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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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In a future release, I'd love to see the whole concept of browsing for and installing new macros/apps brought into Designer itself.  It's always great finding new macros, but the expereince is inconsistent- sometimes you have to run an installer file, sometimes run a package, sometimes just put the file in a directory and add a 'watched macro' directory to your preferences.


I'd like to see a cleaner expereince where you can choose to 'Add Tools', browse the gallery, check the thing i want, and click the tools group I want to put it under, then have Alteryx take care of the rest.  There would also be the need for a 'Manage tools' screen where could could uncheck and remove them later if you no longer need them.


For inspiration, check out the way MS handles 'Adding Apps' via their catalog to build out your Sharepoint 2013+ site

It would be a nice time-saver to allow for multiple fields to be selected and / or deselected at the same time in the Transpose tool...the Select tool and Summarize tool already allow for this.

Very wide survey files in particular would benefit from this kind of feature.


Alteryx crashed when I attempted to use a custom OTF font in Report Text. I thought it was supported because font options was not greyed out and preview window looked correct and I was able to resize. I clicked 'Apply' and Alteryx popup window appeared saying "only TTF font is supported". Then Alteryx crashed.

Please add OTF font support. Tableau and other packages already support it.




I'm not sure if this is the right forum for a bug report, but I just solved one that has been bugging me for ages. Of the six key commands to hide and reveal the various panels, only five work, and now I know why.


Apparently the 'Results' panel used to be the 'Output' panel? I found some outdated docs that mentioned Crtl + Alt + O to open/hide the Output panel. Sure enough, the reason Ctrl + Alt + R doesn't work in the current version is that, in spite of what the menu text says, it's O that is still mapped to that panel, and not R.


I only discovered this after making sure none of my other installed apps were stealing that key combination. Thank you, process of elimination.

If progress bar or overall process completion percentage can be displayed somewhere, adds great value for the users running complex processes (with multiple databases/ files as input and complex queries especially spatial queries).



Our Terdata environments use LDAP authentication and we really need the Teradata bulk load connection in Alteryx to support this feature with Teradata. ODBC works fine with LDAP but Bulk Load Connection doesn't.


Alteryx Development has confirmed this is currently not a feature and also has put this into their backlog.



Instead of adding a tool container to the canvas, then moving my input tool into that - it would be nice if I could just click a box for 'Disable' in the input tool properties.  This would speed up things if I'm trying to test inputs one at a time; or need to disable just one specific output while I test another data stream in my workflow.

Hi currently the s3 upload tool only allows file format of *.yxdb , *.json, *.csv and *.avro


In order to optimize loading to redshift, it would be good to have a few more functions

1. Ability to s3 upload with *.gz format

eg: Reading in a file using the input tool -> s3 upload tool (which has a gzip function with the following options - record limit, delimiter, UTF8)

2. Change max record limit, delimiter, UTF8 format

3. Change the objectName to 'take file/table name from field' with filename containing filename or part of filename similar to the 'Output tool'




When choosing "In List" values in a CYDB input, the normal Windows functions do not work (shift+click, ctl+A, ctl+click, etc.).


When having to choose, say, 20 values, it is a big annoyance to have to click each value (20 clicks). 


Have been told this is a bug so I wanted to put it on your radar for a fix.

It would be very helpful to have hidden/interactive labels that can be utilized for an Report Map that only appear when the user is hovering over a specific part of the map. For example they only want to see the sales numbers for California, but do want to change the map. It probably makes the most sense to have this available for the HTML Report Maps. This would allow the report map to not look too crowded with labels, but still have the labels available if the user is interested in a particular part of the map. Is this something that can eventually be added to the report map tool?

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to CTRL+Scroll-Up and have the font size of the browse contents EXPAND?

When creating a workflow I generally open a "TEMPLATE" first and then immediately save it to the "NEW WORKFLOW NAME".  My template includes all my preferences that aren't set naturally within the user settings and won't get RESET by them either.  It has a comment box and containers as well as logos and copyrights.  It would be nice to have ready access to this feature.  Maybe others have standards that they want applied to all users and their workflows too.





In case of system crash/ upgrade, transfer of Alteryx license from one system to another system or from one user to another. User should be able to surrender/ borrow/ transfer license from one machine to another. This helps for more flexible use of product.


SQL and Tableau both support a CASE function with the syntax


  WHEN Condition 1 THEN Result 1

  WHEN Condition 2 THEN Result 2 ...

  WHEN Condition N THEN Result N

ELSE Default Result



I'm thrilled that I can now use this with the In-DB tools, but I'd love to have this available in the regular function tools so I can stop nesting my IFs!



It would be helpful to have one of the following methods to disable output modules to prevent overwriting output files each time a workflow is run:

- A global 'Disable All Output Modules' option, which would effectively mute the workflow without removing any connections

- A module-specific 'disable/enable this module' option, to the same end

In-database enables large performance benefits on big datasets, it would be great to incorporate multirow and multifield formulas for use within the in-database funcions for redshift

We use several Files that are fairly large (canvas size). To traverse around to try and find where we last left off or to examine a specific X, Y at a specific would need to either remember the tool number to search for or search for a keyword that returns several choices.


My suggested solution would be to create a bookmark(s). This would allow you to save a named bookmark that would save exactly where (X,Y) you are in the canvas and the Zoom level (Z). This way you could easily switch back and forth with in a canvas just back clicking the bookmark.


If anyone has ever used a CAD program that allowed the creation of 'Views' within the same diagram...this would be similar.


Thank you

Our DAT file structure is as follows:


The first line of the .DAT file must be a header row identifying the field neames.

The .DAT file must use the following Concordance default delimiters:

Comma  ASCII character (020)

Quote    ASCII character (254)

Newline  ASCII character (174)


Thank you,

Pete Vara



I've been working on reporting for a while now and figure out that creatitng sub total wasn't part of any tool. 


Any chance this could be implemented in next versions or any macro available?




I constantly find my using pre and post SQL Commands in the Output tool to run SQL when I don't actually have any data to output.


One example is when I load data into S3 and want to load it into Redshift. I have SQL code to run but no data to Output - I end up running a dummy row into a temp table.


So can we have an SQL tool that simply acts the same as a Pre-SQL command without the associated data output. Once the command is run we should be able to continue the workflow, so the tool should have an option input and output, like the Run Command tool.



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