Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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When CrossTab is used, string data in fields is converted to field names.  If the data in the data field has a hyphen in it, this is automatically converted to an underscore when it becomes a field name. 


Hyphens are legal in field names, so can we make CrossTab tolerate the string as is without changing it?  If that is a breaking change, could a checkbox be added that allows users to get CrossTab to try to use the text as is and exception if the string is illegal as a field name?


Hyphens are required in the field name when using the Download tool, as some header names like "Content-Type" have hyphens in them.



I think that the sample tool should have a T or F port.


Lets say I want to keep first N records but would like to stream the rest of the data (the not sampled one) somewhere else in my workflow, its possible but it would be easier to have that in the sampler. 




Currently only DateTime based functions are available, Time based functions should be introduced. like TimeAdd(), TimeDiff() etc.

This will help users a lot to calculate different aspects of time based calculations...


Ashok Bhatt

Please add measures of statistical central tendency to the Summarize tool, such as:




Thank you.

I have a process that joins 3 data sets to identify a specific group of data and apply certain ruling. From this created file, I need to extract the data (not the headings) from specific columns and insert into an already existing template. The template has formatting that needs to remain in order for it to function. 


Is this possible? 

Would be nice if in Designer customer's may want to upload and reference  a " DATA DICITIONARY - METADATA REPOSITORY file when working with various input source to transform data . 

Organizations that are mature in their data governance strategy implement special software that extracts, manages and provides access to data dictionary of data assets in multiple databases such as  ERWIN to maintain schema for enterprise. 

Within DESIGNER access to a file METADATA REPOSITORY held in DESIGNER customer may easily select a list of columns  fields or attributes from that file to manipulate data elements using DESIGNER and provide all the relevant information required they wish to massage the data.

Possible Attributes that may be in data dictionary file:

Table name

Column Name

Data Type
Foreign Table


Table Description

Sensitive Data

Required Field


Hello Community,



I was wondering if there is a tool that could de-duplicate records after serializing (or after using Transpose Tool) with a given priority for each field in one of the keys? i.e.


ID Origin Field Name Value
1 B ZIP CODE 15024
1 C ZIP CODE 15024



Assuming for the field name NAME, the priority should be [ A, B ]

ZIP CODE -> [ C, B ]

TYPE -> [ H, D ]

The expected outcome for Id 1 should be -> JACK, 15024, PKL

Record discarded -> PETER, 15024, MID

In this case I'm using ID and Origin as keys in the Transpose Tool.


I just want to make sure there is no other route than the Python Tool.


Thank you



Hi All,


It would be a given wherein IT would have invested effort and time building workflows and other components using some of the tools which became deprecated with the latest versions.


It is good to have the deprecated versions still available to make the code backward compatible, but at the same time there should be some option where in a deprecated tool can be promoted to the new tool available without impacting the code.


Following are the benefits of this approach -


1) IT team can leverage the benefits of the new tool over existing and deprecated tools. For e.g. in my case I am using Salesforce connectors extensibly, I believe in contrast to the existing ones the new ones are using Bulk API and hence are relatively much faster.

2) It will save IT from reconfiguring/recoding the existing code and would save them considerable time.


3) As the tool keeps forward moving in its journey, it might help and make more sense to actually remove some of the deprecated tool versions (i.e. I believe it would not be the plan to have say 5 working set of Salesforce Input connectors - including deprecated ones). With this approach in place I think IT would be comfortable with removal of deprecated connectors, as they would have the promote option without impacting exsiting code - so it would ideally take minimal change time.


In addition, if it is felt that with new tools some configurations has changed (should ideally be minor), those can be published and as part of
promotions IT can be given the option to configure it.



Rohit Bajaj

In SQL, obtaining partial sums in a grouped aggregation is as simple as adding "WITH ROLLUP" to the GROUP BY clause.


Could we get a "WITH ROLLUP" checkbox in the Summary Tool's confg panel in order to produce partial sums?


(This was initiated as a question here.)


Here is an example of without rollup vs. with rollup, in SSMS:



(Replacing "NULL" with the phrase "(any)" or some such, and we have a very useful set of partial sums.


Was thinking with my peers at work that it might be good to have join module expanded both for desktop and in-database joins.


As for desktop join: left and right join shows only these records that are exclusive to that side of operation. Would it be possible to have also addition of data that is in common?

