Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Please review the "Insert" (right click) tool category icons in the new UI in 2018.4

Typically I drag tools from the tool pallet to my workflow.  Sometimes, when I need to insert a tool into my workflow, I will right click to get the Insert tool dialog to find the tool I want to insert between two existing tools.  With the new UI, it is hard to see the tool categories as these were redesigned for the darker back ground. The preparation category is sandwiched between 3 other categories that start with "P" and I typically lean on the color/shape of the tool icon to find what I'm looking for.  Now I have to read the text to really know for sure. 


Perhaps you could lightly shade the middle of the tool category icons to make them easier to see or perhaps make the background behind the tool categories match the new toolbar color.  


Tool categories icons are hard to distinguish since they are now just light colored outlines on a light background.Tool categories icons are hard to distinguish since they are now just light colored outlines on a light background.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Under Review

Thanks for your feedback on the design changes in 2018.4. I will consider this feedback along with other feedback for future improvements to the design. 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Coming Soon

We're changing the icons back to solid fill icons in the next release. This should improve the ability to distinguish the icons at a glance. 

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Implemented

Thank you for your contribution to the idea board! 


I'm updating the status of this idea to Implemented as this was updated in 2019.1.