Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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It would be a nice time/click save if the "Extract File" dialog box (when opening a ZIP file from Input Data tool) included an "All" and "None" option.



And it would be exceeding useful for APA if the "Extract File" dialog box allowed for the inclusion of "Dynamic or Unknown Files" (as previously suggested here).






Currently there is a maximum amount that can be passed into the Dynamic Input, 1MB. I often hit this limit and it is infuriating.  If this was upped to 5MB that would solve a lot of my issues, but 50MB would be AMAZING.





I think there should be a tool that can take two proportions from the same row (so four columns: numerator population 1, denom population 1, numerator population 2, denom population 2) and return the z-score between the two groups, with a check box to select the desired confidence level.


We monitor quarter-over-quarter changes in satisfaction diagnostics for some of our surveys, and we report the change in Top 2 box % (answers of very satisfied or somewhat satisfied); and we typically only investigate the changes that are statistically significant at a 95% confidence interval.


I have to write about 8 different formulas within the formula tool to get me the z-scores between the groups I'm investigating. A z-score tool would greatly reduce my workload!


Clustering your data on a sample and then appending clusters is a common theme

especially if you are in customer relations and marketing related divisions...



When it comes to appending clusters that you have calculated form a 20K sample and then you're going to "score" a few million clients you still need to download the data and use the append cluster...


Why don't we have an In-db append cluster instead,

which will quicken the "distance based" scoring that append cluster does

on SQLServer, Oracle or Teradata...









If you open a workflow in Designer from the Gallery, make some changes, and then attempt to save it back to Gallery (i.e., Ctrl-S), you receive the Save Workflow dialog (as per attached).  However, if you then realize that you want to make an additional change before saving the workflow and click 'Cancel', the workflow closes without saving.  The expected behavior would be for the Save Workflow dialog to close, but not the entire workbook.  This is terrible functionality and should be fixed because it results in lost work.  Thank you



Currently we are able to write data to an .xlsb file if the Access Driver 2010 is installed. What we are not able to do is, write data to a specific cell location the way we can do in the case of .xlsx files for example:


C:\Users\kk\Downloads\Testfile.xlsx|||'Sheet1$A2:C4'  (This works)

C:\Users\kk\Downloads\Testfile.xlsb|||'Sheet1$A2:C4' (This doesn't work currently in Alteryx)

C:\Users\kk\Downloads\Testfile.xlsb|||Sheet1 (This too works)


The problem is that in the case of xlsb files it uses the access database engine, if we are able to find the correct input to parse to the database engine the way we do in case of vba scripts then all the BFSI sector individuals have a highly space optimized pixel perfect reporting possible in Alteryx itself.

As confirmed with our premium support advisor and CSM, Sybase IQ is no longer a supported DSN.  As Sybase IQ is a common database, we ask that it is re-established as a supported DSN.  Moreover, we would like confirmation that our workaround to connect to Sybase IQ using odbc is sound and tested in the interim.

When several fields are marked the marking of check box should apply to all selected fields. 

When changing Type the change should also apply to all selected fields.


There should also be shortcut keys for doing this.


This is a really common task and would save a lot of time. I'm actually really surprised it does not already exist in Alteryx Designer.



Quite often I have the need to select 'the latest 3 files' or the 'top 10 scoring values in X'. I achieve this by first using first a Sort tool and then a Sample tool.


It would be useful to have these two functionalities combined into 1 tool for selecting a range of records depending on the sorted order depending on a column(s).

in the filter tool we have only one drop down to add a filter and for custom filter we have to manually write multiple codes to add multiple filters

is it possible to add more drop down options so we don't have to write codes

Create a right-click option on "Control Parameter" tools to easily convert it to a "Text Box".  And to convert "Text Box" (other interface tools, too) to a "Control Parameter".


