Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Hi Team,


It will be great to have a replace all functionality in Alteryx. There are times when we have to change the paths/ field references etc in formulas for a basic WF. The replace all functionality will help replace references in a go.


I would like to share my idea that would be definitely useful for fast automation of the process with reading and correctly recognizing the text from PDF input. I wrote about that, hoping somebody has already thought about that here.


The idea is the tools "PDF Input" and "Image to Text" from "Text Mining" category to be improved, so as the text from PDF document to be read properly, no matter the text position on each page. 


It could be also considered the performance of the combined tools of "PDF Input" and "Image to Text" to be improved as they work slower than the customized tool PDF Input does.


The idea also can be expanded to an entirely new tool that works out all the actions, needed for correctly reading of a PDF document without manual intervention.


Hi Team,


As the formula design that able to stack multiple formula in once. There should have more things there.


1. Error Icon for formula have Error

Can you find which row have error in seconds?


We had to count to find which formula had error!!!!

and how about now?



At least, do have an icon or anything significant thing that let us found it in second and WITHOUT COUNT!!!


2. buttons to expand all/ collapse all.

It was normal that we need to review formula in again in future.

So, you need to click one by by to view all the formulas?




It would be very useful if I could delete/remove fields while using the tool Join - manual configure fields directly instead of adding a "Select" tool next.


Hello all,


Would love to see an analysis too or a major upgrade to the browse tool.


9 times out of 10, if i want to understand the data that is in my browse tool, i have to export it into excel just to filter and sort. This functionality is very much so needed in alteryx in either a new Analysis tool or (more ideally) into the browse tool.


What are yall's thoughts?



Dear Alteryx Community,

I've tried my best to make sure this suggestion wasn't posted before so hoping I haven't missed a feature already present in Alteryx or re-posting an idea already submitted.


In any case, there is one operation I do so much that I wonder if it could be made easier.  I would consider myself a very basic Alteryx users so many of my workflows usually end in either Excel files, CSV, or Alteryx Database files. In any case, here is what I would love (if possible)


In my workflow, I wish I could Right-click on my Output Tool using a file-based output such as Excel, .csv, .yxdb and have a R-Click menu option which said "Start Workflow".  This would open a new Workflow with one input tool already present with a the path being the same as what was in the Output tool that I right-clicked on.


So many times I create an output and then need to use that output.  This usually means I have to copy/paste the path, create an Input Tool and paste that path in.  Would be so many easier if a few of these steps could be done automatically.


Otherwise, if the community knows a simpler/better way...I'm would love to know.


Thanks in advance



Would be interested if it was possible to turn off individual output tools individually rather than also disabling tools that write output, as it would be good to choose which output tools can write output, instead of placing them in a tool container for all of the output tools.


Hello Altyerx Community, 


I wish there was a 1 page PDF that would list all the Alteryx Keyboard Shortcuts.  Save time and effort.  Anyone else agree? 


Keyboard Shortcuts @PaulT posted:



I wish it would be similar to the document that @ianwi posted:



IanWi, would you be interested in creating this? If so, thank you in advance! 



Ryan Loshin 


When i have a lot of columns in a database and I don't know the specific name of a column, it gets difficult to find it inside the select and summarize tool, for example. If you include a browser inside the most used tools, it would be easier to identify the columns and reduce time. Thanks for your time.


I like the concept of the Interactive charts tool but it seems overtly cumbersome to use when you are trying to perform simple changes to a line graph.  The chart tool was much easier.  I like the direction the interactive tool is going but I should not have to edit the tools xml to display point values on a line graph.


Hello Team,


If we have the flexibility to add new formula any where in the formula tool not just at the bottom of the existing formula's that would be great.


Right now after development if there is change and an additional formula is required which will be input for existing formulas in Formula tool then effort to change is high, if we have the flexibility to add formula at any place in formula tool then the effort will be less.


Alternate Solution : Add one more formula tool before the existing formula tool and include the new formula but i

think if the formula tool has the flexibility to add formula anyplace possible that would be great.


Thank You,



I don't know if you already changed it in the 2019 version, but I'm still using the 2018.4 and the font used in the results view makes the total number of rows impossible to read.




Greetings All,


I recently came across a workflow that has hundreds of tools and I need change a "variable" within several filter tools. There is prob 30-40 filters and they vary in what they filter.  A find and replace feature would be awesome, or even a simple find function that shows were the variable is located within a workflow/tool. Could use user constants but these workflows were already made when I joined and it would be more difficult.


So a feature similar to the MS Word feature of search/find/find all/replace/replace all would be great for the actual variables with the tools.


When Alteryx Designer launches, the splash screen forces itself in front of all other windows. For the 1 minute it takes to load it prevents me from doing other things.

Please allow it to be in the background when another application is selected or able to be minimized.


My organization requires users to change their active directory passwords every so often. That's fine. That does create an issue with changing passwords on all workflows that contain a tableau server publish, but that's not the real issue here.


What's more annoying is that once that password is changed, the data source name and project is lost. When updating multiple data sources across workflows (or within the same workflow) this becomes quite cumbersome and annoying. 


I know there are limitations on the partner side as this is technically a tableau controlled thing, but is there anything that can be done here?


I often copy/paste chunks of workflow and paste it into the same workflow (or a different one).  It always seems to paste just diagonally below the upper most left Tool.  This creates a real mess.  I'd like to be able to select a small area within the work area and have the chunk of workflow I'm pasting drop there - instead of on top of the existing build.


Can a spell check option be included that will check the spelling in the comment tool text box and tool container captions?


Ideally a global check would be nice for the annotation section of each tool, especially if it can be determined if I changed the annotation from the default one on some tools.




Noticed an issue in the Browse tools, specifically if you’ve run a module once, where browse tools are displaying information, and then you add new browse tools into the process (without clicking run yet). What I’m seeing is if I’m looking at the “existing” Browse that is showing data, and then click directly onto a Browse tool that was added after the run (not remembering I just added it), the “new” Browse tool is showing the previous Browse tools info, I literally have to click on the canvas, and then back to the new Browse tool for Alteryx to recognized there isn’t any data to display in it yet. My point being it can be misleading to the user if they don’t recognize the wrong info is being displayed (because as you click back & forth between the two, the data stays the same, making the user think the issue is in the process rather than just the display, can waste a lot of time backtracking for no reason). I’ve seen this behavior over at least the past 3 engine updates, just FYI.


It may just be me, but after I upgraded to 2018.2, the Table/Query edit window doesn't take up the full window when I maximize the parent window. 


I'm surprised no one else has mentioned this, maybe it's just me.  See attached.


We have to run the full workflow at a time, if you can please think of something like partial running of the workflow and also while designing the flow if we add new tools, we have to run the entire flow again. 
Why can't it hold the intermediate data to avoid re-running the entire code.

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