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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Please introduce functionality whereby users can pull up a listing of all input data connections leveraging database queries. This would be exceedingly useful in instances where users can either individually or bulk edit various connection configurations, such as:

  1. change connection query
  2. change data connection source 
    • for example, if a connection configuration has changed via a new setup


This would be far more useful than scanning through the canvas looking for all of the input tools. Especially if the workflow is highly complex leveraging multiple inputs to various data sources. You could also incorporate a link for users to click on to take them to the point in the canvas where the input tool is located.

The more python and R development I do the more I want to use the shortcutes [CTRL] + [ENTER] to run my workflow,


Is it possible to add this as a second way to run the workflow? 


I'm thinking its going to have to have a new shortcut anyways with cloud as [CTRL] + [R] would refresh the page! :D


Asking for a friend :D

Collections in GALLERY by default must be sorted alphabetically or by creation data . Currently its displayed randomly and every time I have to do some kind of SORTING to get to what I want 




It would be great if there was a feature to disable/enable the ability for artisans from accidently publishing to the Company's "default" gallery location in a highly restrictive environment without having to hack the javascript file (production.js).


I recently downloaded version 2021.2. I noticed in the results when filtering that there is now a "data cleanse" feature in addition to the "filter" and "sort" features.  The data cleanse filtering feature should be an optional addition.  This feature is not necessary within the results to perform a quick filter on the results.  Adding this feature decreases functionality and efficiency as the user now has to pass over this option to get to the "filter" and "sort" features.  If anything, this option should be put below the filter and sort features.  Please consider making this feature within the results section optional or put the feature below the more important features of filtering and sorting.  

Credit to @pgdelafuente in his post Export Variables from Assisted Modelling Feature I... - Alteryx Community


This came up in a call with a large client - basically there's no easy way to output the feature importance plot, the accuracy metrics of the selected model (i.e. root mean squared error, correlation, max error, etc.). I would assume this is an easy addition into the Assisted Modeling tools, and perhaps useful for some of the Predictive tools!


I am working with client to modernize the way to provide data to core systems - in this case, Prophet.  


The data volume is huge, and the logic is complex, also some files are in legacy format, so AMP engine not able to deliver a satisfactory result.  

Appreciate if the team can work on AMP engine enhancement to help handling Flat files, or other tools so to make the workflow truly automated.  This will definitely help to justify the investment on server to clients with similar need.  


If I paste or insert a tool in a connection, tools to the left will sometimes vertically move a few pixels. I have to realign them and it is a nuisance. Please move only the tools to the right and only horizontally.

Please build individual *Unknown fields, one from the Left and one from the Right, into the Join tool. One *Unknown field cannot cover both side of the Join leading into the J output.

95% of the times I see myself using the Directory Tool, it is only to access the FullPath content, so I immediatly add a Select tool to deselect the other attributes the tool returns.

Is there any chance to add a checkbox to only retrieve FullPath?



I couldn't find a previous idea on this, but let me know if it already exists.


On Canvas settings, in the screenshot below, the entire context is visible, but still have a scroll bar. It should automatically adjust:






The double click to insert is great. I believe one cool addition to that would be if I have multiple tools selected on the canvas and double click on tool to add it, it could add to all the tools that were selected. 


I got so used to double click the tool on the tool pallet to insert it on the canvas that whenever I search for a tool, I keep double clicking it in the search results and, of course, nothing happens. 


Currently it is possible to save the expression in the formula tool. However, the field size and type are not stored with that saved expression, that would be some nice change. Maybe could be a checkbox to include that.

With a lot of large corporations moving to use Native Data Classifications and requiring them on all emails going out, it would be nice to add this to the email tool. A sensitivity drop down similar to what Power Automate has would be great.

Many of us use snowflake as our data warehouse.  So we need full support of all 3 major public cloud providers for staging data.  Right now, you only have support for Local and AWS.  It has been this way for the last 1.5 years that I have been using Alteryx.  From what I understand you were doing beta testing or some kind of testing to support Azure blob storage.  We are an Azure company and because your product fails to support Azure, it is costing us thousands of dollars in network costs transferring data.


Please support all 3 major public cloud providers as it relates to staging in Azure Blob Storage.  I am sure this is an easy feature to add so do it :)


I often work with files from vendor software packages where the input/output files are actually delimited text files, but where the filetype is a vendor defined filetype (Branding!), rather than .csv or .txt.  I would like to be able to whitelist these file extensions as data files so that they can be dragged into workflows.  I'm able to import them using "All Types" and then manually defining the import specifications, but it would be nice if I could define this on a file type basis rather than on a per file basis.



I am a newbie in Alteryx - has anyone ever built an etl workflow using python? I know how to read and run the jupyter notebook through import script in alteryx menu but not sure how to run my code as multiple steps of workflow. Any ideas?

Please add group by to the Record ID tool, so you can group by keys and reset the count.  I do this functionality currently by using the multi row tool, but as i use this regularly, it would be good to add the functionality to record id.

I would like the capability to spatially intersect vector data over raster based geographic information. I have to go back and forth between  Alteryx and ArcGIS to perform the zonal statistics and then back to Alteryx to complete the data analysis. 

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