Alteryx Community Ideas

What can we do to make your Alteryx Community experience better? Let us know!

ability to sort and group/filter index for weekly challenges and live training videos

Is it possible for the video training index and weekly challenge index to be embedded as an interactive table that can be sorted and filtered to each community user's individual preference especially for videos. The alphabetical sorting of the videos is not user-friendly when you just want to see the Spatial analytics videos sorted by date order or Alteryx version. Some training sessions were repeated and I want to easily pick the latest training for the particular topic (e.g. Parsing Dates and Times). I may want to group the videos by a particular topic or difficulty level especially when preparing for certification exams. Alphabetical order is not the best order for someone using it to preparing for exams.


We have a lot of weekly challenges and being able to search, sort and filter will make it more user-friendly when using for exam preparation. I would like to be able to group the challenges by topic and sort by level of difficulty so that I can easily work my way in progressive level of difficulty from top to bottom within a particular topic. Outside exam preparation, chronological order from newest to oldest works better as we now have a large number of weekly challenges accumulated and not having to scroll down to get to the latest challenge would be most welcome.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Accepted

Hi @Gopinaath 



Great suggestion. We're currently planning some awesome improvements to the Alteryx Academy and something like this is on our radar. While I can't relay too much detail quite yet, I'll be sure to share our plans once we firm things up. Thank you for taking the time to share your idea - keep them coming! 



8 - Asteroid

Great to hear. Thank you for the update @TreyW