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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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The existing decision tree node is automatic

but business users need to mingle with the decision tree, prune the tree and grow certain parts of the tree using their domain expertise...


SPSS has a nice facility as you can see below... Desperately looking forward for an Alteryx version...










There are a several ways to store the Avro schema in Hive:


  1. Literal JSON string stored in the Hive table properties (Alteryx currently supports)
  2. Reference to the schema file stored elsewhere
  3. Pass in the schema as a run-time property in Hive

Alteryx only supports Option #1, but that runs into a 4000 Character Limitation which is the default schema limit in Hive’s internal DB. Is it possible to have Alteryx support the other two options to be able to support data sets with large schema definitions?

We uncovered a possibility  in which the user  may potentially output a huge file into the Alteryx database  without specifying an external system to house it - which could  possibly take up a lot of space in the  database we use for running Alteryx (store schedules, user and run data to name a few), this  may even bring down the environment  and sure doesn't seem like a good practice.

Can you please   include  a  check  to ensure that  this  can be disabled or capped ( specify a limit on the size) ?



Hello all,


As Intelligence Suite is a great expansion in Alteryx Designer, it would be great to expand the data types in the "Text Mining" and "Computer Vision" ribbon. The "Image Template" accepts only "strings" data types and specific Languages. It would be great to be added more data types, Language and ISO-Codes. 

The number 1 issue I have with training Excel/SQL users on wonderful Alteryx is that "<>" isn't valid as an operator - I also struggled with this.

Why should users have to learn old ANSI SQL operators, <> seems unambiguous.


Apologies if this has been posted previously, but couldn't find it with the limited Search capability, but that's another post =)..

How about the ability to minimize or maximize all containers on your workflow, perhaps with a context menu option? It would make sorting through large workflows easier.

I don't believe there is a way to add a pattern/texture to a bar chart created in the Interactive Charting tool. This feature would enhance the accessibility of the charts created natively out of Alteryx.


Example from Plotly:

The In-Database tools (Connect and/or Data Stream Out) should accept SQL Syntax including comments that use "-", "--", "*/", "\*.   Comments are an important part of SQL code providing documentation and have been part of the syntax for a very long time. 


If there are other syntax omissions they should be added as well.


See attached email thread and Case #00322978

Idea: Create a UX feature to provide a cursor area magnification.


Problem: One of the challenges of working with Alteryx is quickly navigating around the canvas. Traditional software editors have bookmarks or anchors that let you quickly jump to predefined parts of the code.

Alteryx does not have these. Instead, the tools available are the Find tool, Zoom tools, and the Overview window. While capable, they still require a lot of typing and clicking, panning, zooming, etc.


Solution: Create a small magnification window that would follow the cursor around the canvas. This is commonly known as a Loupe feature in many image editing software such as Aperture.


Benefits: This would allow a user to have a full view of their entire workflow and yet be able to see and configure a specific tool with ease.


Activation: I think this feature could be activated in two ways.
1 - The user could toggle the feature by clicking a keyboard shortcut
2 - The feature would automatically enable once the zoom was out beyond a predetermined level.

Options: The user would be able to shrink or enlarge the size of the magnification window.


Example: I've mocked up an image of what this might look like below.




Hi All,

I think this suggestion would be be ideal for the Join tool and it's related cousins (Join Multiple etc.) and would improve the experience of data blending for all users.

I am going to rely on Qlik Sense for this explanation as this functionality is native to that product.


When we bring in two data sources and use the join tool to blend we are required to select the field or fields upon which we want to base our join.

In Qlik Sense we can see our two data sources:


2 Data Source bubbles.PNG


We can then drag them together and it will form suggestions based on data association density:



Join suggestions.PNG


This helps with identifying how tables should be joined, and at the very least shows commonalities between data streams, based on the data within the tables and not any naming conventions.

It would be nice to have the functionality to generate suggestions based on association density between two data streams, and then to apply the join from a selection.



