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Alteryx Community Ideas

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Append Fields: Option to Suppress Warning when both source and target streams are empty

The Append Fields tool will issue a Warning if/when the Source data stream has no records that reads something like this:

Append Fields (823) There are no records present in the source.


I can imagine many situations when this issue should be flagged as a Warning. However, I have use cases when both the Source and Target data streams are expected to be empty. Because it is a common, expected scenario, I do not want it flagged as a Warning for the user. 


My Idea: provide another option to suppress warnings for this situation.


Perhaps it could be a standalone checkbox, for example:

                 [x] Suppress Warning when both source and target streams are empty


Alternatively, the tool currently has 3 options to manage warnings or errors related to "too many" records. Perhaps this could be added as a 4th option to the dropdown list, although that would necessitate changing the label slightly.


1 Comment
6 - Meteoroid
Status changed to: Under Review