Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Would it be possible to have alteryx create the IAM user + password? If that's possible, we can create an IAM role that would allow you to assume this role.


Can alteryx create this type of user and assume our role?

Create social and holiday themes for icons and set the canvas to an appropriate color.  Here's a world mental health day example:


WMHD Screengrab.png


If you need help, ask me how I did it.






P.S.  I realize that 2023 is next year.  Please don't wait that long :)

When we use search option it might be helpful to see also tool category where we can find searching tool.



In Sort tool might be benefical to add Custom sort functionality - similar to Tableau custom sort option. It allows to sort values manually in desired order.



It would be great if we can determine the type of join operation between the fields we choose to join. For example, if we join 2 fields a and b below, we should be able to determine the join operation whether it's an 'AND' or 'OR' operation.



I think adding a highlight color option to the fields in the select tool would be a helpful field organization feature. Many times I am appending data/joining data, and I would like to visually separate the original fields from the appended ones, and then sort on the highlight colors chosen--and maintain these colors through the workflows. For example my raw data customer fields would be highlighted in blue: ID, First Name, Last Name, Address and my appended ones in, say, yellow: (marketing fields such as Dwelling Type, Household Composition, etc). Then it would allow to easily sort and visualize by append through the workflows.




I would like to suggest to contemplate the option to add a new SDK based on lua language.

Why Lua?

o is open source / MIT license

o is portable

o is fast

o is powerful and simple

o Lua has been used to extend programs written in C, C++, Java, C#, Smalltalk, Fortran, Ada, Erlang



We are experiencing performance issues with fetching schema/table/columns info on Alteryx Designer when using Vertica DB.


From the troubleshoot with Alteryx support, the query hitting "odbc_columns" is contributing to the performance issue. Vertica DBA suggests to use "columns" instead of "odbc_columns". Submitting this request to change the query.


Refer to case 00551930 for more info.


Hi - 


We are using the new(ish) Anaplan connector tools; in particular, the "Anaplan Output" tool (send data TO Anaplan).


The issue that I'm having is that the Anaplan Output Tool only accepts a CSV file.  This means that I must run one workflow to create the CSV file, then another workflow to read the CSV file and feed the Anaplan Output Tool.


If it were possible to have an output anchor on the Output tool that would simply pass the CSV records through to the Anaplan Output tool, the workflows would be drastically simplified.



Mark Chappell


Alteryx really needs to show a results window for the InDB processes.  It is like we are creating blindly without it.  Work arounds are too much of a hassle.




Currently in Result window we have datacleanse, fileter and sort functionality which makes life easier.


We dont have column Rename and Data type change functionality. In order to do that we need to drag a tool for the same for Rename of column.





Result Tool should be capable enough to Rename column and Data type.


It will save a lot of time ,


The "Field Summary" tool and several others have a configuration requirement that provides a list of fields to select or deselect.  The selection action is singular meaning you can only effect the action on one item in the list of many.  As the number of fields we work with grows significantly this becomes a time consuming and tedious task.


This should be enhanced to allow highlighting of multiple fields to select or deselect as we can do in tools like the "Select" tool.


The field summary tool is an excellent resource to get an overview of the data and spot targets for analysis or data cleansing. 


Unfortunately it has limitations either in the number of fields included or some combination of the number of fields and one or more of its attributes.   There is nothing in the documentation I found to make a user aware of this. When you exceed fields selected the system just hangs, indicating it is running but there is no connection progress shown and nothing seems to happen, even if you limit input to 1 record.


Through trial and error I found an approximate limit in number of fields I can include and still have it work.


I request that Alteryx update the tool help info and devise enhancements to dynamically load balance the tool so it can scale to the number of fields requested or at least warn when the limit is reached or approached.  The latter warning could be similar to the red font warnings in the formula tool when you have a malformed expression.  However a load balancing version is most desired.


The issue as it stands results in users wasting a lot of time trying to make the tool work as expected, then report it to support as an apparent bug in the tool which can be argued both ways.


I realize in the real world there are limits but in this real world we are seeing the number of fields to analyze increase significantly, especially when you have a data license and integrate 3rd party data to you own native data adding a hundred or hundreds more fields.


By default output always print Headers as shown in item 1 below, I am looking to print item 2 as Header.  Item 3 is my output.


I tried item 4 below, doesn’t work.


Please consider this in your future releases.  It saves lot of time as the Outputs can contain hundreds of fields and output files are shared with User community who understands the Field description much more than Field name.  For example SAP Field-KUNNR does not mean nothing to a User than its description 'Customer'.

A check box on the Output Tool should able to toggle the selection between Field or its Description.

You might argue that the Rename column can be used, agree it would be difficult to manually type in hundreds of fields.  As an alternative you can provide automatic Rename population with Description.



Sometimes when your using a filter you want to let everything pass through. Which means you have to remove the filter or go around it.

In stead of beeing able to out comment your filter. And the filter tool see's that as no filter.





How about adding the ability to split intersecting trade areas at the points of intersection to create two new spatial objects.  The two objects could then be used to process customer records and divide them into "territories" based on  the line of intersection.






The BigQuery Input Tool utilizes the TableData.List JSON API method to pull data from Google Big Query. Per Google here:


  • You cannot use the TableDataList JSON API method to retrieve data from a view. For more information, see Tabledata: list.


This is not a current supported functionality of the tool. You can post this on our product ideas page to see if it can be implemented in future product. For now, I would recommend pulling the data from the original table itself in BigQuery. 


I need to be able query tables and views.  Not sure I know how to use tableDataList JSON API.


The look of the canvas is important. Being able to toggle between viewing classic icons (as seen throughout this video:, to the extent available, and current icons would provide users with more variety. As a secondary benefit (when toggled to show the classic icons), users would be able to differentiate between the tools that are not classic (i.e., the newer tools that don't have an older design) and the classic tools.


Thank you very much.


Hi Alteryx,


I tried importing a file into my text input tool and I ran across this error.



Why is there a limit? Can we get rid of it since we're not living in DOS anymore.



The imputation tool allows exchange of numbers. It would be great if we are given the option to impute string values and NULL value too

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