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Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Designer Desktop experts.
Occasionally, users might have issues when it comes to installing the predictive tools on their machines. The first common error (show below) can occur when first trying to install predictive tools after finishing a 64-bit Alteryx Designer installation.
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The error above is usually due to a company firewall restriction. If you are receiving the error above when installing, please download run the individual installers from this page:
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For Python-based tool developers, a guide to including wheel files within your tool installer.
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Upgrade from Alteryx 11.7 or prior to the Latest Version in 10 Easy Steps!
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Is your license file not authenticating when you double click on the .srclc?  Try authenticating the license file via the License Manager, click on Tools > Manage Licenses > Install License
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With the release of 10.0, people are naturally interested in compatibility with workflows they have developed in 9.5. Additionally, many users will be in a “mixed version” environment as their company transitions to 10.0 and are interested in what options are available to them.   Applications developed in 9.5 can certainly be opened and run in 10.0. We perform a lot of testing and technical work to ensure that Forwards Compatibility is fully functional. Anything that was built in 9.5 should continue to work in 10.0.   Undoubtedly, the recommendation is to perform the 10.0 upgrade across the organization when all users are ready for the change. This eliminates any issues with “backward compatibility” and makes it easier and seamless to share applications - workflows, macros, etc.   If you do find yourself operating in a mixed environment, there are some things to be aware of:   A 9.5 app that is opened in 10.0, then saved in 10.0, will no longer be accessible via 9.5 If you publish apps to a server, you will want to make sure that the server version is compatible with the apps you will be publishing. If you have 9.5 apps then you can leverage both a 9.5 server, as well as a 10.0 server. However, if you’re developing in 10.0 then the server will also need to be 10.0 If you need to support both environments for a period of time, it is possible to install two versions of Alteryx on a single machine. Admin and Non-Admin versions can be installed side-by-side. (e.g. If a user has the Admin version of 9.5, they can install the Non-Admin version of 10.0 and switch between them.) Recognize that if you publish apps to the server, you will need to be running the Admin version of the same version as what is running on the server.
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For 10.1, we updated our installer screens to something a bit more modern looking. Here's a comparison:         Some users may run into an issue where the new Alteryx installer screens do not display text correctly if Alteryx is being installed on a machine using a Windows Classic/Windows Standard theme. (See the image to the right.)   Windows 2008 R2 Server OS system uses this theme, so users with this OS may encounter the issue.   We believe this problem will only occur if the machine also has a previous version of Alteryx installed.   If the issue occurs, there is a simple work-around: Quit the installation Uninstall the previous version of Alteryx using the Control Panel. After the uninstall is complete, run the installer again. The installer screens should display properly.     This information is also available on our Release Notes page ( It's always a good idea to read through the Release Notes when downloading a new version. Key Features - highlights exciting new enhancements added for the release. Additional Changes - lists minor updates as well as notable bug fixes. Known Issues - documents small issues (like the one outlined above) and work-arounds to use if you encounter them.   Although 10.1 is a minor release, it contains a number of exciting new enhancements, and we're looking forward to hearing what you think about them.
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Use the following instructions to download and complete installation via the Alteryx installation wizard in v11.0!
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You may be trying to install the Alteryx Designer or Server and receive an error saying: There was an error downloading "AlteryxInstallx64_VersionX.exe...."
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  With the release of 10.6 came awesome new features, and an upgrade in the underlying R version (from 3.1.3 code named "Smooth Sidewalk," to 3.2.3 code named "Wooden Christmas-Tree").  Using the incompatible R version will cause errors in your R macros.     Simply make sure that your Predictive Tools download is the version compatible with your Alteryx Designer version:     Users on 10.5 should continue to use the R3.1.3 version.   When using Alteryx and Microsoft Revolution R Enterprise, a separate predictive tools install is required (in green). For details, see the Alteryx and Revolution Analytics Integration Guide.   And remember to use the non-Admin Predictive version with non-Admin versions of Alteryx Designer.   To install Predictive Tools for Alteryx 10.0, go to Previous Releases. For Alteryx 9.5, within Designer, go to Help > Install Predictive Tools.    Happy Alteryx-ing!
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In some cases Designer is very slow when working from home. This can have several root causes.
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The error message appears when using System Settings in Alteryx Designer.
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This article details how to enable the logs for the installation of tools written with Python SDK.
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How to get rid of annoying "Cache entry deserialization failed, entry ignored" error during YXI installation
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How to get rid of annoying "Exception" error during YXI installation. Case of long path names.
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What happens when one installs the YXI file of a Python-based tool in Alteryx Designer.
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An index for all the Alteryx Product technical specifications and system requirements!
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If you are installing two different versions of Alteryx Designer and their respective predictive tools- there is an order of operation.    1.  Install the Administrative Version of Alteryx Designer. 2.  Install the Administrative Version of Alteryx R/Predictive tools. 3.  Install the Non-Administrative Version of Alteryx Designer. 4.  Install the Non-Administrative Version of Alteryx R/Predictive tools.
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When installing alteryx, the installer gets stuck on the python dependency window
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So you've installed the licenses to run Scheduler. Now what?
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An "Unhandled Exception" thrown when starting Designer, appears when the user clicks on the splash screen. Looking at C:\ProgramData\Alteryx\ErrorLogs reveals the following error type: System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException Message: Could not find a part of the path 'F:\.....'
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