The Location Data Knowledge Base will be deprecated soon. Please go to Help Docs for release notes and schedules and the Knowledge Base for in-depth information.

Location Data Knowledge Base

Data methodologies, and Release schedules.
The Q4 2021 Business and Location Insights data packages are now available to plug into your analytic processes. The packages include analytics-ready data from a variety of vendors as well as data-specific analysis tools which will empower users to get the most from the packaged data.
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While attempting a network installation of a data package, this error appeared: Error: The process cannot access the file DataInstall.ini because it is being used by another process while preparing network install.
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We have identified an issue with the Consumer Expenditure variables defined in the VVF files installed with the Q2 2021 Experian US Allocate dataset, specifically Current Year Estimates (2021) - Total Expenditure (TCTOTALEXP) and Five-Year Estimates (2026) – Total Expenditure (TFTOTALEXP).
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The Q2 2021 Business and Location Insights data packages are now available to plug into your analytic processes.
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This article will walk through the Network data installation process and is intended for Admins.
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This article will walk through the standard data installation process.
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This note is to alert users of Alteryx 8.6 to 10.1 of a potentialmessage window that may appear after updating the US andCanadian CASS engine.
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Guide to CASS installation to a network location
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This note is to alert users of Alteryx 8.6 to 10.5 of an error message that may appear if a user previously installed the combined US and Canada CASS dataset and then in subsequent data updates separately installs CASS for a single country.
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I updated a dataset and now my workflow is looking for a weirdly named vintage?
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You may have noticed a longer than usual list of map styles in Alteryx over the past year. This is because in version 2019.4 we introduced a bevy of new maps from our mapping partner, Mapbox. These were added in addition to the existing map styles from our previous provider, Carto.
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The Q4 2020 Business and Location Insights data packages are now available for your analysis.
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What to do when you see the "CASS engine appears to not be installed" error.
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Behavior Analysis users installing Q3 2016 US Experian data should read!
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Access is denied when user attempts to install CASS datasets both Locally and at the Network level
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The Q2 2020 Business and Location Insights data packages are now available for your analysis. The packages include analytics-ready data from a variety of vendors as well as data-specific analysis tools which will empower users to get the most from the packaged data. Here’s what you have to look forward to in this release!
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The Q3 2020 Business and Location Insights data packages are now available for your analysis. The packages include analytics-ready data from a variety of vendors as well as data-specific analysis tools which will empower users to get the most from the packaged data. Here’s what you have to look forward to in this release!
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Have you recently updated your Alteryx version, and now are getting an error when you try to run workflows that use Spatial Data? This article outlines the symptoms, diagnosis, and solution for the Error: “The Designer .x64 reported: InboundNamedPipe::ReadFile: Not enough bytes read. Overlapped I/O operation is in progress.” message associated with Spatial Tools.
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When installing the US Business Insights data package on an external drive that is connected by USB, an extract error from the Alteryx Data Manager may occur.
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This question comes up frequently because some of the US Data and Spatial datasets are HUGE and we want to ensure there's enough hard drive space available.  To help users better anticipate hard drive requirements, file sizes are included on the installation media in the Documentation folder of the update in a Excel worksheet. The .xlsx is titled Alteryx Qx 201x Variable List and includes file sizes for the United States and Canada in a worksheet labeled File sizes.  File sizes reflect the installed file size.   If you have questions or comments about this table, send an email to 
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