Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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I have recently added an Azure data lake v2.   The Azure input/output connectors do not work with this version of the Azure data lake.


It appears that Alteryx adds "" to the file path.   This works for V1, but not needed for V2


any plans to configure a connector for Azure data lake v2?

Typically I drag tools from the tool pallet to my workflow.  Sometimes, when I need to insert a tool into my workflow, I will right click to get the Insert tool dialog to find the tool I want to insert between two existing tools.  With the new UI, it is hard to see the tool categories as these were redesigned for the darker back ground. The preparation category is sandwiched between 3 other categories that start with "P" and I typically lean on the color/shape of the tool icon to find what I'm looking for.  Now I have to read the text to really know for sure. 


Perhaps you could lightly shade the middle of the tool category icons to make them easier to see or perhaps make the background behind the tool categories match the new toolbar color.  


Tool categories icons are hard to distinguish since they are now just light colored outlines on a light background.Tool categories icons are hard to distinguish since they are now just light colored outlines on a light background.

When my workflow is done running, this box pops up:


Previous to 2018.4, the space bar would select ok and the box would go away. Now the space bar selects the checkbox.


Please change it back so that the space bar selects ok.


Can a spell check option be included that will check the spelling in the comment tool text box and tool container captions?


Ideally a global check would be nice for the annotation section of each tool, especially if it can be determined if I changed the annotation from the default one on some tools.

It would be useful if enhancements could be made to the Sharepoint Input tool to support SSO. In my organisation we host a lot of collaborative work on SharePoints protected by ADFS authentication and directly pulling data from them is not supported with the SharePoint input tool, it is blocked. The addition of this feature to enable it to recognise logins would be very useful.

I'm just submitting @neilgallen's idea from here. The labels in the results window are still white, which is no longer visible. You can barely see that they're indeed still there when you hover over them.



I haven't needed to do this for over a year, but I just tried in 2018.4 and the functionality is not there any more 😞 


I'm trying to open an Excel file and customise the SQL used to read the data.


I've found this in other posts:


then I found this one 😞


Hopefully this feature will be re-instated soon 🙂

I really love how I can drag and drop a file directly onto the canvas from Windows Explorer and Alteryx knows to create an Input Data tool. But when I tried it with a folder today, hoping to see a Directory Input tool appear, it wouldn't do it. Could we have a similar functionality for automatically creating a Directory Input tool?

Loving the fresh new UI, but (there's always a but) I feel like the combination of font usage, (no) smoothing, and kerning in the 2018.4 user interface is very straining on your eyes and makes most of the text pretty hard to read:Capture.PNG



On high(er) resolution screens, like laptops, the issues get worse. Working on a ThinkPad P51s, Windows 10, 1920x1080, no weird text and layout upscaling because I'm a sane person.

I think I'm liking the new UI, but I think it's necessary to bring back save, undo and re-do buttons....


1. Frequent saving of workflows is crucial and not everyone uses keyboard shortcuts

2. The ability to undo (lots) of changes is a key part of iterating and rapidly building workflows in Alteryx and again not everyone uses keyboard shortcuts to do this.


Looks like there's potentially space to add this to the right of 'help' (I suspect this might be technically quiet difficult) or to the left of 'run', 'schedule' and 'active documents' as seen in the image below.


Out of interest, where has the 'documents' terminology come from?


2018-11-14 22_12_14-Alteryx Designer x64 - PureGym Log In.yxmd_.png




Hi All,


Was very happy to see the Bulk Loader introduced for Snowflake during last release. This bulk loader is specifically available for Snowflake environments that are hosted on AWS, but does not provide functionality for those environments using Azure. As Snowflake continues to build momentum, I imagine this will be a common request. Is there something in the pipeline to add this functionality?


For an interim solution, we will be working toward developing some generic scripts/snowsql to mimic that bulk load, but ultimately we'd love to have this as part of the tool.




Please add xlsx files within the onedrive input/output tool

We need color coding in the SQL Editor Window for input tools.  We are always having to pull our code out of there and copy it into a Teradata window so it is easier to ready/trouble shoot.  This would save us some time and some hassle and would improve the Alteryx user experience. ( I think you've used a couple of my ideas already. This one is a good one too. )



I think the Cache and Run Workflow option is a good addition in Alteryx 2018.3 but I think it needs more work to be useful.


For example I build a simple workflow where each tool is fed in by one tool and is used by one tool. So you have a sequence of tools. A -> B --> C --> D -- > E

Say I build A -> B -> C and I put a Cache and Run Workflow option on C, it will run the workflow and cache the output out of C.


But if I build D and E onto it after that event and put the option Cache and Run Workflow on E, it will run the whole workflow ignoring the cache output from C.


Can it be changed where E's Cache and Run Workflow will respect C's Cache and Run Workflow?







We have recently upgraded to 18.3 and noticed that the Filter tool expression box has lost its colour coding of expression elements. The Formula tool (which still has the 18.2 look and feel) however still has the old colour coding.


It would be great if the colour coding could be included for all tools with expression editing boxes.


Examples attached for clarity.



Never noticed this, because I always use the custom filter option, not the basic.  But I had a user come to me asking why his app wasn't updating his filter properly.


He configured the filter tool thusly (dummy data):



And here is the what the action tool looks like when you connect it to the filter tool:


So he simply highlighted the "Bob" line and picked to update "Bob".


However, since he used a basic filter, and not a custom one, this is how he should've configured the action tool:


I realize that "well, it's spelled out for you - there's an expression section & a simple section in the action tool".  But for beginners or even non-beginners, it might not be obvious.


It would be nice if when you connect the action too, it only displayed the appropriate option (either custom or simple, but not both).



when I right-click on an Input tool, I can select "Convert To Macro Input" from the context menu. I would like the similar functionality when right-clicking a Browse tool to "Convert To Macro Output".




Noticed an issue in the Browse tools, specifically if you’ve run a module once, where browse tools are displaying information, and then you add new browse tools into the process (without clicking run yet). What I’m seeing is if I’m looking at the “existing” Browse that is showing data, and then click directly onto a Browse tool that was added after the run (not remembering I just added it), the “new” Browse tool is showing the previous Browse tools info, I literally have to click on the canvas, and then back to the new Browse tool for Alteryx to recognized there isn’t any data to display in it yet. My point being it can be misleading to the user if they don’t recognize the wrong info is being displayed (because as you click back & forth between the two, the data stays the same, making the user think the issue is in the process rather than just the display, can waste a lot of time backtracking for no reason). I’ve seen this behavior over at least the past 3 engine updates, just FYI.


I'm not finding it anywhere as a current option, but my company uses branded PowerPoint slides using our logo, these slides are in 16.:9 (widescreen) for slide size, but Alteryx won't output to that size even if I choose custom for page size & have Widescreen selected as an option. Could there be an Advanced Options button added that would allow users more output choices, like choosing the 16:9 ratio size output? Without it, I'm having to output the largest map I can create (13 x 9.75 in Report Map tool) and then stretch/shrink to get it to fit the 16:9 slide...for every single map/slide (currently making 40 maps at once).


Is there a work around to accomplish my goal currently? And if not, could the option be added to the Render tool? Thank you!

On the Reporting palette, the Map Legend Builder tool has an extra "the" in the tooltip. I have enclosed an image below. Full disclosure: it isn't a bug, it doesn't affect functionality, and it's trivial. This is version 2018.3.4.51585.



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