Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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I have used the SharePoint List Connectors with our SharePoint 2010 (on prem) instance for some time now. It works great and has become invaluable. Unfortunately, I have been told that these connectors do not work with a Cloud instance or an instance that is not on prem. We need this capability since Microsoft is pushing coporations to move to the cloud instance and there is talk that on-prem may not be available past the 2016 version that is coming soon. Many companies including mine have either completed or are close to completing a full migration which has rendered the current SharePoint Connectors useless. While this is the most important part, another piece that is missing is a SharePoint Document Library connector (similar to the Amazon S3 Download/Upload). Currently I must use the UNC path to my SharePoint folders and an easier more reliable way to save files out to OneDrive and SharePoint Online would be very beneficial.


Wanted to control the order of execution of objects in Alteryx WF but right now we have ONLY block until done which is not right choice for so many cases 

Can we have a container (say Sequence Container) and put piece of logic in each container and have control by connecting each container?
Hope this way we can control the execution order
It may be something looks like below 

Very nice to be able to extend Alteryx with R programs or CMD execution.  Please, please, please add a connection to Python!

I know this has been suggested before, but it would be great if calculations and transformations could be cached between workflow executions.  Perhaps the browse tools could be configured as caches.  Any spot that has a browse tool fixes the value of that node between runs provided that there are no upstream tool changes. The cache could be optional (or flushed) to allow for dynamic input data that could change between executions, even if the tool chain didn't.

Would be great if we could right click on an input and in addition to having "convert to macro input" there was an option for "convert to dynamic input".

Would be great if i could just select x number of tools and just say add to a new container vs creating container and then dragging into said container.
Sometimes when you make changes to a filter tool or some other tool's configuration and immediately click on another tool on your workflow, the chanegs you made to your first tool won't register.  The only way to get them to register is if you click the canvas afterwards.
Goal: My goals is to pull Marketo Lead Data via the Marketo Input SOAP API Connector and have specificied only 3 columns to pull for 1 day. 

Issue: It appears that the Marketo Input SOAP API Connector needs to go through all 500 + columns of lead object data before it filters out the specific request I indicated.  What this means is that to process 1 day of lead data for 3 columns of data, it takes 45 minutes plus and not ideal.

Client Services indicated that there is a limitation with the Marketo SOAP API tool and it would be best to utilize the Download tool and build a custom connection to the CRM System (Microsoft Dynamics) to get a predefined list of Lead IDs and then use that as a filter via the Marketo Input SOAP API connector. 

1.  Add Microsoft Dynamics Connector
2.  Try to innovate a better Marketo Service Connector to just grab the defined fields as opposed to go through the entire processing for all records to only filter back down to. 


It would be great if Alteryx developed an option to keep data transformations and additions already ran through the module. After adding new tools to the module, then the module would keep all of the data already transformed or added up to that point and would only spend time running the data through any new tools added after that point.

It would save the analyst a lot of time when developing big and complex modules.

It appears that the Marketo Input tool only is focused aroudn getting Lead oriented Objects, however since Marketo is a Marketing Automation tool, it has many more objects such as email performance, landing page performance, web activity, program performance, revenue explorer, etc. 

I'd like to vote up this idea of having marketo input connector having access to extrac data from other objects outside leads. 

Here is the latest Marketo Analytics resources that are available.  Anybody else encounter this bottleneck when trying to source the data out of Alteryx? 

We have several .txt input files (same structure) that need to be combined into one file.  But all the files have summary information on the first 6 rows.  Alteryx help me created a macro to skip the first x rows but it is involved - but it works.  Having a "start data import on line x" would greatly simplify the process.

One of those small little annoyances that can add some extra time to development is how when you browse for a file (either with the Input Tool or Output Tool) it always defaults to the most recent location of where you either picked up a file or output a file.

Many times I have existing Input Tools or Output Tools that I simply need to repoint (meaning they already have a file location mapped to either read or write to.)  For these, it would be great if, when the user clicked to File Browse, the initial folder location displayed was the same folder where the current file is mapped to. 

Perhaps displaying the most recent folder in the file browse interface may be best suited for when a file has not been mapped yet.

We have a number of clients now using Exasol databases and they would like to connect Alteryx to this data source.  There is currently some difficulty connecting using Alteryx and so it would be good if this could be fully tested please.

We would like to have the ability to overwrite sheets in macro-enabled Excel workbooks.  Several of our scorecarding templates leverage macros for Excel events, protection, and interaction, and the ability to directly overwrite data in these workbooks would be a huge benefit of  using Alteryx.

While trying to debug data parsing, I end up with browse tools all over the place and it makes the pallet a mess and time consuming to organize.

It would be much nicer to just have a little corner of all icons to have a sub icon or something I can click on to see output.  Multi output could be a little more tricky ... so better yet, maybe have small browse icons on the connectors you can click on for results of that feed?

Then have a menu option to turn all off/on.

Posting on behalf of Door To Door Organics:

Canvases can get pretty huge and it's an unintuitive pain to have to scroll and shift+scroll across a large canvas, and an even bigger pain to rely on the sliders at the edges of the canvas. It would be REALLY nice if we could navigate the canvas by dragging the canvas around, much like a touch interface, in the same way that Photoshop's "Hand Tool" works. 
As an added plus, the same hotkey that Photoshop uses (the spacebar) should also be usable in Designer, since, I'm pretty sure it's not used for anything else at the moment, as a hotkey. The functionality would look like this: hold down the spacebar (which changes the mouse cursor to a hand tool) and then, while the space bar is still held down, you'd be able to "grab" the canvas and drag it around in your view port in order to traverse it in a much more intuitive way. Bonus points if you could manage to implement some inertial scrolling with this as well. 😃

I have the Show Properties Window selected, but it is not showing up on my screen. At first I thought it was just hidden and that I could just pull it back from being hidden, but I can't find it anywhere. 


Idea:   I think the Interface Designer's "Test View" window should allow control parameters to act like "Text Boxes" and allow the designer to manually edit, or type a control parameter for use in a debug module.
When designing batch macros, there currently is not an easy, built-in way to test or debug their functionality.  There are two reasons to build a batch macro:
1) to reconfigure the macro at run time, just as if they were the answers to questions in the macro GUI;
2) to group the records going in the macro inputs into batches.
If I am designing a macro to perform the 1st function -- reconfigure the macro at run time -- I need to be able to test its functionality in a debug module.
The Interface Designer's "Test view" window should provide this ability by allowing you to type an example control parameter value.  However, the Test View window only allows you to "dropdown" to a value via a dropdown box.  This dropdown box is always empty, thus never allowing you to enter a test control parameter.  I think the Interface Designer's "Test View" window should allow control parameters to act like "Text Boxes" and allow the designer to manually edit a control parameter for a debug module.
I've attached a screenshot of a simple, two control parameter batch macro.  As you can see, in the Interface Designer, I don't have a way of inputting a value in either control parameter field to open a debug module.


Many files I use are in .xlsb format. 

I'm using .sv file format for compressing large files and using them in Alteryx.  .sv is call a Alteryx Spatial Zip file.  This format seems to offer the highest level of compression of all the Alteryx file format types.  Is this suitable for text also?  Is it usable in real time vs uncompressing first then using in a workflow?  If not, I think a compressed real time file format would be a nice addition.

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