Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Designer Desktop experts.
Environment variable issue with the os.environ['PATH'] error
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Error: "ORA-21500: internal error code, arguments: [%s], [%s], [%s]" when pulling Spatial data from Oracle using Input data tool.
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Error: "HTTP Error 403: Forbidden", when using Output Data tool to Hive HDFS in an encrypted zone.
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Error: "ORA-12592 TNS Bad Packet Error" occurs when running a workflow.
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Error: "Oracle driver: You are not licensed to use this DataDirect Technologies product" when connecting to Oracle in Designer.
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While trying to run an App, the Action tool errors out as - "Render(8): The file is not a supported format" in the Alteryx Designer.
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Cannot update passwords in the Input Data or the Output Data tool.
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Error, "Error SQLPrepare: [Teradata][ODBC Teradata Driver][Teradata Database] The object name is too long in NFD/NFC." when connecting to Teradata.
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Error - Unable to find the dll: "telapi.dll", when using the Teradata Bulk Loader option in the Output Data tool.
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Internal Error in Field_Blob::GetAsSpatialBlob: Invalid SpatialBlob when using Spatial Object in SQL Server
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Amazon Redshift: Check 'stl_load_errors' system table for error details   When writing to Amazon Redshift, the following error appears:     Data Stream In (x): The COPY failed with error: [Amazon][Amazon Redshift] (30) Error occurred while trying to execute a query: [SQLState XX000] ERROR: Load into table 'ayx1XXX' failed. Check 'stl_load_errors' system table for details.     Environment   Alteryx Designer In-DB connection to Amazon Redshift   Cause   Amazon Redshift uses the stl_load_errors table to track errors that happen when loading data to a Redshift table. This table contains error messages that will provide necessary detail to determine the cause for an error.    For more information on the stl_load_errors table, see Amazon's STL LOAD_ERROR documentation.      Solution   Users with appropriate permissions can access the table themselves to investigate errors: Open a new Alteryx workflow. Drag an Input Tool on the canvas. Connect to the Redshift database. Go to the SQL Editor Window and enter the following query:    Select * From stl_load_errors   Run the workflow. The table will return an error code and an error reason. Use the column "starttime" to find the right error. See Amazon's STL_LOAD_ERROR documentation for a detailed explanation of all fields on the table and their load error reference for a list of errors.    Solution B    If the user doesn't have access to the table themselves, their DBA should be able to provide the same information.      Error Message examples   String length exceeds DDL length   Input data exceeded the acceptable range for the data type, try increasing the field size in Alteryx to resolve the error.  This often happens with multi-byte characters. In Alteryx, field size relates to characters, i.e.the value 'Góðan dag' only needs a field length of 9. In Redshift, field size is in bytes, to write out 'Góðan dag', the field size has to be at least 11.  See Amazon's document on Redshift character types for more information. Multibyte character not supported for CHAR (Hint: try using VARCHAR)   The CHAR datatype in Redshift only accepts single-byte UTF-8 characters. The VARCHAR datatype accepts multi-byte characters, to a maximum of four bytes. The WString datatype in Alteryx is translated into a CHAR datatype in Redshift. To load multi-byte characters into Redshift, use the V_WString datatype in Alteryx.      Additional Resources   STL_LOAD_ERRORS Documentation from Amazon Database Issues – Working with Alteryx Customer Support Engineers (CSEs)    
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Symptoms   “Unhandled Exception occurred” error is thrown when you copy and paste text (Ctrl-V) using the R Tool.     Now, to witness it happening:     Diagnosis   Looking at the error log you will see error message below:   Default Log path - C:\ProgramData\Alteryx\ErrorLogs\AlteryxGUI         If you look at the log, you can see the error is directly related to the FIPS cryptographic algorithms. According to Wikipedia, FIPS stands for Federal Information Processing Standards and it is a “standard developed by the United States federal government for use in computer systems by non-military government agencies and government contractors”.   As of right now, “Unhandled Exception occurred” error will be thrown in the R Tool if FIPS compliance is turned on .    Solution   Our Development team is fully aware of the problem with the FIPS compliance and is planning to sort this out in the future releases. As for temporary solution, you can consider turning off the FIPS compliance, of course after checking and making sure your IT manager is okay with it, and this should resolve the “Unhandled Exception occurred” error.   Here’s how you can turn off FIPS compliance:   There are other ways to turn on/off FIPS compliance and you can find them here:   Eddie Wong Alteryx CSE
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