Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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I am currently testing whether my company could use OneDrive as repository for all of our new projects.

Example path:


"C:\Users\UserName" is dynamically changed part of all dependecies located on our Onedrive TEAMS folder. In order to dynamicaly define that part for all of our input/outputs we have to utilize GetEnvironmentVariable("USERPROFILE") function at all input/output routes.

Problem lies with macros. Although I can use %TEMP% user variable to define paths for all macros, I wasn't able to replicate that with %USERPROFILE%


<EngineSettings Macro="%TEMP%\CommonCompanyOnedriveFolder\SpecificTeamsDirectoryFolder\OneDriveTesting\testingmacro.yxmc" /> works


<EngineSettings Macro="%USERPROFILE%\CommonCompanyOnedriveFolder\SpecificTeamsDirectoryFolder\OneDriveTesting\testingmacro.yxmc" /> doesn’t


Could you please enable all user/system variables to be detected at runtime (even custom ones)?


This would enable Alteryx Designer to support cloud based storage folder natively, as filepaths for all OneDrive based files stored locally would be dynamically changed across users with a particular workflow opened.


Alteryx version 2020.4


In the Explorer box configuration section, it would be great to add a navigation button to pick a URL address (pin point) to a directory/folder so that the user don't have to learn by heart (or copy paste) the exact URL address to make use of the tool.


I have three groups: a control group, a group that got product A, and then a group that got product B. There is a way to test the differences across all groups rather than running separate t-tests (which introduces type I error several times). If my outcome is the percent of people who were contacted, I want to see if the percent is different across groups.


Control Group % who were contacted: 10%

Product A group % who were contacted: 25%

Product B group % who were contacted: 33%


I shouldn't have to run a t-test comparing control to A, then another comparing control to B, and then a third comparing A to B. I know the method is pairwise comparisons but I'm not finding how I can do this in alteryx and I've looked on the community and surprisingly the answer seems to be "you can't" but this is not a rare statistical test!

A product analyst at alteryx help build a macro in R to run the tests but the variables need to be categorical rather than continuous. The ideal solution is that an additional predictive analytics tool can run these ANOVA tests and there's something to specify whether the variable is categorical or continuous.






As it is so important to be able to calculate and present time related concepts in modern businesses, it is not possible to have a better output choice?  I have seen the reporting chart tool, I have looked at the TS Plot tool and even noticed that the Laboratory Charting tool has disappeared.  So can you please provide an output tool that provides some focused functionality on this lacking part?


Kind regards,



During execution the user cannot scroll around. Large workflows need to be shrunk to very small icons to be able to follow the progress. Either have an option to automaticaly center on the active icon or allow scrolling during execution.


Loading large grd files takes a long time, I see they load as polygons.  I find the data crunches much faster as centroids.  Please add "load as centroid" as input option (same as mapinfo "tab" files). 


Also, would be great to load as integer (or select data type), since there are often too many decimals.


Last, but not least, the ability to export as grd or grc would be great since there are other platforms that use these files.





I tend to use a lot of the 'Names' for the connections. 
If you're not familiar with this option, or the above makes little sense, when you select a connector (line) on the canvas, within the configuration window, you can enter a 'Name' (or just some text) in the box, that will then appear on the canvas. 


I'd like this option to be expanded on. 


Rather than just putting in some text, I'd like the ability to have the text centred on the line between the tools. Maybe have the text a different colour. One definite option I'd like is for 'Wrap-Text'.


I tend to use this option to make notes on my workflow, as I find that it looks better than a comment box or tool annotation. It's useful if your workflow has multiple streams and you want to note what one stream does. 


As an example of how I use it: 


To be able to have this 'Wrapped' would make it so much neater. 


Only a 'small' change I guess(?)



Alteryx to develop for the people who are Disable under American with Disability Act.


I am a citizen developer utilising Microsoft Power Apps and would like to see a Dataverse connector.


1. The Union tool 


When switching to Manual method and then adding fields up stream, the result is a warning "Field was not found". I don't look for warnings. This should create a red error. Having fields fall off the workflow is a pain.


2. Unique tool


Changing fields upstream causes the tool to error out when the workflow runs. No issues are shown before the run. 


