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Alteryx Community Ideas

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It would be great if there were a way to see the all the product ideas I've starred. Right now, if I want to review those ideas I'm going to need to scroll through all of them looking for gold stars. Perhaps some kind of activity log in the user profile could provide us with this information?


When I surf around the community, a quick survey pops up

It does so simultaneously in multiple open pages and even though you complete one the others start popping again...

And I receive the survey nearly everytime I log on... It gets a little annoying...



It would be great if we could subscribe to our User Group so that updates are sent via email just like other parts of the community.

It would be great to have a forum for users/partners to submit their solutions to each of the weekly challenges (moreso the advanced ones). 


Would be a good way to see how others have approached problems, and create a bit of competition as to who can get the 'slickest' answer!

It would be useful to be able to copy and paste images directly into the discussion forums. In heavily locked down IT environments, such as at my current client site, it's not possible to use the insert/edit image button. The only way I can load an image to a discussion is to copy into a word doc and attach it.


The Tableau forums allow a simple copy/paste of an image into their forums, implementing that same functionality into the Alteryx forum would be a big help. Even for users who are able to load images it would save them time, instead of having to save an image then upload, ctrl-c ctrl-v is much quicker.


I was speaking to a new customer this week and they really like the Community but they wondered if it would be possible to include an area in the Discussion Section for topics that are more centric to areas of interest and industry specific questions.  The example I was given was around survey data.


The customer mentioned that the Tableau Forum has something similar and that they felt this was missing from ours.


I'm not aware that this area already exists in the Community but it seems a good idea to me as all the sections at the moment are very product centric.



I love using "Reply" in email notifications but I've noticed that the reply in community has breaks, e.g.


Is this a feature, a bug or something I'm doing? If it could be fixed that would be great as it detracts from my reply.

Looking through the Top Ideas I was struck by how many are already in the product and marked as "Now Available" - this is fantastic but it does make navigating this view difficult. Could we remove them and move them into a "Now Available" view so we can see what great work the Product Team and Devs are doing at listening to the community?



Could we add a DATA category so we can share links to different (open source) datasets? For example, it took me a while to find a RELIABLE source for past US election data and other Alteryx users may benefit from it.

2012 federal election results:

or past elections:

or shapefiles containing county polygons with results for 2012/2008:


Which post am I starring below? The lines below the attachment serve to separate out the post above and make the Star and Reply buttons appear to belong to the post below. This isn't clear to me, let alone new users of the site. Can the theme be improved to make this separation clearer.



It would be great if we could attached multiple files in a single post/reply. Thank you!

Maybe I missed (if so, please tell me where is it), but a "Remember Me" or "Stay Connected" option would be great, so our sessions doesn't end (I keep this webpage opened almost all day).


I may have missed it, but I can't easily tell if a post that has been starred by others has been starred by me. In my opinion the star should remain hollow until I have starred it, in which case it should go yellow. The text next to the star tells me the total stars the post has recieved, so the extra indicator is currently superfluos.



It would be really nice to be able to sort Discussion Forum posts by the 4 stats that you give for each -- Unread, Replies, Stars, Views

I bookmarked a Discussion posting but the only way I could see how to find it afterward was to go into my settings or my subscriptions. It would make sense for bookmarks to be a separate section on the main community page, along with Discussion, Ideas, KnowledgeBase, Blogs, etc.

When I recieved a notification of a private message (see screenshot below), the font was Times New Roman.


I guess it could have been worse . . . it could have been the font that dare not speak its name.


I suggest a change to be a more appealing san-serif font.








Is there a way that I can view all of the forums posts which have 0 replies?  I've used this on another forum to find topics to respond to.

Took me forever to figure out what my username was to log into this site. As it turns out, it was my email address.
So instead of asking user for username, maybe ask for email address since that's what it seems to be?

Also, add an 'Other' or 'Site' category to the categories pull down menu on the post idea page.

Finally, Create a mod or AA so we can post/submit ideas remotely.