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Submission GuidelinesHello,
After used the new "Image Recognition Tool" a few days, I think you could improve it :
> by adding the dimensional constraints in front of each of the pre-trained models,
> by adding a true tool to divide the training data correctly (in order to have an equivalent number of images for each of the labels)
> at least, allow the tool to use black & white images (I wanted to test it on the MNIST, but the tool tells me that it necessarily needs RGB images) ?
Question : do you in the future allow the user to choose between CPU or GPU usage ?
In any case, thank you again for this new tool, it is certainly perfectible, but very simple to use, and I sincerely think that it will allow a greater number of people to understand the many use cases made possible thanks to image recognition.
Thank you again
Kévin VANCAPPEL (France ;-))
Thank you again.
Currently I find myself always wanting to replace the DateTime field with a string or visa verse.
It would be nice to have a radio button to pick whether to append the parsed field to replace the current field with the parsed field.
I understand that all you need is a select tool after, this would be a nice QoL change especially where the field may be dynamically updated.
Is it possible to add a search feature to the Summarize Tool that is similar to the search feature in the Select Tool? Selecting specific fields to summarize in small datasets is fine, but if I am dealing with a table that has 200 fields searching for a specific field can be cumbersome. Type in a few key letters to filter the available fields would be helpful.
The introduction fo a rank tool would be hugely beneficial. Whilst there are currently means to rank using a combination of other tools formula/running total/multirow etc... a specific "Rank Tool" would be provide a seemless and smoother way to rank your data either for further analysis or purely to output this field.
This tool should include a sort by and group by functionaility as well as options for ranking (such as dense ranking or unique ranking) and in addition multi levels of ranking (ie. Rank by "Field A" Then By "Field B" etc...).
Changing the Macro Input tool in an existing macro is dangerous and can result in unmapped fields or lost connections in workflows using the macro. For example, we have a widely used macro for which we'd like to change the name of an input field, change it's default type from Date to DateTime, make it optional while keeping other fields mandatory. Currently, we cannot find a solution which would not require us to fix each workflow using the macro after changing it. We should be able to change the field names, field types (e.g. String to V_WString, Date to DateTime), select optional fields and do other modifications to Macro Input without having to update each workflow using the macro. The new Macro Input UI could be enhanced with a window similar to that of Select tool's. Technically, the Macro Input fields could have a unique ID by which they would be recognised in workflows, so the field names would just be aliases that could be changed without losing the mapping. In summary, we are restricted to our initial setup of Macro Input and it is very complicated to change it afterwards, especially if the macro is used widely.
When you have a "reminder"/"Notification" , there needs to be the option to permanently ignore the update.
Some updates only give you a timeframe for ignore/remind as little as 7 days. There should absolutely be options for longer time frames, and should include a permanent reminder of do not display/remind me of 'this' update again.
Fine for another reminder when there is another new update, but don't repeatedly place the notice of a reminder for the same system/version/data set etc etc etc update.
There are times companies don't provide updates for a year or more. You shouldn't have to keep dismissing update reminders/notices when you don't intend to update until maybe the next version or a year from now.
Remove the constant update notification.
The Transpose In-db stands in the "Laboraty" for years now. I understand Alteryx invested some time and money to develop that but sadly we still can't use that tool for sensitive workflows. Did you get some bugs on it? Can you please correct it and make this tool an "official" tool?
Alteryx offers the ability to add new formulae (e.g. the Abacus addin) and new tools (e.g. the marketplace; custom macros etc) - which is a very valuable and valued way to extend the capability of the platform.
However - if you add a new function or tool that has the same name as an existing function / tool - this can lead to a confusing user experience (a namespace conflict)
Would it be possible to add capability to Alteryx to help work around this - two potential vectors are listed below:
- Check for name conflicts when loading tools or when loading Alteryx - and warn the user. e.g. "The Coalesce function in package CORE Alteryx conflicts with the same function name in XXX package - this may cause mysterious behaviours"
- Potentially allow prefixes to address a function if there are same names - e.g. CoreAlteryx.Coalesce or Abacus.Coalesce - and if there is a function used in a function tool in a way that is ambiguous (e.g. "Coalesce") then give the user a simple dialog that allows them to pick which one they meant, and then Alteryx can self-cleanup.
Hi there,
We often get the following error message from the download tool
"00:00:23.555 - Error - ToolId 106: Error in libCURL: You have found a bug. Replicate, then let us know. We shall fix it soon."
Unfortunately this seems to be a transient error so we've not been able to replicate this in a useful & repeatable way. However - we see this happening at least a few times per week on one of our servers, so this is a continuing issue.
Please could you provide more detailed error messaging on the download tool so that this error can be debugged and/or replicated?
Many thanks
It would be great to have the below functionality in Alteryx.
