The Location Data Knowledge Base will be deprecated soon. Please go to Help Docs for release notes and schedules and the Knowledge Base for in-depth information.

Location Data Knowledge Base

Data methodologies, and Release schedules.
Download and install instructions for the Spatial data installs.
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Download and install instructions for the Data (US) install on AWS3.
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Download and install instructions for the Data (US and Canada) data installs.
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This post pertains to any user that downloaded the US Spatial (Q4 2018) package from the Downloads & Licenses portal between the initial release on Wednesday, February 20th, and ~1:30pm EST on Friday, March 1st. You'll know that you have the outdated download package if you do not see 'TomTom US Q4 2018' on the 'Install' screen under the 'Drivetime Datasets' section.   The initial package did not contain the TomTom US Q4 2018 Drivetime data (Guzzler). Should users require the Q4 2018 US Drivetime data, they'll need to download the updated package and rerun the install. Fortunately only a portion of the install needs to be executed unless a Network Install was used. After downloading and extracting the updated package, you can upgrade the TomTom US Q4 2018 Drivetime data with the following steps (for local installation).   Run AlteryxDataInstall.exe and select 'None', then only select the Drivetime dataset. Uninstall TomTom US Q3 2018 if desired. Finish the installation as usual and be sure to restart Designer to refresh the list of available data sets. For customers that utilize the Network Installation process, the simplest approach would be to prepare a full network install in a new location, then ask users to uninstall the entire data package and re-register from the new location (as the registration process is quick to execute).   We apologize for the inconvenience. Please feel free to post questions below.   Jerad Rades Team Lead, Data Products
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