Alteryx Community Ideas

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Hi all! 


Just had a fun thought over Christmas and didn't find the time to post it. But the general idea is to increase participation in User Groups, and to have more unique flairs to it. 



I think being part of a UG is pretty cool - but having badges that are designed to the UG location would add more flair to it and encourage people to explore UGs too. Tableau does this in a pretty cool way, an example is how they design base on location like for Singapore:



Joining badges helps users to know about UGs and contribute within. Having more activities is fun!



Have UG badges that indicate contributions within as well. For example, being a proactive member by hosting several UGs or events should warrant some form of badge / honor as well. 


I think small pockets can hang out on their own online and have sessions that can help one another. One problem is that UGs are usually dependent on UG Leaders organizing, but if individual users can setup sessions and share their sessions would be good and should be counted too. This helps current UG Leaders find talent and also to plan for succession should a UG Leader wish to step down. 



Having more support from AYX on these programs. I know hosting events and catering is expensive in general. Support from Alteryx in the form of USD 150 per UG setup is already pretty neat. It would be great if we can have more support - some arrangement can be made I'm sure. 


That's all I have for now! Will comment to add more.


We don't have any place to post idea about the cloud products. Since it's clearly new products, isn't it relevant to ask your users about what they need?

Best regards,




I don't think the "Revisit" status is useful. What we want to know is the probability/delay of the idea to be released and "revisit" doesn't offer any information about that.

Best regards,


Curious if folks in the transportation industry would be interested in re-invigorating an Alteryx supported member-led transportation user group? Sounds like @NeilFisk and @williamchan are willing to lead the charge and from an Alteryx perspective, it would be helpful to gauge interest from potential members to inform bringing this group back under the User Groups wheelhouse.


Give this idea a "like" to let us know you'd be excited about joining a Transportation group in community and getting involved in quarterly meetings. If you're willing to speak, host, lead, please comment as well ;-)


In the meantime, Neil and William are hoping to connect with folks at Inspire Denver 2022


If you work in a different industry and are interested in other Industry user groups, please create a new Community idea, add the user group label, and share what you have in mind. 

We all loved the District section of the old Gallery, it was the single most important page of the old Gallery as it was allowing to quickly find high quality tools, no matter if built by Alteryx or Community.


In the current Gallery we are completely missing the categories for Alteryx built macros / connectors / tools, as well as we don't have a category for ACE-built tools. Right now, the Gallery is still in it's early days, but it's already hard to find the things that we are looking for. I often reference Gallery-Macros in the training and customer sessions. In the past I knew where to send the people (Districts Page), nowadays I don't. There is no single page that shows what is really important and quality proven. 


I like that we are able to tag what we upload, but there is no way to differentiate from quality builds and "others". I don't want to call people out here.


Take a look at the following page:



I'm sure that's amazing content and has its right to stay on the Gallery, but I'm pretty sure we aren't searching for this or shall we upload all our exercises and weekly challenges to the new Gallery?


We need:

- Alteryx Category

- ACE Category

- Quality Content flag


Theoretically there is the following (hidden) option - but it's only available on sub-pages.




And it's not really well maintained from what we can see. Let's take a look what's supported by Alteryx in the Automation Category:



And now let's take a look at the full page:



Alteryx has a technology alliance with Blueprism -  shouldn't we trust their content? The official Blue Prism Connector is not supported by Alteryx? And their macro as well. How shall I explain to my customers that these are "semi-official" (because not part of core-product) tools if they aren't even flagged as Alteryx-supported?


There are many more examples where even Macros from the AlteryxProducts account are not flagged as supported by Alteryx (e.g. Runner macro). 


There needs to be a single page that shows all high-quality builds, as well as we need a page for all Alteryx / ACE tools to make it easier for everyone.



