Alteryx Connect Ideas

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as per the title, when selecting "Use in workflow" a user should have the option to connect with the in-db tools when applicable rather than being stuck on a green input tool with an odbc connection. Ditto when searching from the omnibox in designer. 

In order for us to make sense of Connect assets in an environment with hundreds of users; thousands of canvasses and databases etc - we need to strongly categorise and describe every asset using mandatory tags.


Every asset needs to have mandatory tags

- The admin team set up the list of tags which are required for different types of assets 

- For example - every Alteryx Canvas may need Product; Process; Team - every DB table may need Product and Tech Team


Admin team need to be able to define these tags and the acceptable values (which can be a tree)


When searching for assets - these meta-tags need to be available as filters



    • Asset is identified by the scanners and brought into Connect
    • Owner is then required to describe their asset using the mandatory tags set up by the admin team
      • Product (this is a tree that would be controlled centrally – admin can add or update this list; users have to select 1 or more products that this canvas relates to)
      • Business line
      • Team (tree based)
      • Is this regulatory (Y/N)
      • Public / Private
      • Plain-text description
      • In this case – every asset needs 6 tags; with the taxonomy(valid values) controlled centrally

CC: @DavidM @Arianna_Fuller

The addition of the On-Premise PowerBI loader is very beneficial. The current loader grabs PBI workspaces, workbooks, dashboards, and database connections all important to the PBIX files. It would also be an huge benefit if Connect could capture Paginated Reports (RDL file extension) information. 


Thank you.


Jason Melik



In order to fully manage our server environment, across hundreds of users, we need to be able to add a flexible set of metadata tags to each App/Workflow/Canvas - this needs to be configured by client environment, and we need to make these fields mandatory when a user submits a canvas to the gallery.


For example:

- Division / Subdivision: This is a hierarchical tag that indicates which area this canvas belongs to

- BI Team: Team name from list

- Owner: Kerberos - tied to LDAP

- Business Process: one or more business processes that this canvas belongs to


This would allow us to do enterprise-wide monitoring within the context of our environment; and appropriately deal with any failures.


CC: @rijuthav @jithinmony @HengHe @RajK @ydmuley @revathi @Deeksha @MPistone @Ari_Fuller @Arianna_Fuller @JoshKushner @samnelson @avinashbonu @Sunder_Sriram @Rahul_Thakur @Rahul_Singh

Hello Alteryx team,


Can you please includeSAP Crystal Reports loader in the Connect for Future Release.




Hi Alteryx team,


Would it be possible to add functionality to restrict selected Designer users/licenses Input Data tool to only show a Connect source/file?


This would remove the risk of users investigating data through Designer that they are not be entitled to, and could be used to support/strengthen a data governance/compliance model by ensuring users are only using vetted data, but still gives each user freedom to self-serve and create their own workflows.


Thanks for considering,


Hi Alteryx team,


I understand that tags applied in the Alteryx Gallery are a completely different tags from the tags within Connect.


Would it be possible to sync these two and when loading Gallery metadata into Connect (workflows), load and apply also the tags?


Thank you


The current "File_Loader" only pushes data to the Data Sources section in connect. We have a number of reports that are stored in a file location. Our current option is to bring the report into connect under 'Data Sources' and manually move them to 'Reports'. We have to do this every time the file_load is ran. Additionally, the are currently shown as inputs to workflows when they should be outputs.


Having a file loader for Reports would be greatly beneficial to document within the Connect Platform.

Change localization from the system level to the user level. This allows select interface language individually for each user. 

Some of our potential customers - multi-cultural companies would like to have this flexibility.

When adding a link to another Alteryx object ("Link to page") or a custom field with a picker, only 7 results are returned and there is no way to get beyond this. For example, if the thing I want to link to doesn't have a unique enough name, or there are multiple items with a similar name, then I cannot "choose" the correct item to link to and I am stuck.


Via the normal Search you can go to Advanced Search to find the item you are linking to, but there is no further option for custom field picker or Link to page....


The only hack workaround I have found is to temporarily rename the item I want to link to to something unique that won't be found elsewhere in Alteryx, and then rename it back after creating the link. Not something I want to recommend to our end users of Connect! This seems to be a big limitation.

Hello, for me it would be great if the Connect did not compile all the scripts after saving a single config file as its compicating me work with config files.

Can't really tell if you've clicked the Like button already...

Seems like it goes from a dark grey to a light black. 

And the tooltip always shows "Like"


Please change the Liked object to blue; like when you hover over it. 

And also update the tooltip for Liked objects to say "Unlike".

We are implementing 19.2 of Connect after trialling 19.1. Our users are missing seeing the Search option and when I look back at the old version it seems much more obvious than from the 19.2 version. It would be good to have the search much more obvious from a UI perspective.



I understand it is possible to integrate the users from active directory into Connect but there is no functionality to import actual user groups. Is that something that can be added to the roadmap?




This would be a great improvement for Connect.


We spend hours on structuring the content within Alteryx Connect so that it serve all users.

We group schemas and databases into themes like "Sales", "Finance", "HR" and so on.

This makes it very easy for users to find what data we have available.

The same we do for workflows, macros and other content.


The problem is that our metadata loaders run every day to make sure our data is up-to-date.

Each run resets custom grouping. Making organizing content totally pointless.


Please vote for this idea

Can we have about me section in the profile? just add a description box. This will allow people to add their expertise and more information about themselves.

A lot of information is not captured when colleagues run numerous SQL codes on server. Oracle, SQL Server, Azure and others...

Would there be a clever way of capturing and archiving all this queries run?


It may be wise to collect these for several reasons;

  1. SQL code profiling is an important matter especially for DB admins. You can see the most required tables and fields etc.
  2. Also have a grasp on most frequent and time consuming joins to enhance DB performance
  3. Figure the queries that can be replicated in Alteryx and deployed to a server so that no business user needs to run SQL code instead  they will be reverted to the gallery.


So found out a similar feature is now available in SQL Server 2016 -->  



Hello All,


We are new to Alteryx and we could see that the Supported Data Sources from IBM are of below :

  • IBM DB2
  • IBM Netezza/Pure Data Systems

How about adding IBM Sterling to this?

We want Alteryx to support connection with IBM Sterling OMS which will help the Business requirements

Can anyone post some suggestions on this? How we can connect to Sterling?



Praveen C


If you remove the configuration of the SMTP server while you are in development, (the current solution to spamming users with notifications during the setup period of the data catalog) then put the SMTP server configuration back in when you are finished setup, all the changes that have happened in the interim will not be sent as a bulk send. This a risk when an email server is unavailable for a period of time that notifications for changes/comments/tasks will be missed.


Once the ability to switch notifications on and off is implemented, I think it would be worth reviewing how feasible this is.

The email notifications that are received are not easily marked or flagged/prefixed as coming from Alteryx. I expect that this may be on purpose so that data owners can't "hide" from changes/comments on their areas of expertise, but from a time management point of view, it would be good to be able to flag them in some way so that a rule can be run on them in the users inbox, and they can batch up their reviews/answers.