Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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The option to "Disable all Tools that Write Output" doesn't currently affect the Publish to Tableau Server output tool.

Please have Alteryx check the status of any output files for read-only or locked status.  This change would prevent processing a file for an hour then having the process fail because the file was open or had improper permission. 

Idealy, the output tool should ask the user what to do rather than fail and lose all the work.

Currently, the map input for an application defaults either to a global view of the United States or to a fixed boundary. Usng a chained application, it would be an extremely useful option to be able to specifiy spatial objects (points, lines, polygons) in the first application and then allow the second application to zoom in appropriately to those spatial objects. This could be done by either specifying a custom zoom level and using those spatial objects as a center through a reference layer, or by allowing the zoom's boundary to contain all the spatial objects (similar to the map reporting tools).

A client contacted us recently asking if there was a way to view the log file of a scheduled process during runtime.  The use case is so that if there is a runaway process, they will be able to identify at what point the process gets hung up.  

Currently, when a scheduled job is running (and logging is enabled), the log file is locked for use.  

Calgary CrossCount returns 1 row for every permutation and combination of possible crosscounts for the given crosscount fields.  This idea is to use the additional query criteria to limit the output of rows.

Example:  State Code = 'MI' and Mosaic Type = 'A01'  could be our Criteria.  and State Code, Mosaic Type and Gender would be our crosscount fields.

Calgary crosscount (and append) would output (51 * 71 * 4) 14,484 rows (all states * all mosaic types * all gender values)

The desired crosscount would output (1 * 1 * 4) 4 rows (MI * A01 * 4).

This is a simplified example just to demonstrate my confusion when Alteryx responded to me that the tool is working as designed.  In order to reduce the crosscount output, you must restate your query criteria in a filter post the calgary tool.  If the count of rows output exceeds a thresshold, you can't even use the tool as it will generate too many rows.

By defining criteria in the Calgary Input tool, only the desired output records are generated.  But by defining criteria in the Calgary crosscount tools, only the desired "combinations" have values plus it outputs all permutations and combinations of other non-qualifying records.

Please consider this request for an enhancement.



I have recently been building some reports and have some suggestions for later releases of Alteryx.
1.       Map tool – have option to put border around map within the properties window.  Currently, I have to use a layout tool to put a border on a map.
2.       Map tool – Same thing with legend (especially when legend is output as a separate field
3.       All tools – be able to put a browse tool after the tool using the Properties window.  I was thinking right above the “Apply” button (check mark bottom left corner)
Just some thoughts that would make life better.

I have records of with several address fields per store: address 1, address 2, address 3.(e.g. po box 123, 456 main st, suite 600).
I geocode each address field in different iterations, but I want my final input to contain the best geocoding level. e.g. Actual before Zip9. 
Can we rank the geocoding levels like this below? Then it will be easier to filter out the best geocoding level.

1. Actual
2. Street
3. Intersection
4. Extrapolate
5. ZIP9
6. ZIP7
7. ZIP5
x. Not Coded
Can you add the Data Output along with the Report Output on the Association Analysis tool.  

We needed to manually change this on our end but it would be nice if in 9.5 this easy upgrade was done already...

Currently Atleryx just takes a flat file and create a Tableau Extract (.tde) file.  I would like to be able to to take two files and cube them together like Tableau allows me to use when I create my own Tableau Extract using Tableau.  Right now I have to export two different files into excel files and then use Tableau to cube them and create an extract that gives me more power and functionality than the extract that Alteryx provides.

Similar concept to how when you right click on a folder, computer icon, or file in windows. When you right click on any of these things you are able to pull up a properties link/tab which gives you relevant information and path of the file location.

For this particular idea the properties tab will give information on the Alias, such as server type, connection type; ie microsoft  provider or oracle provider, etc.

This would be helpful not only to go back and understand why you choose that connection type, but also when training others.

Thank you

It would be very helpful to have hidden/interactive labels that can be utilized for an Report Map that only appear when the user is hovering over a specific part of the map. For example they only want to see the sales numbers for California, but do want to change the map. It probably makes the most sense to have this available for the HTML Report Maps. This would allow the report map to not look too crowded with labels, but still have the labels available if the user is interested in a particular part of the map. Is this something that can eventually be added to the report map tool?

I would like to use the precreate statement as part of a app. That means if a user selects ID '12345' from an interface tool, I would like to delete recs in SQL server with that same ID through the pre create statement, then afterwards I would append new records with the same ID.
What I really miss is having the ability to send one Name & Value to an interface tool like label or readonly textbox.Then I could use Label/Textbox->Action->Output and change the precreate statement that way. 
I tried the formula way but SQL think I am running a stored procedure.
It looks like I need to use a listbox or dropdown tool and do it that way but that means I am cluttering my app with unnecessary tools. 
Could you give interface tools a 'hide' property or allow a field to be passed to the pre-Create SQL statement?
Unless there's another way to do all this? 


The error message is:


Error: Cross Validation (58): Tool #4: Error in tab + laplace : non-numeric argument to binary operator


This is odd, because I see that there is special code that handles naive bayes models. Seems that the model$laplace parameter is _not_ null by the time it hits `update`. I'm not sure yet what line is triggering the error.


A user may need to perform regression test on their workflows when there is a version upgrade of Alteryx. To save users time and effort, users can be encouraged to submit a few workflows in a secure area of the Alteryx Gallery. Prior to a version release, the Alteryx product testing team can perform a regression test of these workflows using automation. Thus when users receive an upgraded version of Aleryx it is more robust and with the added assurance that the workflows they had submitted will continue to work without errors.  

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