As for in-db join: db join acts like classic join (left with matching, right with matching data). Would it be possible to get as well only-left, only-right join module?



It would help if there is some option provided wherein one can test the outcome of a formula during build itself rather than creating dummy workflows with dummy data to test same.


For instance, there can be a dynamic window, which generates input fields based on those selected as part of actual 'Formula', one can provide test values over there and click some 'Test' kind of button to check the output within the tool itself.


This would also be very handy when writing big/complex formulas involving regular expression, so that a user can test her formula without having to
switch screens to third party on the fly testing tools, or running of entire original workflow, or creating test workflows.

Currently if I receive a file where fields are empty rather than Null(), the summarize won't count them with the CountNull option. Fairly easy to put a formula right before when there is just a couple of fields and change with an IF IsEmpty() but with a file with a large number of fields and large file size, a multiple field tool eats up a lot of time converting.  Not sure if it would just be trading processing speed in the summarize to do basically the same thing.
Hi ,
Today i stuck in one position where my current module gaves an error because it doesnt found the Fields name. I define the field name in Formula tool for validation and harmonization. So as my Fields changes formula is also changes. But i donot want to make any changes in my Module.

So what i am thinking it will be better that we can define a formula in any file format like (.xlsx or .csv) and take the Input in formula tool.
So we do not have to change the module again and again. We just need to change the mapping file against the lates file coming. So we can check the file and define the formula in mapping file.

Thanks in Advance.

Just like there is search bar for Select Tool, there should be one for Data Cleansing tool also.



I spend too much time creating functions and supporting fields to help me aggregate based on dates.  I think that it would be very useful if the Summarize (US spellings....!!!) tool could be extended to include Date Aggregations that were naturally built in such as using a Date field to Group By Year, Month, Date.


I think that this would be a very easy update to the existing functionality and would be very useful as good time could be spent to provide all the usual date / time aggregations pre-made for users.


Kind regards,



The community could benefit from easier integration of splitting and applying functions to grouped data. The summarize tool is great for splitting your data and applying summary statistical functions. It would be super useful to take that block just one step further, and allow users to apply any other (aggregate) function to their grouped data instead of just the built-in functions in the summarize tool. I would envision that aggregate function either being a custom function that is a combination of existing user-specified functions within Alteryx (e.g. in the formula tool) and/or even an interface that allows you to use other Alteryx macros on the grouped data.


Apply user-defined functions, or other powerful Alteryx macros to grouped and data is a very common operation in the data analyst's daily workflows and being able to apply them without reverting to batch/iterative macros in a seamless manner would be naturally helpful.




I have searched the community but haven't found any obvious solutions to this.


When using a cross tab I often find that there shouldn't be any aggregated values and if there is it means there is an issue with my data or workflow.


Therefore I think a useful feature would be an option for the cross tab tool to be able to return an error if it trying to aggregate any values.


I have a work around by using a summarize tool to count the non unique records and then a test to see if there are any duplicates but I think this could be a useful addition to the tool.




It would be helpful to be able to toggle the way the Mode calculation handles two or more "ties." Currently if there is a tie between records, the lower is returned. I have a use case where I would rather have the higher value return if there is a tie. I could also see there being a use for an average between the tied records. Ideally I think there would be three options for a tie: use the 1. lowest value 2. highest value 3. average of tied values. I'm not sure if first/last would also be helpful to have as options.

My use case is for product dimensions. We use the mode to normalize the dimensions (height, width, depth) of products. Because we are using the dimensions for space planning, if the lower value is used there may not be enough space for the product on the shelf. We would rather use the higher of the tied values to make sure we aren't creating a plan where the products won't fit.


recently loaded the new V11 and gettting used to it.  one immediate gripe is the new version of the Formula Tool no longer supports multiple field actions.  In the prior version I could change Data Types on many fields at once.  I could move multiple fields in a block at once.  there were a few other things but these are things I am sorely missing on my first use of V11.  I created about 20 fields in quick succession just getting names down and then going back and putting in formula which were variations on a theme.  When done I noticed the default DataType was V_WString and I wanted integer.  In the past it was no big deal because I could select the block or interspersed fields and then right click to change data type for all to the same data type.  it was very handy and now appears to be gone.  please bring these things back.


Hello Alteryx fans and Devs!


For the Summarise tool - would it be useful to have a "Rank" option for the potential Summarise options we can use? Just a thought!

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