Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Designer Desktop experts.
Troubleshooting the error: There were more than 16 records in the source.
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Troubleshooting Parse Error at char(0): Empty expression (Expression #n)
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Error when using the Assisted Modeling tool on a Proxy environment
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Error: "ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 64 in tablespace TEMP" in workflow connected to Oracle.
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ERROR: "Could not build wheels for cryptography which use PEP 517 and cannot be installed directly" while installing OneDrive tools in Alteryx Designer
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Error: "ORA-12170: TNS:Connect timeout occurred" when running a workflow.
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How do I identify the column(s) responsible for the SQL Server error, “String or binary data would be truncated”.
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SMTP fails in Email tool. The error "Record#1: Unable to create a socket after looping through all network addresses for YOUR-MAIL-HOST-NAME" is returned.
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Error: "Incompatible with the Client software" when connecting to Teradata in Designer
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Error: "Must declare the scalar variable '@var_name'" when running PL/SQL in Pre or Post SQL Statement Section.
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Error: "Unsupported data type 'bit'", when writing data with a Boolean to Snowflake.
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Error: "Login failed for user ' '" when connecting to SQL Server with Azure Active Directory.
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In some cases a customer using the Publish to Tableau Server macro encounters the error message "Failed to start a new Hyper instance". The only currently working solution for this is to perform a nuclear uninstall and then reinstall of Alteryx Designer.
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Receiving timeout errors when attempting to use the MultiSubnetFailover=true parameter in a SQL Server Availability Group with a multi-subnet listener.
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Error: "CURLerror (curl_easy_perform() failed) - code=35 msg='SSL connect error'." when connecting to Snowflake.
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When ruining a workflow, the Designer throws the message: "The workflow contains unlicensed tools"
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Error: "There were errors with LOADING please check your ERROR TABLES", when writing data using Output Data tool to Teradata.
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The message, "Error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-12705" occurs when using multiple IN-DB tools to different Oracle connections.
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Error: "ORA-00900: invalid SQL Statement" occurs when running a procedure in the Pre or Post SQL Statement for Input or Output Data tools.
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Error: "The account is locked" when running a workflow after a database password has changed.
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While trying to connect to Snowflake from Alteryx Designer, using Input Data tool, the following error is thrown after running the workflow: Error: Input Data (1): Error SQLExecute: No active warehouse selected in the current session. Select an active warehouse with the 'use warehouse' command.
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