Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Hello all,


Within the databases that I work in, I often find that there is duplicated data for some columns, and when using a unique tool, I have little control of what is deemed the unique record and which is deemed the duplicate.


A fantastic addition would be the ability to select which record you'd like to keep based on the type + a conditional. For example, if I had:


Field 1Field 2Field 3


I would want to keep the non-null field (or non-zero if I cleansed it). It'd be something like "Select record where [Field 1] is greatest and [Field 2] is not null" (which just sounds like a summarize tool + filter, but I think you can see the wider application of this)


I know that you can either change the sort order beforehand, use a summarize tool, or go Unique > Filter duplicates > Join > Select records -- but I want the ability to just have a conditional selection based on a variety of criteria as opposed to adding extra tools.


Anyways, that's just an idea! Thanks for considering its application!





 In my use of the Data Cleansing I want all the fields to be cleansed. Selecting the ALL choice selects all the fields, however if new fields are added later they are not automatically added. Perhaps the addition of a UNKNOWN choice as in the SELECT tool.




The Alteryx File Types page describes only the more common file types. The page fails to describe many of the more obscure and esoteric file types and the community doesn't either.


I would like to know the purpose of each file type, where it typically lives, and with which tools it is associated when applicable.


Please update this page with a complete description of each file type.

MySQL released version 8 for general availability in April 2018. It would be nice when Alteryx installed LUA scripts for MySQL 8 by default. Now only LUA scripts for MySQL 5 are installed.

*This is an idea from @sayuri from the Portuguese Community*


  • Formatting capabilities in Interface tools: Ability to add an embedded new line in questions

*This is an idea from @fmvizcaino from the Portuguese Community*

  • Fuzzy Match tool in Portuguese

I love the example workflows.  If I've already added a tool to the canvas that I need to reconfigure, however, it would be easier to simply right click the tool that's already there rather than finding the tool on the ribbon at the top to open the example workflow.  Please add the ability to launch the example workflow for each tool on the right click menu.




Hi all


It would be helpful to have the possibility to work with placeholders in zip file input:


1. placeholder for zip file itself    c:/data/*

2. placeholder for the files in the zip file  *raw.csv


It would make it easier to automate daily zip files with files with the same structure in the zipped file.


Kind regards



Wondering why  I have to change 100s of my workflows every time password changes . system should read the latest password like Tableau can do embedded passwords on data sources automatically from active directory 

Hi All,


It would be great if Alteryx 10.5 supports connectivity to SAS server.



Our organization uses Sharepoint Online store and collaborate on several excel files.  These excel files will serve as an input to our workflows.  Please create an input tool that can save save credentials for sharepoint, then an excel file from sharepoint.

Our DAT file structure is as follows:


The first line of the .DAT file must be a header row identifying the field neames.

The .DAT file must use the following Concordance default delimiters:

Comma  ASCII character (020)

Quote    ASCII character (254)

Newline  ASCII character (174)


Thank you,

Pete Vara

Hi All


I thought that this idea might be helpful for users who wanted to remove or trim specific characters without having to write regex formula or multiple replace formula, so I made some change to data cleansing macro tool and add some new feature that can be used for trimming or replace specific characters without having to spend time to write formula / multifield formula, just need to configure data cleansing tool and it's done 


For example, I trim the quote symbol without having to remove another symbol, or in case there's another quote in the data, Since I use the trim function, it won't remove the quote symbol inside the sentence too, only the quote symbol at the left and right of the sentence.




Also, it can be used to replace a specific word(like find and replace, but without having to create a dataset to replace the word) and can be used for multiple fields,  at the example below I replace NA to 0.







IMO, Alteryx should bring new hot keys into newer version:

1. Search for tools, help, and resources

2. Search for Result windows: This is extremely wanted coz I always have to check, recheck results so it's so annoying to non-stop moving the mouse cursor to different positions

Hi Alteryx team,


Not sure if this is a Designer or Connect idea but the idea is to allow more options when searching in Connect from the Designer interface. As of now, it seems that it is only possible to search for tables and views, or generally those objects which can be added as an input data tool.




I believe that search directly from Designer is a great feature and at least our clients use it more and more. Would it be also possible to find workflows within Connect catalogue and open these workflows in Designer?


This could also apply to other data assets within the Data sources section like APIs, procedures etc.


Thank you


Unlike 'Multi-row formula' tool, the 'Multi-field formula' tool's expression textbox doesn't word wrap. Please see below picture that shows how each behaves respectively.


Wouldn't it be better to make the 'Multi-Field formula' tool to behave the same for both consistency and ease of use?








It would be really usefull if we could invert the sequencial color scale when using pie charts. For example, there are times where the greater the number is, I need it to be more red. Sometimes, I need the oposite behaviour, higher numbers having less red. 

Alteryx Admin Designer
Version: 2019.2.10.64688


Use case: Improved accessibility of Designer functionality via Keyboard and UI Menus

Hello Alteryx Team. I am very new to the Alteryx world. As I continue to learn and go through training and tutorials, one thought occurred to me. Using Alteryx requires a great deal of mouse dexterity - especially as workflows grow in complexity. This could be extra-challenging or frustrating for users with limited mobility.


As a huge fan of keyboard shortcuts, I found the Find Tool (CTRL+F) to be very handy when locating and selecting tools without the mouse. And the View Possible Connections feature enables the ability to link anchors without a mouse. Excellent! However, this handy feature seems only accessible by right-clicking a tool with the mouse. I'm unable to find an entry for this feature in any of Designer's menus, nor does it appear when using the Menu key on the keyboard (which brings up the Context Menu, aka Right-Click).


Perhaps this has been addressed in other versions of Designer. Or it might be a UI oversight. But in terms of accessibility, I feel it would be very useful.


Please let me know your thoughts or show me how to find it outside of right-clicking.


Many thanks,



It would be very helpful if it were possible to have each data point display it's value on a line graph in the Interactive Chart tool.  While the tool is excellent, this added functionality would go a long way.  Since bar and pie charts already have this I'm curious as to why it was never made available for line charts.

When a workflow has run it has it's final message.

 Alteryx Product Ideas

It would be great to have a datetime stamp included in the file message. When running multiple jobs and editing multiple workflows it would be great to be able to check the last runtime so you know when each job had finished. As I often flip between multiple workflows during development and can working on up to 10 or more at any one time 



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