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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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It would be great to have a spatial function that could be used to evaluate whether two spatial objects are equal/identical. I see this being available in at least three places:


  1. An "ST_Equal" Formula function
  2. A SpatialMatch "Where Target Equals Universe"
  3. An "Equals" Action in the Spatial Process tool

Would be nice if could use something like $Field rather than repeating the field name in the Condition and Loop expression within the Generate Rows tool



Currently there is no option to edit an existing macro search path from Options-> User Settings -> Macros. Only options are Add / Delete. Ideally we need the Edit option as well.


Existing Category needs to be deleted and created again with the correct path, if search path is changed from one location to another.



Tools within a workflow needs to be able to run in parallel whereever applicable.


For example: Extracting 10 million rows from one source, 12 million rows from a different source to perform blending.

currently the order of execution is the order in which tools are dragged into the canvas. Hence Source1 first, Source2 second and then the JOIN.


Here Source1 & Source2 are completely independent, hence can be run in parallel. Thus saving the workflow execution time.


Execution time is quite crucial when you have tight data loading window.


Hopefully alteryx considers this in the next release!


A tool for encryption/decription of a column with multiple encrypiton options is the idea.

Both one way and two way encription should be possible.



Clients are in need of encrypting customers' personal identification data

before sharing it with a third party like consultants and analytics service providers etc.

When insights are provided back the data owner needs to quickly decrypt the ID field and get results or decide actions.



This is especially an important case for banks, non bank financial institutions and telecom companies in EU countries and similar (Turkey has similar strict rules)




The sum function is probably the one I use most in the summarize tool. It is a silly thing, but it would be nice for "Sum" to be in the single-click list, rather than in the "Numeric" category...


Move sum functionMove sum function

We have been storing data on the PostgresDB and would be using variables from these tables for modeling processes in Alteryx. The ODBC connectors for postgres don't seem to be geared towards optimal performance, hence it would be extremely useful if Alteryx came up with an in-db functionality for postgres database in the future release.

It would be cool if a connector line would turn red when you select it, making it easier to trace the path (similar to how the lines turn red when you click on a join tool).

This setting is currently in the Options menu under user settings, but I think it would be more intuitive and more consistent with the norm for most software if the check box were directly on the splash screen.


As a method of deploying preprocessing and ML models it would be awesome to be able to convert a workflow to java... 



models are needed to be deployed into Complex event processes or decision systems. Even for SAS there is a need to implement the datastep algorithms and procs to run in JVM.




It is possible to convert a workflow into a PMML file and then use JMML package to convert that to Java. Yet the full workflow with all preprocessing alternatives and a series of ML methods may not be captured fully.


Competitor example:

For SAS case here is a similar solution:

When you do a search for a tool, don't zoom to a blank area of the canvas (because that's where the tool would have been with an enabled container). So when a container is disabled, zoom to the actual container instead containing the tool you're looking for or temporarily enable the container so we can see the tool?


In forecasting and in commercial/sme risk scoring there is a need for trying vast number of algebraic equations which is a very cumbersome prosess. Let's add symbolic regression as a new competitive capability.



Summations, ratios, power transforms and all combinations of a like are needed to be tested as new variables for a forecasting or prediction model. Doing this by hand manually is a though and long business... And there is always a possibility for one to skip a valuable combination.



Symbolic regression is a novel techinique for automatically generating algebraic equations with use of genetic programming
In every evolution a variable is selected checked if the equation is discriminatitive of the target variable at hand. In every next step frequently observed variables will be selected more likely.


SR comparison with linear regression neural nets and random forestsSR comparison with linear regression neural nets and random forests


Benefit for clients:

This method produces variables mainly with nonlinear relationships. It is a technique that will help in corporate/commercial/sme risk modelling, such that powerful risk models are generated from a hort list of B/S and P/L based algebraic equations.
There is potential use cases in algorithmic trading as well...


There are 3 very interesting world problems solved with symbolic regression here.

A very relevant thesis by sean Wouter is attached as a pdf document for your reading pleasure...


R side of things:

I've found Rgp package for genetic programming, here is a link.



I haven't seen something similar in SAS, SPSS but there is this;

Also there is Bruce Ratner's page


Is it possible to add some color coding to the InDB tool.  I am building out models InDB and I end up with a sea of navy blue icons.  Maybe they could generally correspond to the other tools.   For example the summary would be orange.  Etc  Formula Lime Green.

I have several .yxdb files that I’ve been appending to daily from a SQL Server table in order to extend the length of time that data is retained.

They’re massive tables, but I may only need one or two rows. 

I had hoped to decrease the time it takes to get data from them by running a query on them (or a dynamic query/input) as opposed to using a filter or joining on an existing data set which would have equal values that would produce the same result as a filter.

Essentially, the input of .yxdb would have the option of inputting the full table or a SQL query just like a data connection.

I would love to see the option to publish the description information from an alteryx workflow into Tableau tde files as the default comment field

As with Output Data tool, it would be very helpful to have this option within the Calgary Loader tool.  I have a series of ordered analytic apps and if I could name the Calgary database using the "Take File/Table Name from Field" option I would be able to chain the apps and be much more efficient.




An Alteryx version for Mac OS X sounded like a nice idea... Although there are options for using bootcamp with windows 7-8

or some virtualisation software as mentioned in a community post here.


Rationale 1 (Competitors do it):

First of all there is no need to neglect a customer segment using Mac's.


  • Rapidminer Studio comes with a dedicated OS X version,
  • Knime has Mac OS X support 
  • Weka has Mac OS X support as well
  • SPSS Modeler is Windows only but SPSS Stats is Mac OS X compatible.


Seems SAS was compatable in the last decade, but they dropped it. Now SAS is not OS X compatible but

still with the "SAS OnDemand" version Mac users can easly get a hands on experience.


Rationale 2:

The Mac Pro Beast has 7.2 TFlops of computing power with the help of dual ATI graphics cards.

It would be awesome to install Alteryx on one... 


When we copy and paste a tool into a workflow, we then have to drag the pasted tool into the workfow where we want it. It would be better if we could right click on a connector, select "paste", and have the tool paste into the flow where we put the cursor. Or to be able to right-click on a tool and select "paste after" similar to how we can "insert after".

This idea has been superceded by "Paste Before / After"

It would be great if I could save a tool and its configuration for future use. I'm sure this could be done now with a macro, and that's possibly how I'll do it.


The scenario is that we have numerous data inputs that require some finessing to import. Because the field headers are not in the first row, they aren't recognized accurately as comma delimited. But some of our fields also contain commas within the field, so the solution is to add a multi-field formula to replace things like ", Inc." with " Inc." and ", Ltd." with " Ltd."


But on occasion I find new text strings that need to be added to the formula, like ", Inc" (without the period) for instance.


I use this replacement technique with several workflows, so it would be great to change it just one time and have the other instances updated automatically.


Maybe in addition to our Favorites toolbar we could have a Custom or User toolbar where we could save tools along with their configuration.

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