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License Management on Citrix Servers

I would like to suggest that the licensing process is enhanced to work more effectively within a Citrix environment that has many servers in the farm.


When using a citrix environment it is not possible to register muliple users on a single citrix server with unique email addresses as the license is removed from an existing registered user when another user registers on the same citrix server.  The License Server however does not reflect this and each user retains an allocated license on the license server even though they cannot use Alteryx Designer on the citrix desktop. 


Alteryx have provided a workaround which is to use a generic email address to register each user and in this way the licenses are not removed as each new user registers.


Unfortunatley when a user unregisters a License the license is removed from the whole machine therefore no users on the machine are then able to use Alteryx Designer.  In order to work around this we have had to schedule a daily job to run the license delete command from each server in our citrix farm. 


This is not an ideal solution.


What we would like to see is user license seperation so that we can register the license to the users own email address at login and then remove the license for just that user at logout.  This would ensure that the licenses are allocated to the user and machine as needed and we would not run the risk of running out of licenses if users log on and off different sessions over the course of a day logging on to different servers as the licenses are only revoked at the end of each day.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for your feedback!


License based ideas are a bit uncommon so we appreciate the feedback when they are posted. It looks like you're relatively new to the idea boards (welcome!) so if you haven't yet be sure to check out our Submission Guidelines as they go over the process after an idea is submitted as well as we need from user engagement on an idea.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes