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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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*This is an idea from @sayuri from the Portuguese Community*


  • Formatting capabilities in Interface tools: Ability to add an embedded new line in questions

*This is an idea from @fmvizcaino from the Portuguese Community*

  • Fuzzy Match tool in Portuguese

I love the example workflows.  If I've already added a tool to the canvas that I need to reconfigure, however, it would be easier to simply right click the tool that's already there rather than finding the tool on the ribbon at the top to open the example workflow.  Please add the ability to launch the example workflow for each tool on the right click menu.




It would be nice to tie the labels to the spatial objects being labeled.





Currently using these macros from Adam Riley:


The stuff he has over there is great and makes alteryx much more powerful.  Two tools in particular that I am using from there are Conditional Runners and the Parallel Block Until Done.  These are tools that for us are vital and it would be nice if Alteryx would pick them up and maintain them for stability.  

It would be immensely helpful if there can be a way to display the 'Manually Configure Fields' section of Union tool to the App user.

Something on the following lines - User uploads few files and then a window opens up onscreen which allows the user to 'manually configure fields' just like it is visible in the Union tool in a workflow. Its best use case is where we have a template with defined headers and the user just need to upload a new file/files and align the incoming fields correctly with the blank fields of a template.

Wondering why  I have to change 100s of my workflows every time password changes . system should read the latest password like Tableau can do embedded passwords on data sources automatically from active directory 

I think that it would be nice to be able to append a Time Stamp to the name of a file in the OUTPUT Tool, as a Mainframe Programmer I could append a time stamp to file names this is helpful when doing batch jobs that are scduled on a server. 

Our organization uses Sharepoint Online store and collaborate on several excel files.  These excel files will serve as an input to our workflows.  Please create an input tool that can save save credentials for sharepoint, then an excel file from sharepoint.

It would be extremely useful if most Alteryx tools had the option to output error records seaparetly. This functionality is already present in most other ETL packages, even freeware ones like Pentaho - Kettle. From its wiki:


Step error handling allows you to configure a step so that instead of halting a transformation when an error occurs, the rows that caused an error are passed to a different step.



I think it would be extremely helpful to have an in-DB Detour so that you could filter a user's information without having to pull it out of DB and then put it back in for more processing.  A time where this would be useful is if you have a large dataset and don't want to pull the entire dataset out of the DB because it will take a long time to pull it.  This would be applicable for filtering a large dataset by a specific state chosen by the user or possibly a region.  The Detour in the developer tools actually seems like it would do the job necessary, it just needs to connect to the In-DB tools.  

Within one of my modules I use the “Find Replace” tool quite often to find keywords within a customer name field.  By chance, I have found that irrespective of what order my keywords are sorted in, Alteryx will look at each word in the customer name and try to match them in order.
For example, the customer name of EAST RIDING YORKSHIRE COUNCIL, when matched to my list of keywords matches the word RIDING before it matches the word COUNCIL, even though COUNCIL appears higher up my list than RIDING does.
I would like to be able to prioritise my keywords so that Alteryx starts at the top and works its way down my list of keywords, rather than just taking the first word in a customer name that matches any of my keywords. Is this possible?

I had an issue with the ARIMA tool using the R function auto.arima() which missed the obvious seasonality in my data set, but when I manually adjusted Model Customization > Customize the parameters used for automatic model creation > The seasonal components > Alter the degree of seasonal differencing and selected 1, the outputs were much better. The problem is that while this fixes my singular ARIMA model, I want to be able to run this through Model Factory too as I have hundreds of data sets on which I'd have to make this adjustment since auto.arima() misses the seasonality on most of them and produces useless results. Apparently I'm not alone in having this issue as I was directed to another comment thread where someone had the same problem and desired fix as me.


TL/DR version -- please make is possible to manually adjust the parameters of the ARIMA Model Factory tool, or at the very least add the option to alter the degree of seasonal differencing.


And for supporting information, here is my thread:


And here is the other thread where a different person had the same issue:

Ability to run. Workflow from failed tool onwards .

If a workflow has 10 tools , if some tools failed with error(at tool5) , in an etl world we don’t want to run it again from beginning, instead we fix the tool (tool5)that had error and run from that tool and finish workflow .tool 5 to tool10.

Most of the times we end up having multiple new workflows open and would have to scram through every tab to identify the correct one. Also when we try to search on Auto saved workflows it appears as  New workflow -1,2,3 etc.


If there could be an option to temporarily name the workflow (like name sheets on excels) before we save,it would be easy and user friendly to identify the workflow as there are multiple iterations that we do before saving few workflows. 




AutoSave ViewAutoSave View



I hadn't used the find/replace tool much until last Inspire conference when a presenter mentioned that it is more performant than a join.  After hearing this, I started to use the tool a bit more and can definitely see the value, especially in cases of partial matches.  That said, the one reason that I am always hesitant to use it over a join tool is that I don't have any way of seeing which records are unaffected by the find/replace operation without several additional tools.  The log gives me a record count, but in order to isolate records, I have to use a join, or filter which defeats the purpose of using the find/replace in the first place.  Also, if I have an automated process using a find/replace, I may just want to add a test or message tool to throw an error or warning if there are unmatched records (for example, if a new lookup value is added to a dataset).  


So I think that these shortcomings could be addressed in two ways:

1. Modify the find/replace tool to include a matched and unmatched output.  I realize that this one may be difficult given the configuration overhaul to a widely-used tool in the Alteryx ecosystem.  Furthermore, the requirement to union the matched and unmatched outputs may be viewed as some as a step backwards from a performance and simplicity standpoint in the tool.  

2. Add an error handling option to the tool itself (similar to the union) to give the user an option to how to handle unmatched records.  While this would only solve the concern over unmatched records slipping through the cracks, it would at least alert me that further investigation is required.

Hi All


I thought that this idea might be helpful for users who wanted to remove or trim specific characters without having to write regex formula or multiple replace formula, so I made some change to data cleansing macro tool and add some new feature that can be used for trimming or replace specific characters without having to spend time to write formula / multifield formula, just need to configure data cleansing tool and it's done 


For example, I trim the quote symbol without having to remove another symbol, or in case there's another quote in the data, Since I use the trim function, it won't remove the quote symbol inside the sentence too, only the quote symbol at the left and right of the sentence.




Also, it can be used to replace a specific word(like find and replace, but without having to create a dataset to replace the word) and can be used for multiple fields,  at the example below I replace NA to 0.







Please allow changes to axis in Profile so it can be relative and not include zero. Per below screenshot, the Profile is not helpful when the axis starts at zero.



When it comes to something going wrong in Alteryx the last thing I can ever remember is the email address to use for support. Instead of trying to remember whether to use customersuccess@ or clientsvcs@ why can't it just simply be support@?


At your time of need, please make it as simple as possible to get help.



I think it would be useful to have an ability to groupby spatialobj in the summarize tool. I currently work around this by using several tools and I think it would be great to use the native summarize tool.

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