Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Designer Desktop experts.
When doing Teradata bulk loader There's no difference between the two output options Append (Ignore Duplicate Rows) and Append (Mark duplicate Rows).
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DE30000 / GDC-1220: Snowflake Receive "ERROR: SQLPrepare: SQL compilation error:¶duplicate alias 'Tool1_7c8a' when using Inner Join In-DB Tool with the same Table" when using Inner Join In-DB Tool
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Receive Error: " The query resulted in multiple columns named "FIRST_NAME". Please resolve your query to return uniquely named columns." with Connect In-DB tool when query has a Join (Inner Join, Right Join, etc)
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A workflow that generates a new column with the DateTime tool fails after being run 1000 times.
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Troubleshooting Database Connections
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We are proud to introduce you to the Manage Data Connection functionality in 11.0!
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Alteryx allows you to connect to many different types of data sources. One type of data source you can connect to is a database. Examples of databases are SQL Server, Oracle, Teradata, and MongoDB;  amongst many others. There are several connection methods to connect to database sources including ODBC, OleDB, or natively.
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The ODBC connection error "Netsuite ODBC Connection Error "[NetSuite][ODBC 64bit driver][OpenAcess SDK SQL Engine]You have entered an invalid e-mail address, password or context (AccountID, RoleID) information" occurs when connecting to NetSuite via a Input Data tool.
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While using the OneDrive connector (v2.0.1) and authenticating with the option "Service Principal" you get the error "Failed to authenticate"
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If you have installed a Designer 2020.2 and later (along with having an active license for them) but the Intelligence suite tools seem to be missing you can follow these steps to reinstall them.
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A walkthrough of installing prophet onto your Designer Python Tool Environment using conda-forge
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This article includes the steps needed to obtain the Client ID and Client Secret from the Google account. This is to be used for the Optional OAuth2 Overrides option on the Alteryx Google Sheets connector.
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When accessing the MongoDB that is backing the Alteryx server using the MongoDB Input tool reading in AS_Schedules, AS_Queue, AS_Applications, AS_Results collections for analysis in a workflow, it throws the error "MongoDB Input: cursor id not found: generic server error" for larger collections
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This article is for how to fix the error for registration only loading the c# headers in Designer.
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When installing R you get the error "lib = c:/program files/Alteryx/R-3.6.3/library" is not writable
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Below is a quick overview of how the different types of database connections appear within "workflow dependencies." This will help determine and compare different connection types from a quick glance.
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How To: Gather ODBC Logs for troubleshooting
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When trying to add a license key to Alteryx License Server an error - The System cannot find the file specified - may be seen if the password contains a pipe character |
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This article describes how to locate the Workbook.ipynb file behind the Python Tool in order to check access rights and resolve certain errors (most commonly, 404 errors).
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This article reviews the usage and common pitfalls of floating point numbers.
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