specific cell location the way we can do in the case of .xlsx files for example:


C:\Users\kk\Downloads\Testfile.xlsx|||'Sheet1$A2:C4'  (This works)

C:\Users\kk\Downloads\Testfile.xlsb|||'Sheet1$A2:C4' (This doesn't work currently in Alteryx)

C:\Users\kk\Downloads\Testfile.xlsb|||Sheet1 (This too works)


The problem is that in the case of xlsb files it uses the access database engine, if we are able to find the correct input to parse to the database engine the way we do in case of vba scripts then all the BFSI sector individuals have a highly space optimized pixel perfect reporting possible in Alteryx itself.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for your idea!


We appreciate the clear outlining on what is and isn't working and why it would be beneficial. If you haven't yet, please checking out our Submission Guidelines as it goes over the idea process in a bit greater detail.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes