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The Product Idea boards have gotten an update to better integrate them within our Product team's idea cycle! However this update does have a few unique behaviors, if you have any questions about them check out our FAQ.

Alteryx Connect Ideas

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Certified objects should appear in the top of any search.


Today it has no effect on the search if a object is certified. Certified objects should be boosted in the search.


In the administration console, Connect configuration, search boost it should be possible to ad weight to certified objects

We're working through an implementation of Connect - and it appears that every time Connect scans the Alteryx or Tableau environment, it does a full reload of all canvasses / workbooks.


However - we have several thousand tableau dashboards & alteryx canvasses - so this creates a significant delay on running the loaders, and we'd want to run these loaders every few hours so that Connect has up-to-date information (or at most 24 hours out of date).    Running a full export and scan is causing this load to take a very long time to run.


Can we change the default behaviour for all the loaders to use a delta-load rather than doing a full scan - i.e. only pull out assets that have changed since the last load?


 cc: @nganesha @Kosi



Hi Alteryx,


Currently, it is only possible to map first name, last name and email via SAML. Would it be possible to enable mapping of aliases? The idea is, that we cannot map first name and last name with the Full Name field because they are not unique. At the moment, we are pushing email into both Full Name and Email fields, because emails are unique for us. In addition to this, it would be convenient if the Alias(es) field could be mapped via SAML as well. In this way, not only emails but also real names would be automatically present in Connect.


Thank you.




Connect provides users an ability to Certify/Decertify asset or mark the asset as "Do Not Use". 


Problem Statement: Canvases are published to production gallery and scheduled when there is a need for the output without any single person dependency. but when the canvas output is no longer required, users not always remove the canvases or schedules from production gallery. 


Idea: In order to ensure the Server is utilized only for those canvases that are in use, we would like to have a re certification process of assets at regular intervals. eg. Re certification of a canvas required every 6 months from the date of publication to gallery. 


With Connect - we can request users to certify or decertify or mark as Do not use but we will not be able to capture or track the re certification of an asset.  


Ask: Functionality in Connect to recertify assets at regular intervals or ability to decertify assets in bulk based on the publication date, so that we can request the users to certify again.  

 cc: @ @jalvarezv  @LizaNemchynova @

The asset sniffers are currently rudimentary - they are Alteryx Analytical Apps which need to be created by the admin team and then scheduling these.


This could be better controlled by a simple UI in the Connect Admin portal rather than requiring users to create their own jobs in Alteryx to do the sniffing. 


CC: @DavidM @Arianna_Fuller

Hi Alteryx team,


It would be great to have a loader for Azure HDInsight. I am aware that there is a loader available for HDFS but a lot of companies are migrating to HDInsight.


Thank you very much for considering this idea.



Jan Laznicka

Hi Alteryx team,


It would be great if it was possible to install/upgrade and configure Alteryx Connect using scripts. This would enable us to deploy Alteryx Connect using script deployment tools such as Urbancode Deploy. This functionality was recently requested by one of our customers, who has most of their application installations/upgrades automated this way.


Thank you very much for considering this idea.


Kind regards,