3. Having containers all open up when I reopen a workflow is a nightmare when you have 20+ containers all over lapping.




My boss and I uses a MB Rules Tool.
He is in trouble because the settings are not what he wants.
It seems that many combinations will come out.

Control Parameters
The allowable minimum number of items in a rule or itemset.

I would like you to inprove or add this parameter to "Maximize".
Modeler seems to be able to set the maximum.


This error may be encountered and replicated when you are using an image in the reporting "Header" tool where the path contains an "&". Yes this is rare, but possible and sometimes you want to keep the path, but can't update the path name. If you select the image in a path with an "&", then you'll get an error similar to the following:


Error: Report Header (36): The Action "Update Image Tool" has an error: ParseError: Unterminated entity reference, 'D' at line 2 and column 19
while processing "Action_UpdateRawXml"


A discussion began in 2016 on this topic:
Solved: Insert Image in Report Header: ParseError: Untermi... - Alteryx Community


One of my favorite features of Alteryx is the in-line browse in the results window, as well as the descriptive log, highlighting record counts into and out of tools.  As I develop bigger and longer-running workflows, I would love to be able to save off these results to provide my QA analyst with a "cached" version of a run without them having to run it themselves.  Providing them not only with a well-documented workflow, but with a complete data flow would be tremendously helpful in getting work checked.  Our current process is to pass workflows off, and encourage the QA analyst to run them with the "Disable all Tools that write Output" option checked.  While this is not an issue for smaller workflows, it is inefficient for larger ones, and also can cause some difficulties with access logistics like missing or inconsistent connection aliases.


I have seen some requests asking for saving of browse results (, but these primarily seem to be geared at data caching for further workflow development.  My aim is to save the browse and results statuses of a completed workflow for the purpose of QA.


Note: I posed this as a question in the Data Preparation and Blending forum, but didn't receive an answer so thought I would propose it as an idea.


In working with a user who was having issues with workflows hanging, I found that the ‘Select Records’ tool seems to requires an inordinate amount of CPU Utilization.  To fix this, I rewrote the ‘Select Records’ macro to avoid using the ‘Dynamic Replace’ Tool.  What I found is that this not only significantly lowered CPU usage, but also runtime.




Can we please make the TS Model Factory customisable to both ARIMA and ETS? I understand that currently it is using auto.arima for R, it would be nice to add the option to customise p,q,P and Q.


Thank you.


It would be great if the deselecting of fields in a select tool updated the output window(before next run) as a "review" to make sure you are removing what you expect and/or you can see other items left behind that should be removed. This would also be useful for seeing field names update as  you organize and rename.


Often I join tables w/o pre-selecting the exact fields i want to pass and so I clean up at the end of the join. I know this is not the best way but a lot of times i need something downstream and have to basically walk through the whole process to move the data along.




Hi Team,


I have searched through the ideas board but couldn't find one relating to my current request so here's hoping that this can be implemented in future releases.

I have been playing around with Knime and find one feature very useful that you could build in.  Knime use the concept of a metanode, where you can collapse a bunch of tools (nodes in Knimespeak) into one single node and I believe that this can be a very useful feature.  For example, in some of my workflows, where I text mine using regex, (depending on the circumstance), I will have a bunch of regex tools to parse one string (see screen grab below).  In such instances, it would be great if all the regex tools can be collapsed into one meta-tool.



As recommended by HenrietteH at Alteryx to submit as a suggested future enhancement.


I have Oracle 11 and Oracle 12 clients on my machine. With Toad, I can toggle between either client's current home, but it appears that is not a feature in Alteryx. So now I am unable to execute ETL jobs off my machine or server because Alteryx gets confused. Currently, the only remedy I can think of is having 11 client uninstalled, which can cause dependency issues if I need it in the future.


When the Business Match (US) tool is used with a valid US Business Insights license, it yields low matched results of roughly 30 to 40%. Currently, it only matches on business name and address. It will be beneficial to also provide an ability to match with the business telephone number to provide better results. I understand that there are license restrictions in doing so, but the firmographic data is not very useful unless there is a good yield in matched results for DNB data.


I would love to be able to double-click on an input or output file and have the file open. Second to that would be a clickable hyperlink to the filepath that could be used to open the file, or a "go to" button or something. Anything would be better than my current process of copying and pasting the filepath into an explorer window.

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