Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Intelligence added to input tool viz

Hi all,


We were working through some ideas with @BenG and @KatieH about how we can streamline the process of understanding data at the point of bringing this into Alteryx.


We currently have a visual way to see columns that have leading whitespace or null (with the visualitics that have been added to the browse tools) - we can take this further:

  • After any input tool, alteryx looks at the data to see what can be done to help cleanse:
    • for columns that look like they have dates - check cleanliness and offer to add the required tools to get these into a clean date format
    • for columns that look like ZIP codes - offer to check vs. US ZIP codes and cleanup
  • For columns that have leading or trailing whitespace - offer to add a tool to the canvas to clean this up
  • For number columns that have nulls - offer to add a default
  • For columns that have strings that contain dates - quick wizard for any anomalies and then add in the tools to automate this cleanup next time.
  • For columns which are XML - offer to check this for XML errors
  • For any CSV files - check for rows that have different number of columns - and intelligently sideline these


Putting this wizard immediately after input tools, which would then automatically add tools to the canvas to automate the cleanup that we'd agreed during the wizard - we can dramatically reduce / eliminate the cost of the standard data prep tasks.


NOTE: This is exactly how Watson Analytics works when you bring in data, and it makes the process much quicker.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @SeanAdams 

Thank you for detailing out all of these ideas specifics! This is definitely a topic we're exploring as we build out our data profiling features and also in general to help users get started down the right path with their data sets. We're internally starting to build out our vision for how to encourage users in these sorts of ways, so I will be sure to include these examples and ideas as the conversations progress.

Status changed to: Inactive

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1. The idea has not had activity in the form of likes or comments in over a year.

2. The idea has not reached ten likes.

3. The idea is still in the 'New Idea' status. 


However, this doesn't mean your idea won't be implemented! The Community can still like and comment on this idea. With enough renewed interest, this idea can be brought back into the 'New Idea' status. 


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