Alteryx Connect Knowledge Base

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Since the introduction of Custom Fields in Connect allowing to define your own fields (for example to assign Terms and fill in respective values), we have received many questions on whether you can automatically load these fields. As of now – in Connect 20.3 - the answer is YES; you can do it for database assets! In this article we will show you how.
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Removed Database servers entries in Data Sources assets are recovered by running Redshift_Loader
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Take a look at the new features, fixes, and enhanacements now available in the newest realse of Connect!
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You may have encountered the Download Metadata button missing during SAML configuration on Alteryx Connect.
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To edit the person record selected in a custom field, use the Edit button first and then pick the new person from the drop-down list. Inline editing by an Administrator will change the profile name of the selected person rather than picking a new one.
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The 2021.3 release brings several features such as the Custom Fields Position option, new metadata loader for Microsoft SharePoint online, and some more.
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When clicking Reset Password, a warning regarding an unspecified error pops up.
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We're constantly working to improve your Connect experience. Find out what new features, improvements, and bug fixes we released with this version of Connect! Here is a summary of what has changed in 2019.4.
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The size of the database files depends on the activity made in the system. If you are removing assets from Connect using soft-delete (assets marked as deleted ) the database size is still increasing.
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In this article, you will learn how to update data assets in bulk using the import and export feature in Connect. In our examples we'll be updating data asset owners and changing the group membership of users by exporting, updating, and later importing an XLS file.
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The newest release of Connect is here! With Connect 2020.1, find out what new features and improvements we released! Here is a summary of what has changed.
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Find out what new features, improvements, and bug fixes we released with this version of Connect! The 2020.2 release brings several new features such as new Admin Menu or Active Directory integration.
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We're constantly working to improve your Connect experience. Here's a summary of new features, improvements, and bug fixes in the version 20.3.
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Defining a Lucene query is required for adding items to a new Connect Virtual Folder. Reference the Lucene documents for the items you want to add to find the correct parameters.
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The 2020.4 release brings several features such as Notification Queue, new Custom Field type, the Alteryx Designer Tool Details section for analytic workflows, many improvements for metadata loaders, and more.
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Find out what new features, improvements, and bug fixes we released with this version of Connect! The 2021.2 release brings several new features such as expansion of the Health Checks section, option to prevent creating versions for already loaded content, and more.
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When a user leaves a company or if they are transferred to a different position, it may be neccessary to update the owner of their Connect assets. Note: after a user's access account is disabled, they still will be the owner of the assets they added in Connect.
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Newly Created Users Encountered Error on Login in Connect   Users are not able to log in and encounter the following error:   The Alteryx Connect License is invalid. Contact Alteryx Support for assistance.   Environment   Product - Connect version: 2019.1   Diagnosis   Checking the log in the Administration Console indicates a wrong license has been used.  Please note: The Connect Administrator account will always be able to log in to Connect.  You can also find the logs written locally on the server at %ConnectInstallPath%\logs\Catalina.out           04:31:51.971 [http-nio-8080-exec-2] ERROR cz.semanta.xf3.license.License - This system has 4 physical cores, but the license only allows 2 04:31:51.971 [http-nio-8080-exec-2] ERROR c.s.x.s.Xf3AuthenticationProvider - Failed to login user The Alteryx Connect license is invalid. Contact Alteryx Support for assistance.           Cause   The error is due to using an invalid license on the Connect server.   Solution   This issue is resolved after obtaining and installing the correct license for the server.
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