Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Example Data:          
MJE Text  Ref Fld 1 Ref Fld 2 Ref Fld 3 Date NTID
Accrual MJE Load     11/1/2019 DAVET
Fx Reval Accrual     12/2/2019 MOLLYI
    Acc   3/4/2019 BOBH
Forex Fx     CCRUAL 7/9/2019 GREGA
FASB       8/5/2019 BOT7
Tax       10/6/2019 BOT88


I want to use contains to search multiple strings and "IN" for multiple targets within the same formula. 


IF Contains(([MJE Text]+[Ref Fld 1]+[Ref Fld 2]+[Ref Fld 3) IN("Accrual","Acc","CCRUAL")) THEN "Accrual" ELSE "" ENDIF


Result would be:            
MJE Text  Ref Fld 1 Ref Fld 2 Ref Fld 3 Date NTID Group
Accrual MJE Load     11/1/2019 DAVET Accrual
Fx Reval Accrual     12/2/2019 MOLLYI Accrual
    Acc   3/4/2019 BOBH Accrual
Forex Fx     CCRUAL 7/9/2019 GREGA Accrual


Can this be developed?

It would be nice if we could right click on a Tool from the canvas and add it to Favorites from there.

I want to use Alteryx to pull data from a SharePoint List.  This shouldn't be a problem, but I use SharePoint Content Types.  Alteryx won't allow me to import any list that has Content Types enabled; thus rendering the SP list input type not usable. 

My interim workaround is to create a data connection thru excel to the list and then pull the data in that way, but optimally, I would like to pull directly from the list.


Content types are a best practice in SharePoint, so any list or library in my site collection contains them.


Please update the SharePoint list input to support content types.


thank you,


Someone else inquired about this but I didn't see an idea entered /


Hi - I miss the functionality in 9.5 of being able to set a default tool in a tab and then drag in tools from the tab. This seems to be gone in 10. Is there any possibility of it coming back?

Many thanks - Nathalie

It will be great if we have a round down or round up function just like excel in Alteryx. I know we can use the left function after converting the number to string, but it becomes difficult when the decimal value is huge.

For Snowflake Bulk loading only AWS S3 is supported.  ODBC works but has slower performance.  Adding the Google Cloud Storage option would allow more customers to use this feature.

My system's regional settings are German that uses a different decimal symbol and digit grouping than an English system.

Frequently I need to copy data from a browse tool in Alteryx to Excel to create a quick chart or further analysis; this often includes float or double data types.
Instead of the in my case correct ',' as decimal symbol, Alteryx uses the English '.', hence would cause incorrectly pasted values in Excel.
Always using an Excel file as output data is time consuming.

The request is: Make Floats and Double aware of the systems regional setting for copy and paste out of results.

I have a column called Recency that only has values from 1 to 5. When I view the data using the Browse tool I see a scatter graph of the data that tells me very little apart from the fact that they only have values from 1 to 5. It would be much more useful to display a histogram showing how many records have 1,2 etc so I get a better idea of the data quality.


Alteryx Designer x64 - RFM_pushSF.yxmd.jpg        Alteryx Designer x64 - RFM_pushSF1.yxmd.jpg

It would be great if in the metadata we can have example of data inside


Currently there is no "In - Database" node to perform action queries


Work around

Use of the pre / post SQL in "Output data" node to perform action queries



Alteryx ease of use of "In - Database" nodes to work on large scale databases

Currently use of Knmie and SSIS is preferred instead of Alteryx


Action Requested

Please add an action query node to "In - Database" group.





While working with Predictive models, I got confronted with this situation: 







The highlighted traces are linked to the box even though you click on an anchor.

It'd be much simpler to trace this spaghetti if, when we select an anchor, only what is connected to it stay highlighted.


IDEA: Click on the box, keep all output visible in blue, click on an anchor, anchor's output is visible in blue, the rest remains in black.


Like this:


(Drafted with powerpoint, not the best representation)

To measure the computational complexity of an Alteryx workflow, you need a unit of measure. Because the execution time depends on hardware performance, execution time is not suitable for comparison on different PC's. I temporarily named this to Alteryx Calculation Score (ACS).


ACS is useful for:
1. For troubleshooting purposes, I want to compare my workflow ACS and execution time between my PC and another PC. If the workflow overflow PC's memory, ACS is same but execution time goes worse.
2. I would like to compare the workflow ACS for Weekly Challenge with other people's workflows.
3. When you want to choose the suitable Alteryx tool for your purpose, ACS will be good guide.


ACS is roughly proportional to execution time without DISK and network I / O. Each Alteryx tool has a fixed ACS value because its computational cost depends on the data and settings.


I believe ACS will improve the performance of Alteryx and its workflow.

Currently only DateTime based functions are available, Time based functions should be introduced. like TimeAdd(), TimeDiff() etc.

This will help users a lot to calculate different aspects of time based calculations...


Ashok Bhatt

Using Render tool to create an excel document. 

(This is for a specific use case)


If you are using the RENDER tool to create one or more EXCEL documents.  Ensure that you are NOT explicitly stating the Sheet name in the file name.  (Output file or 'Replacing entire Path with Group).


If you explicitly name the sheet, it will throw an inboundPipe error.  

Remove the sheet name, and it should work fine. 



It would be nice to have an option for annotations to be hidden and then show when the tool is selected or hovered over. Long annotations are distracting in normal use but may be necessary to inform new users. Currently, our only option is to always hide or always show them. Having an option to allow annotations to be hidden and then appear when a tool is hovered over, or selected, would allow for a more sleek canvas and not deter users from writing long annotations. This is similar to how comments in excel work. Having a canvas wide setting and then an override option on a tool by tool basis would be ideal. 



as shown in the Alteryx Inspire Demo, Assisted modeling is going to work with a wizard and generate several tools as result.

The data evaluation functions and feature engineering assist however would be extremely useful tools in their own, is there any chance we can use them as separate tools in the upcoming version?


Thanks in advance!

This minor but also easy.  It would be nice to have four way control to adjust the size of four open windows.  Instead of adjusting two and then adjusting the other two.  When hovering over the four corners of where the window come together - when they are lined up - then the cursor would change to a four way arrow and allow adjustment of all four windows in four directions.





You have a slide within a slide and if your window is not big enough you don't even see both slides.  Makes absolutely no sense and is super annoying.


join double slide.JPG

Can you please add a setting to the Dynamic Input tool where the developer can choose to treat different schemas as either Errors, Conv Errors or a Warning?


Depending on which of these issues are flagged during a workflow run my management of it differs. I tend to ignore warnings, yet pay attention to Errors and Conv Errors.

It would be very helpful if there was a master variable list for the entire workflow, with one column of that list being the first tool number where the variable appeared.  For example, when using JOIN with many fields, it is pretty easy to get duplicate fields.  It is also common to have fields that are only slightly different, for example, "Variable_1" and "Variable 1."  If there was a master list of variables with hotlinks to the first tool where a variable appeared, it would be easy to fix duplicate or near-duplicate variables.  Other useful fields for a variable summary would include the variable type (integer, double, etc.), whether the field has any nulls, and whether the field has any text.  

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