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Formula tool in V11 lost ability to do some actions on multiple fields

recently loaded the new V11 and gettting used to it.  one immediate gripe is the new version of the Formula Tool no longer supports multiple field actions.  In the prior version I could change Data Types on many fields at once.  I could move multiple fields in a block at once.  there were a few other things but these are things I am sorely missing on my first use of V11.  I created about 20 fields in quick succession just getting names down and then going back and putting in formula which were variations on a theme.  When done I noticed the default DataType was V_WString and I wanted integer.  In the past it was no big deal because I could select the block or interspersed fields and then right click to change data type for all to the same data type.  it was very handy and now appears to be gone.  please bring these things back.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Under Review

Thanks for the feedback on the Formula tool. I'll take a look at this behavior in V11 compared to V10.6 and consider your feedback in future improvements we make to Formula. 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Not Planned