Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Designer Desktop experts.
Data Cleansing tool doesn't work in 2020.4 when the Field name contains line breaks unix style line endings.
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The Alteryx Starter Kit for Human Resources contains improperly configured Drop Down tools in the Analyzing Employee Satisfaction sample workflows for all languages other than English
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Error while installing additional R packages in Alteryx Designer - "GenericTool (1): Can't find plugin "AlteryxRPluginEngine.dll""
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An error is thrown when attempting to overwrite cells in Excel that are already prepopulated with values that are generated with a formula.
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Scheduled Workflow is stuck in "Initializing" status
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Error when using the Assisted Modeling tool on a Proxy environment
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Error: "Incompatible with the Client software" when connecting to Teradata in Designer
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In a virtualized environment, can Macros path be visible and accessible only to the user that creates it and not to other users?
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