Alteryx Connect Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Connect experts.
If you see this warning when attempting to collect metadata from your Alteryx Private Gallery, verify that the version of Alteryx Server and the version of Alteryx Connect match. That is a requirement for proper function.
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The purpose of this article is to describe the steps how to deploy Connect on the MS SQL database.
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Please see Maintaining Data Lineage for details and requirements before your metadata harvest. After ensuring you’ve downloaded the latest Connect Metadata loaders from the live downloads page, simply proceed with the steps below to upload MySQL Database metadata to your Alteryx Connect instance!
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There are some common issues that may arise in the harvesting of metadata and it’s our hope that this guide will help you diagnose them with ease!
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After ensuring you’ve downloaded the latest Connect Metadata loaders from the live downloads page, simply proceed with the steps below to upload Gallery workflows and Alteryx Insights metadata to your Alteryx Connect instance!
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All the steps to install and license your own Connect instance!
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The user and admin help documentation explain that terms can be added one at a time, or in a batch. Here are the steps to bulk load.
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The purpose of this document is to describe the manual steps to deploy Alteryx Connect on the PostgreSQL database. This document is valid for Alteryx Connect 2020.2 or newer.
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