I would like to see additional input tools for common raster formats such as .BIL, .IMG, etc.  Functionality similar to the inputs for MapInfo Vertical mapper .grc and .grd (which are not very common) would be great, but an added feature would be to provide an option to load the data as centroids or centroid lat/longs only.  I have found that aligning multiple grc/grd layers based on centroid lat/long allows for cross-file analysis that is much more intuitive than other methods (i.e. R or ESRI), but it takes significant time to parse individual boxes and then calculate the centroid as a second step.


A super added bonus would be the ability to output raster files.


Just like having an e-mail sender,


I'would love to have an SMS sender as well for automated sending marketing SMS messages...


  • probably it can be done with a free SMS API found over the web or
  • better It can be provided as a service from Alteryx Gallery... Country by countyr availability to  sendin sms'


Send SMS ToolSend SMS Tool


  • Can be used for 2 step verifications
  • marketing messages
  • campaign enrollment etc.



As more vendors start selling directly to Amazon, the need to use Amazon Retail Analytics specific to your products is increasing. Currently, the only way to do this is manually downloading data from the Amazon Vendor Central platform every week to make sure data is saved and then further prepared in excel or Alteryx. The Download Tool does not work in this situation because of the various login credentials and page navigation that is associated with the platform. It would be great if there was a Connector Tool that integrated the Amazon Retail Analytics data from Vendor Central directly into Alteryx.

On the Reporting palette, the Map Legend Builder tool has an extra "the" in the tooltip. I have enclosed an image below. Full disclosure: it isn't a bug, it doesn't affect functionality, and it's trivial. This is version 2018.3.4.51585.





Would love the option to pass a field to the AWS S3 Connector for the Key & Secret Access key. We are building an extensive datamart using AWS S3 and instead of manually changing keys each quarter (per our security) manually in each workflow & tool, we'd rather change it in one spot and have it filter into all affected workflows. 



I do a lot of ETL with data cleanup. I'd really like to be able to output the log file of any processes run on my desktop Alteryx. This would also allow adding Info tools to capture changes. The log file could be parsed and recorded as processing metadata.

I see a huge potential for an IFTTT or Microsoft Flow Connector or Trigger.


Trigger: I have been part of a company that runs a great amount of Microsoft Flows to automate business processes. It would have been a nice addition, if we could start a Alteryx process when a certain event happens.


Output: On the other side, it would also be good to start a flow automatically when an Alteryx workflow is finished. E.g. it would be possible to create an analysis and automatically push it to several media / internal channels. It's also possible to bring twitter/facebook/etc output connectors to Alteryx, but it's definitely easier to build an IFTTT connector, that enable a huge amount of other tools.



Building a custom tool is nice, but the best way to show someone how to use it is to have an example. It would be great if we could package example workflows into a yxi file so our custom tools have samples to start from. 

Like PDF Reader and Tableau Reader wherein things can't be edited but users (at large scale) can execute pre-designed content and business logic can interactively use it; I'd like to propose Alteryx Executor as free platform for the end users. Once the business logic has been designed on the designer, the alteryx wizard/ app/ workflow can be handed over to the clients for easier adaptability.


These days I get my work done easily though Alteryx and it creates client delight and once they also want to have it for their production usage - they push me to convert it all into MS Office/ SQL/ Python platforms. Which ends up into very inefficient usage as well as drop in adoption of Alteryx. I've significantly dropped using Alteryx and have stopped encouraging others to use as end state is extrememly painful.


What's Alteryx is doing about it? USD 3500 is a lot of money to shed for data blending and analysis tool each year for the license whereas lot of freeware like Sisense/ Pentaho/ Python is available to the clients for their usage.

Having an easy selection and filtering of data values is essential in big data environs as well...

I'm sure preparing such an in-db tool for Alteryx guys and gals will be pretty easy...


Looking forward to it...

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