A workflow is built in Alteryx and button click in Alteryx can be used to generate SQL code that can be ran on a specific database platform, such as SQL Server to run external editors such as SQL Server Management Studio. Thanks.
Hi to all,
I have seen one or two posts requesting ability to total up rows and/or columns of numbers, however this idea also requests the ability to subtotal data by a field and also produce an overall total.
This could be an extension to existing tools such as 'Summarise' and 'Cross Tab' or could be a stand alone tool. Desired output of using a tool like this would produce something like this:
This would be incredibly useful for building reports within Alteryx as well as analysing the data, and cut down the amount of tools currently required to produce this. I have seen a third party tool which does some of this but this adds the ability to subtotal.
thanks - Roger
I am currently using alteryx to generate pdf reports and noticed there is no option to have multiple row headers. In my line of work i cant skip this as the end users insist on having it like they have always had it.
I definitely think this should be available as many of us like replicate canned reports which are otherwise in excel and hence see the need for such an option.
The following might give an example of the multi row header,
Also the ability to merge certain columns to create the above effect should be available.
It would be very helpful to have an output of the workflow into a step by step document. so someone who does not have access to Alteryx can undestand the steps taken to create the flow hence the result or output.
Please can we have some drawing tools, so we can add another dimension to our workflows. I would like to draw arrows and lines across my workflow, so I can show the different stages of the workflow. I could use containers as an alternative, but feel lines would be better.
Also, is their a grid-line option, and a space equally (to spread tools evenly across work page), and an auto straighten!
Also, when you FIND, it would be nice if the Find box is allowed to stay on screen, whilst you work on the tool that has just been found; and if the founded tool can be highlighted more clearly so it can be seen.
Also, a timer, so we can see how long the workflow runs for.
That's it for now.
Today, the behaviour of batch macro can be strange.
If I refer to
we can have big behaviour differences between :
-wf and app
-designer and scheduler
Example here with a batch macro running for all lines in designer and only for line in scheduler
Designer works fine
Scheduler only runs the first line!!
I know the turnaroud (just use a message box) but it's not natural and I think
-at least the same behaviour is needed in any use case
-if you want to do some optimization, ok, but make it an option!!
Here's a reason to get excited about amp! Create a runtime setting that gets Alteryx working even faster.
when you configure a file input you see 100 records. Imagine the delight that after you run your workflows all input tools are automatically cached. You run so much faster.
now think of the absolute delight that even before you run the workflows that a configured input tool causes a background read off the input data. Whether it is a new workflow or an opened existing flow that reading can start ahead of the time button.
what do you think 🤔?
As of today, Alteryx is not compatible with PAC, althouth it is pretty common in companies.
Asking for a few machine to be out of the GPO may be a real struggle with IT security and has only a few chances to succeed. I have a case when we cannot do an upgrade because of that regression (since old licensing seems to be ok).
Please change
Due to different file formats whether it is .xlsb or any other formats, sometimes it requires end user to install additional drivers/engine.
Some of these driver installations require installations of outdated software e.g. Microsoft Access 2013 (Microsoft Access Database Engine 2013), which poses unnecessary security risk.
Therefore we recommend that in the future version should take note and incorporate such drivers into the installation package so that there is no need to install them separately.
Currently when debug mode is entered in analytic apps and macros, the direct inputs to the app/macro when the error occurred are hardcoded into a workflow in debug mode, so that errors can be more easily detected.
However, inputs into analytic apps also create global variables which can be used in the more code-heavy aspects of Alteryx such as the Formula Tool. These are not updated in the same way which can cause workflows to break in debug mode - it would be really helpful if global variables could be updated in the same way as the inputs into tools are.
It would be great if there was an output option for excel files where you could overwrite the data in the sheet, but keep the formatting in the sheet. Similar to how the Paste Values option works in Excel. This would allow me to create a template with data validation, conditional formatting, column widths, cell fill colors, etc and set a workflow to run on a schedule and just paste the data into the existing template.
To get around this right now I have to output it to a separate tab and then paste the columns as values over the existing template. This is fine unless I am out of the office and need to bother someone else to do it. I know there have been many times where i wish this was an option outside of the report I am currently building. I am honestly surprised I couldn't find an idea already submitted about this!
I think the undo/redo capabilities in Alteryx could be greatly improved. Here is an idea that I think would be beneficial...
I'd like to see which exact tools are affected by my undo/redo actions. An idea was suggested a couple years ago to move your location on the canvas, but that was not added to the roadmap. Instead, is it possible to add the tool ID to the undo menu so that it is obvious which tool each line is detailing?
This is the current debug menu that shows your previous actions:
When a tool is created, the ID can be displayed in this menu, but this is not shown when a change is made to an existing tool. My suggestion is that the menu would say:
4. Change Sort (3) Properties
This same change should be made in the Edit dropdown menu.
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