The Location Data Knowledge Base will be deprecated soon. Please go to Help Docs for release notes and schedules and the Knowledge Base for in-depth information.

Location Data Knowledge Base

Data methodologies, and Release schedules.
The Q1 2022 Business and Location Insights data packages are now available to plug into your analytic processes. The packages include analytics-ready data from a variety of vendors as well as data-specific analysis tools which will empower users to get the most from the packaged data.
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The Q1 2020 Business and Location Insights data packages are now available for analysis. The packages include analytics-ready data from a variety of vendors as well as data-specific analysis tools which will empower users to get the most from the packaged data.
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The scheduled releases for the 2022 Business and Location Insights and CASS.
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The upcoming CASS release for February 2022 was originally planned for Monday, February 28th 2022. Unfortunately we will need to delay this release until Tuesday, March 1st 2022.
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The Q4 2021 Business and Location Insights data packages are now available to plug into your analytic processes. The packages include analytics-ready data from a variety of vendors as well as data-specific analysis tools which will empower users to get the most from the packaged data.
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The Q3 2021 Business and Location Insights data packages are now available to plug into your analytic processes. The packages include analytics-ready data from a variety of vendors as well as data-specific analysis tools which will empower users to get the most from the packaged data.
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The Data Products team has identified the deprecated field CASS_StatusCode included in the US and Canada Dun & Bradstreet Analytical File.  This field will be removed for the Q3 2021 Business and Location Insights release since the field had been replaced with CASS_ErrorCode long ago. We are making this post to notify any users currently running workflows referencing CASS_StatusCode so they can adjust their workflows before this update.   
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The Q2 2021 Business and Location Insights data packages are now available to plug into your analytic processes.
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The Q2 2019 Business and Location Insights data packages are now available for analysis. The packages include analytics-ready data from a variety of vendors as well as data-specific analysis tools which will empower users to get the most from the packaged data.
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The Q4 2020 Business and Location Insights data packages are now available for your analysis.
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The US and CA Data and Spatial Bundles contains many datasets, including the Melissa Data CASS engine.  While the US and CA Data Bundles are updated every quarter, CASS is updated every 2 months.  Luckily, the install file size for CASS is just over 1gb, so we are able to provide this update as a download.  Once downloaded, a few simple steps will get you on your way to using the most updated version of CASS. On occasion though, users have reported a few issues with being unable to utilize CASS.  Because of this, we have decided to provide full download and install instructions, with a final portion of frequent questions and issues.   To install the latest CASS: Download the latest version of CASS.  This is sent via email from Alteryx Products on a bi-monthly basis and will be in the format of the following: YY is the current year and MM is the current month release of CASS.  Double-click on the .exe file.  This starts the 7-Zip Self-Extractor.  Choose a location where you would like to extract the install files. IMPORTANT: This does not actually install the files, it only extracts the install files. Once the install files have been extracted, located and double-click the file DataInstall.exe.  This will be in the directory you just extracted to in the previous step. When the install dialogue pops up, check the box to accept the license agreement and click Next. The next screen allows you to select datasets to install.  Depending on which install you've chosen, you will see the option to install US, Canada, or both versions of CASS.  Check all boxes, then click Next.  This screen displays all current datasets installed on your machine.  Checking any box here will uninstall the dataset.  By default, the previous version of CASS will be checked for uninstall.  Make sure all prior versions of CASS are checked, then click Next. IMPORTANT: You must uninstall all previous versions of CASS during this process.  If you have any expired versions of CASS on your local machine, no other versions of CASS will work properly. Browse to the directory you wish to install CASS to, then click Finish. Once the above steps have been completed, you will be able to use CASS on your local machine. FAQ/Common Errors: Error: CASS (2): CASS is not installed properly or it has expired. Please contact your reseller or Client Services at 1-866-516-2400 1-866-516-2400 FREE to receive an updated CASS database. This is often because a prior version of CASS is still installed.  Re-run DataInstall.exe and make sure all prior versions of CASS are checked in the Uninstall screen. CASS was installed on a network drive and permissions are not allowing you to see it.  Try re-running DataInstall.exe and install CASS on a local drive. Error: CASS (1): The Melissa Data CASS engine appears to not be installed (can't find dll). This is often the result of mismatched registry entries or install folders.  Please contact for resolution. In most cases, the solutions for error 1 above will resolve your issue, but if not please don't hesitate to reach out to for handling. Thanks, and until next time! Chad Follow me on Twitter! @AlteryxChad 
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The Q2 2020 Business and Location Insights data packages are now available for your analysis. The packages include analytics-ready data from a variety of vendors as well as data-specific analysis tools which will empower users to get the most from the packaged data. Here’s what you have to look forward to in this release!
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The Q3 2020 Business and Location Insights data packages are now available for your analysis. The packages include analytics-ready data from a variety of vendors as well as data-specific analysis tools which will empower users to get the most from the packaged data. Here’s what you have to look forward to in this release!
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The Q1 2021 Business and Location Insights data packages are now available to plug into your analytic processes.
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You know what really stinks? Working with addresses that aren’t standardized or verified. Whether human-input, or one of the many address formatting standards in the U.S., being stuck with an address you can’t either (1) identify or (2) ensure it exists can be a real pain in the… well…\n  \n CASS is here to help!
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The Q4 2019 Business and Location Insights data packages are now available for analysis. The packages include analytics-ready data from a variety of vendors as well as data-specific analysis tools which will empower users to get the most from the packaged data.
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 Unfortunately at this time, non-U.S. and Canadian geocoding is performed via API calls, and as such, requires an Internet connection.
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For 2020, these are the scheduled release dates for the standard Data packages.
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Canada Business Insights customers, formerly "Canada Data", may have noticed that we've built up our 2016 Statistics Canada demographic variables inventory over the past handful of releases. The 2016 demographic data is accessed via the Demographic Analysis toolset by selecting Statistics Canada 2016 Census in the drop down. In addition, we deliver 2011 Statistics Canada demographics as Canada Data within the same drop down. Both data sets receive quarterly updated Forward Sortation Areas and geography summarized business counts.   Effective with the Q3 2019 Insights data release, update efforts will be focused on the 2016 census only; we will no longer update the 2011 Statistics Canada data set. We will continue to provide the 2011 data set without updates in the installation package through the Q2 2020 release.   Please let us know if you have any questions.
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Greetings Everyone!   The Q3 2019 Business and Location Insights data packages are now available for analysis. The packages include analytics-ready data from a variety of vendors as well as data-specific analysis tools which will empower users to get the most from the packaged data. All data packages are available via the Downloads & Licenses portal. US & Canada Business Insights customers will receive their hard drives later this week, but they are also welcome to download the data from the portal.   All documentation packages are included in the attached .zip archive. Be sure to take a look at some of the recent articles in the Location Data Knowledge Base which will help you get started with your Insights packages. There are articles related to installation, mapping, and many more.   Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns by commenting below.   Happy Alteryxing!
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The Canada Data package includes analytics-ready data from TomTom, Dun & Bradstreet and Statistics Canada as well as data-specific analysis tools to get the most from the packaged data. The documentation package includes –   Release notes, variable list and change log D&B Analytical file - data description, SIC lookup code, penetration report Spatial products include documentation on drive time methodology and Alteryx map layers   Release Documentation download:
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