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Input Tool Bug

7 - Meteor

I am getting this error message: “Error: Input Data (1): You have found a bug.  Replicate, then let us know.  We shall fix it soon.” I am getting the bug with an input tool configured to read a specific shapefile. 

I get the bug even when I just put the input tool on a blank workflow. I have used this tool with this shapefile successfully in the past. I tried downloading the shapefile again from the original source, and I still get the error.


Do you have any suggestions?

18 - Pollux
18 - Pollux

Because of this part "I get the bug even when I just put the input tool on a blank workflow", I would try restarting Alteryx!

7 - Meteor

That was a good idea, but I just tried it, and it was no help. Thank you anyway.

18 - Pollux
18 - Pollux

It might be worth uninstalling/reinstalling too, just to try! Not ideal, but it’s a very odd error. Otherwise reach out to Alteryx via Mission Control and report a bug!

7 - Meteor

Alteryx support helped me.

It was a two-step process. I changed the name of prj file to be different from the other files. I also had to change the name of the folder to be different from the original name that had problems. I ran my workflow without error.

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