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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Make the CrossTab tool tolerate hyphens in Field Names

When CrossTab is used, string data in fields is converted to field names.  If the data in the data field has a hyphen in it, this is automatically converted to an underscore when it becomes a field name. 


Hyphens are legal in field names, so can we make CrossTab tolerate the string as is without changing it?  If that is a breaking change, could a checkbox be added that allows users to get CrossTab to try to use the text as is and exception if the string is illegal as a field name?


Hyphens are required in the field name when using the Download tool, as some header names like "Content-Type" have hyphens in them.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for your idea and feedback! 


I've updated your labels to provide the correct product teams better visibility into your idea once the necessary criteria have been met. If you haven't yet please be sure to check out our Idea Submission Guidelines, as they go over the idea board requirements, process and best practices in greater detail.

7 - Meteor

Agree that the Cross Tab tool could be optimised in terms of which characters it substitutes, and perhaps offering users the option of overriding the default characters that would be replaced as well as the default replacement characters could be considered.  Not all use cases have the same constraints.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes