Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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The file geodatabase reader is very cumbersome especially when navigating through a server directory. Can this be fixed or reworked?

It would be nice to have the ability to have a workflow wait/pause tool that would pause the workflow for a given amount of time before proceeding to the next step (i.e. wait 300 seconds). 


I have a workflow that uses the Run Command to run a batch file that kicks of a terminal emulator that cycles through steps the ultimately result in an exported text file that I use in an Alteryx workflow for further processing. The generation of the text file can take a few minutes. A delay could be placed in the batch file or terminal emulator script, but I think having a tool in the Alteryx workflow might be useful for other processes as well.

The ability to create Interface tools would be helpful. I would to edit multiple actions at the same time on a single tool, but it needs to be done dynamically. All of these tools exist within the standard tool set, but the standard action tool only allows for one action to be done per tool.  


Other Examples:

-Radio Button Groupings (only 1 scenario can be selected within a group instead of one radio button per designer interface)


-Replace textual selection with a graphic selection:

                       Please select a Park to run the report for:


                      Islands of Adventure     Universal Studios      Both        vs                IOAIOA          Universal StudiosUniversal Studios         UPRUPR



-Toggle List Box Options where: 

Include Field in Record (Horizontal)Transpose Field in Record (Vertical) Field Name
X  Record Date
 XProduct 1
 XProduct 2


Survey ImportSurvey Import



It would be nice to have functionality similar to the List Box where a user can select all items at once, or deselect all items at once.  The workaround for now would be to roll everything up to an individual Key (maybe called "All").  But it would still be nice to have those two options (again, just like on the list box).

When users who have no idea what the Field API Name is try to pull data from Salesforce it can be problematic. A simple solution would be to add the Field Label to the Query Window to allow users to pick the fields based on API NAME or FIELD LABEL.

Pushing data to Salesforce from Oracle would bemuch easier if we were able to perform an UPSERT (Update if existing, Insert if not existing) function on any unique ID field in Salesforce. Instead of us having to do a filter to find the records that have or don't have an ID and run an Update or Insert based on the filter.

 When pulling data from Oracle and pushing to Salesforce, there are many times where we have an ID field in Oracle and a field containing this ID in Salesforce in what is called an external ID field. Allowing us to match against those external ID fields would save us a lot of time and prevent us from having to do a query on the entire object in Salesforce to pull out the ID of the records we need.

One of our biggest issues when updating our Salesforce instance from our Oracle Database is the difference in column names. It would be nice to be able to map the fields as needed rather than having to redefine the columns in a Select tool or Dynamic Rename tool. This would allow more end users to understand what the tool is doing.

It would be handy if it were possible to order (i.e. right-click to drag, as in the Select Tool) ALL constants created by the user, including Question constants etc.

I'm not doing a report but extracting data from a report 30 times to assign where the data goes.


It would be nice if in the "Output Data" tool if there was a check box to remove all field names so there is only data



I noticed when viewing the Browse tool results, the user can now select records, then right click and have options to copy the records. I like this, just thinking it would be even cooler if there were options to open selected records in a new window as well. So the user could select the records, right click, choose open in new window, and then get the expanded viewing window to view the selected records. 

Just like having an e-mail sender,


I'would love to have an SMS sender as well for automated sending marketing SMS messages...


  • probably it can be done with a free SMS API found over the web or
  • better It can be provided as a service from Alteryx Gallery... Country by countyr availability to  sendin sms'


Send SMS ToolSend SMS Tool


  • Can be used for 2 step verifications
  • marketing messages
  • campaign enrollment etc.




The idea is specific for streaming analytics;


Alteryx seems it can be scheduled frequently to see if there is an update to a file in question.


It would be awesome to enable a listener which will be auto triggered when;

  • ay new line is added to a data set (probably a log file) or
  • an update to an existing row in a database (then the relevant score will be recalculated for ex.)

It will be straight forward to provide reactive responses to a log file and voila!

Alteryx automation and alteryx server will become a "complex event processor"...


complex event processing with Alteryx?complex event processing with Alteryx?


Here is a link to wiki page for CEP:

@GeorgeM would you think this will put Alteryx to another gartner MQ* as well?



Since I am a new user I am not sure if there is already a way to customize sort order in Alteryx.  In Excel it is possible to use a saved list to define a sort order.


One example is where the sort function uses the labels for months of the year.  Instead of ALPHA ORDER in the ouput you might want to see the MONTH ORDER. 


Excel supports an alternative sort order through the use of custom lists. Some custom lists are provided with the software and users can add their own custom lists.


The Excel interface for sorting using custom lists looks like this:





Improve the productivity of creating a canvas workflow by bringing up the 'Search All Tools' when I click on the canvas or create connections.   Currently, you must either search on the top toolbar then drag the tool down or right click in the canvas and navigate the menu.  It would be great to have a similiar functionality of the 'Search All Tools' box anywhere I click on the canvas to quickly add new tools to the workflow by typing rather than dragging from the toolbar. 


Case 1: When I create a connection from a current tool by clicking on the output and dragging to an open are, rbing up the 'search all tools' bar where I click and allow me to search the tools on the canvas.  Once I select enter, the tool selected will be brought into the canvas.


Case 2: when I click on an empty space in the canvas, bring up the 'search all tools' bar where I click and insert the selected tool into the canvas. 



Recently I was helping a client to design the workflow to do transformation. In the middle of the work, I feel a bit lost on handling so many fields and thinking it would be great if there is a feature that allow me to track the field actions along the workflow. It could be something like a configuration on the canvas, user activate it only when they want to.

And when it is activated, the workflow could become:


So it is easier to find the path of certain field along the whole workflow.


Or is there any method to achieve this at the moment?





Would really love there to be a way to store environment related config variables without requiring the use of an external config 'file' that you need to bring in in every workflow.


Functionality should be similar to how the Alias manager works (although allowing aliasing of more than just DB connections)


The sort of things that would typically be included as such a variable would be:

  • contact email address for workflow failure/completion
  • other external log file location
  • environment name
  • environment specific messaging

If this could be set for different subscriptions or collections it would be fantastic. If not, at the server level would suffice.

When running an app (not in the Gallery), the status bar appears to complete for each tool, then start over for the next tool.  It'd be great if while it was doing that, the tool name that it was running displayed.  Now, I know for most processes this will be instantaneous and your eye won't even catch it.  But if we have, for example, several join/sort tools with lots of data going through them, it would be nice to know which one it's on.

It would be a handy feature if it were possible to choose a data type for an input tool to read the data in as. For example, if a dataset has multiple fields with different data types, it would be handy to be able to make the Input Tool read and output them all as a string, if needed. This would also make a handy tool, a sort of blanket data conversion to convert all fields to the specified type.

Have you noticed that when you save a custom image to a macro it multiplies the file size? Below I will outline why I believe this happens and how it could potentially be fixed.



When a image is saved in the XML of a macro, it is saved in a single line of XML code that is generally quite long. I believe the problem this causes is that this very long image code extends the length of all other lines to this new max length. This increased line length seems to increase the file size and is multiplicative based on how many lines of XML that have been extended in the macro. For example, I added a 5KB image to a 7KB macro and saving the macro resulted in a 29KB file size. I have also experienced saving a 5KB image to a 300KB macro that yielded a 1.4MB macro. 


In the (very zoomed out) image below, you can see the single line that contains the image information for this simple macro.


Macro XML Image.png



Potential Solution:

Images are saved in the Image tool by splitting the image information into multiple lines. I suggest this same methodology be introduced to custom images loaded to macros. The image below shows the XML of the Image tool that has the same image as the macro stored.


Image Tool with Stored Image.png



I mentioned this in the Solutions Center at Inspire 2016, but I wanted to follow up here to make sure it wasn't lost in the mix. 

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