During development it is easy to test Alteryx Apps with Text Box interface tools to launch into Debug Mode with specific values.  However if you are developing a Macro this is difficult since you cannot specify values in the Macro workflow.  If it was easy to convert between the two tool types (Control Parameter and Text Box) this would make Macro development easier.


Today, as a work-around, I will:

  1. Drop in Text Box tools
  2. Copy the label text from the Control Parameter tool into the question text of the Text Box
  3. Delete the Control Parameter
  4. Connect the Text Box to the Action the Control Parameter was connected to
  5. Finally I can test with desired input

Then when I'm ready to change the workflow back into a Macro I have to do the reverse.


The only configuration possible in a Control Parameter is the label text which could be copied into the Text Box's question text.


There is already tools that can convert between each other (Input and Output tools). I think this would be very beneficial.


Workflow with Control Parameters-- cannot populate values and run in Debug:



Workflow with Text Boxes-- can populate values and run in Debug:



The menu could looks something like:




When developing workflows, it would be great if there was a feature to be able to disable multiple containers at once, rather than having to click on each one individually, for example through selecting all of the required containers and right clicking "disable selected containers".


In the meantime, a workaround is to copy the portion of the workflow being developed onto a new canvas.

Using the Comment tool: When I paste in text that includes a Tab, the Comment Configuration on the left correctly recognizes the Tab character and displays the text correctly.  Inside the Comment box on the canvas, the Tab character is not recognized and text is displayed without any spacing.


I don't think the Comment tool allows us to "type" a Tab character.


Comment configuration box:

Field1     Field2


Comment box on the canvas:




1) Please fix the text display inside the Comment on the canvas to correctly display Tab characters, when text is pasted in

2) Please allow us to "type" a Tab character in the Comment tool.  CTRL+Tab switches the canvas display to another Alteryx tab, ALT+TAB switches to another running Windows program.  Count you use Shift+Tab to allow us to type a Tab character?

Of course the workflow file name could include a version history, but it would also be neat to have a field within the workflow itself.

The Data Preview of the Formula Tool is SO helpful ! 

Make it better by allowing preview on other rows than the first 







Currently it appears that the Make Group tool sets the Group by the smallest value and the Key is then anything larger than that value. 

It would be great to be able to specify which key it is that the grouping should occur within. 

It would be extremely helpful if there is an easy way to print off the current function reference for 11.0. In the past, you could easily do so with 9.5 (with the print button), but even putting out a basic PDF file that outlines the parameters for each function, and what it does would be useful. This is not possible with the newest version of the documentation.

Currently there seems to be no way to "drop" or remove lines if no match is found, even if you have asked to "Match Whole Word Only". I think it would be useful to have the option to completely remove entire rows if it contains what is essentially an invalid entry.


For example:




Rows 4, 5 and 6 do not conform to the correct format that I want to find and replace. They are invalid. With Find replace as is, the output would include the invalid rows. It would be much easier if FR had two outputs, one of which includes the invalid rows, if given the config option to drop any fields that did not match the reference table.

I would like to see additional basic chart options from plotly in Interactive Charts including:

  • Sunburst,
  • Gantt,
  • Bubble,
  • Sankey,
  • Treemap &
  • Dot plots.


See this link for more examples:

Often I am developing a workflow and need to output to a specific network folder location on our company's shared drive. As part of our business requirements, I have the full filepath available to me as I develop.


It would be nice if, when I go to configure the Output Data tool and select a file that will be saved at a folder location, if I were able to simply paste the file path in the "address"/quick access bar (much the same way you can do so in Windows File Explorer. Currently, you cannot do this and have to navigate to the file manually if you are using the save dialogue.


I realize that you can paste the file path to the "Write to File or database" prompt within the Output Tool configuration window. However, this does not allow you the ability to explore the file location simultaneously and ensure that you are dropping the file exactly where you want to. Updating the save dialogue experience itself would help the versatility of the user experience when looking to navigate and identify the folder location desired (or even create a new subfolder or something similar)

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