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Alteryx Canvas Bookmark

We use several Files that are fairly large (canvas size). To traverse around to try and find where we last left off or to examine a specific X, Y at a specific would need to either remember the tool number to search for or search for a keyword that returns several choices.


My suggested solution would be to create a bookmark(s). This would allow you to save a named bookmark that would save exactly where (X,Y) you are in the canvas and the Zoom level (Z). This way you could easily switch back and forth with in a canvas just back clicking the bookmark.


If anyone has ever used a CAD program that allowed the creation of 'Views' within the same diagram...this would be similar.


Thank you

12 - Quasar

I have a simple idea we could use to create this - I'll build it and post it for your thoughts.

12 - Quasar

Okay so here's my idea to solve this while we wait for a better solution.


First download my Bookmark Macro - click here


You'll then need to add it to Alteryx, so if you haven't already create a Macro Repository folder and drop it into there (Instructions).


Now when you open Alteryx you'll find the Bookmark macro in the Annotations category. Add it to the workflow:






Follow the instructions




Now when you search (and select sort by Name):




It works, it's not ideal but it's okay.


To improve this in the product instead of a macro I'd ask Alteryx to add a checkbox to the Comment tool to turn it into a Bookmark (and give it a name), then amend the Find functionality to default to only showing bookmarks. 



6 - Meteoroid
Sounds great!
12 - Quasar

Let me know how it works once you've tried it @Swift34 

6 - Meteoroid
Thank you again, Chris. Will it matter if I'm still running 9.5? We have
not been given the approval to upgrade yet!
12 - Quasar
It might do, there's not special features but I did build it in v10. Let me
know if it doesn't work and I'll rebuild in v9.5.5.

6 - Meteoroid
I just tried opening Alteryx and it complained about a macro that it could
not open!
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

That's a neat solution, Chris!


We are working to improve the controls you use to navigate around the canvas, including a way to jump to specific locations.


Hopefully, you'll see these enhancements in the very near future. I'll follow up when the details get solidified.



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Coming Soon
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

It's now possible to "bookmark" a section of the canvas with a Tool Container.


  1. Add a Tool Container to the canvas (from the Documentation category).
  2. Give the Tool Container a meaningful name in the "Caption" text box in the Properties/ Configuration window.
  3. Right click anywhere on the canvas. You now have the option to "Zoom" to your Tool Container(s).

Right Click.png


Read more about enhancements to Canvas Navigation in Alteryx 10.1.