Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Alteryx started as a geospatial application. The "y" and "x" in Alteryx stand for the geospatial origin of the application. So why doesn't every tool in the Spatial Category have a One Tool Example? As of version 2019.2.7, there is only one One Tool Example in the Spatial Category. It is for the Distance Tool.


Please make One Tool Examples for every Spatial tool. Thank you.

A multifilter tool would match excel capabilities and make users more comfortable making leap to Alteryx from excel/.


I pull alot of excel and text files through Alteryx; the files always have empty rows that make viewing the files through Alteryx unwieldy.  It is easy to filter one at a time but that is laborious,.  I put a post out to the community and others encountered same issue.  There was a macro built to bring this capability to Alteryx; it really should be a native feature.  I would rather not have to use a macro


Users in excel do sumifs, countifs where multiple fields are pulled into the formula.  The current filter tool in Alteryx only considers one column.  To match excel, the ability to bring multiple columns into the filter tool at once would match this capability.




Stan Grabish

(404) 925-3013





I find it a little strange that we need to utilize a different set of tools (the In-DB tools) in order to achieve push-down optimization. This is not the case, for instance (as far as I know), in SPSS, perhaps others.


My request is to automatically push logic to the database layer if and when it's possible to do so.


In order to maintain operation similar to existing, it could be implemented as an overall workflow setting (on or off) such that leaving it turned off would result in tools continuing to behave as they do today.  Turning it on simply enacts a process of combining as many tools as possible into SQL that is pushed to the database server, and assumes whatever permissions are necessary to make that happen; (e.g. ability to write temp tables or etc...)





I'm not sure if it's just my computers (I've tried on a desktop & laptop), but Alteryx doesn't seem to have the "select all" ability in the input/output windows. Meaning if there is text already in the output window, the user should be able to click once to drop the cursor, click twice to select the whole word, and click three times to select the whole line. Currently, it just goes does the first two.


Since I usually have long file paths, I can't see the whole path, so instead of just clicking 3 times to select everything, I have to click once to get the cursor there, then hit the Home button, then hold down Shift and hit the End button, then do my copy/paste. I think having the 3 click select all basic function would be very useful. Have a great day!

When reading and writing large data frames to/from a python script in Alteryx it seems that there are limitations to the SQLite component of the tool. Given that this selection is recommended only when the user is having issues in the python tool why is the option selected by default? A colleague and I spent a couple of hours trying to work through an issue with importing a data frame larger than 1000x1000 and once we found this option (SQLite override) and unchecked it the data was written back to Alteryx without any problems.


Hint provided by the tool, "This changes the intermediate data format between Alteryx and Jupyter from yxdb to SQLite. Use only if running into issues. See help for more details."


SQLite override is default selectionSQLite override is default selection

Error message provided by the tool

error message.PNG

After unchecking the option the workflow ran without any errors.


Recommendation: the python tool should default to SQLite override unchecked


It'd be nice if there was a way to add an autofill function.  Say I was using a text tool and got tired of always typing the full name in (lazy, I know) or just didn't know the correct spelling.  It'd be nice if there was a check box where the app creator could allow for autofill or autoselect.  As the user typed in the text a drop down list would show changing as he user typed until the user saw what they were going to fully type.  They would then select that text from the drop down list.  Be a nice little feature.

When I checked out if there is a way to force the intercept to 0 or some other constant value, it's not doable from the tool configurations.

Linear Regression.png


So manually we can have "0" intercept in linear regression this way (edit the macro's R tool)


cars.lm <- lm(dist ~ speed, data = cars)
cars.lm2 <- lm(dist ~ 0 + speed, data = cars) 

# Adding the 0 term tells the lm() to fit the line through the origin


So a minor addition of a tickbox will solve that and make that linear regression tool more flexible i guess...



By being able to connect to views in BQ we'd be able to skip the dependency on scheduling table refreshes within BQ and keep all of the dependencies in Alteryx.

I know a ton of users who have noticed that the Select tool no longer shows the entire Column name anymore. It used to automatically show the majority of all column names (unless they were really really long) but now it only shows about the first 9-10 characters? Why is this? Can we go back to old format? I noticed that the Field part of the display now shows the entire name (V_String, etc), but this is really not needed as you can tell the field types usually by the first 3-4 characters, why did that get enlarged and the column name part got shrunk?


Also, why is Description even there, how many people actually use that field on a regular basis. Why can't that be shortened or taken away entirely and the extra space be given back to the Column name area? Also, why when I go thru and adjust the width manually of the display, does it revert back to the compact view the next time I click on the very same tool? We should at least have options to keep it the way it was, having to constantly drag out the name field every time I click on a Select tool, or Spatial Match tool, or any other tool with the select tool interface is really annoying and time consuming, it was much better/easier the way it used to be.


Does Alteryx have something similar to, where we can petition for a review on that update?

When tools are closely aligned 

Rownum and data size cross with other tools.


I would suggest dynamically locating the information sometimes on top or under the tool instead...





One of our biggest issues when updating our Salesforce instance from our Oracle Database is the difference in column names. It would be nice to be able to map the fields as needed rather than having to redefine the columns in a Select tool or Dynamic Rename tool. This would allow more end users to understand what the tool is doing.



Recently I was helping a client to design the workflow to do transformation. In the middle of the work, I feel a bit lost on handling so many fields and thinking it would be great if there is a feature that allow me to track the field actions along the workflow. It could be something like a configuration on the canvas, user activate it only when they want to.

And when it is activated, the workflow could become:


So it is easier to find the path of certain field along the whole workflow.


Or is there any method to achieve this at the moment?





When using the SQL output "delete and append" option, I noticed that this is not transactional. I.e. it deletes the data first, then inserts the new data. If an issue happens which prevents the new data insert from happening, then you have lost all the data in the table but it hasn't been replaced by anything new.


I tested this by revoking insert permissions from the login I was using - the insert failed, but the delete had already occurred. This could also occur if there was a network error or connection drop in the middle of the execution.


I use delete and append because the replace if new option is unutterably slow (takes about 5 minutes to complete on ~3000 rows, instead of 0.5 seconds)


I think the delete and append  option should either be enclosed in an explicit transaction, or a combination of temp tables and copying  should be employed. This behaviour could maybe be offered as an option in case of extremely large datasets.


Allow Input Data tool to accept variable length (ie., variable number of fields) per record.  I have a file with waypoints of auto trips; each record has a variable number of points, eg., lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, etc.  Right now I have to use another product to pad out all the fields to the maximum number of fields in order to bring it into Alteryx.

Hi - think it would be great to have to open only one debug window, and where I add to my workflow, the debug automatically updates to include the new features of my workflow.


As it is now, I believe that I have to open a new Debug window where I have added new components to my workflow. 

I am having large denormalized tables as input, and each time I need to scroll down approx 700+ fields to get an exhaustive view of fields that are selected (even if I have selected 10 out of 700 fields).


It would be helpful if along with having a sort on field name and field type, I can have an additional sort on selected/deselected fields. Additionally if I can get sort by more than one options i.e sort within an already sorted list that will help too - i.e. sorted selected first and inside that selected by field name.


I can get an idea of selected fields from any tool down the line (following the source transformation), but I would like to have an exhaustive view of both selected and unselected fields so that I can pick/remove necessary fields as per business need.



I wanted to suggest unhiding select/deselect all in the Options menu for the "select tool".
There is enough space in the header right of "Options" to include select all/deselect checkboxes. or remove the Tip.

Select all/deselect is suppose to reduce clicks. By hiding in Options, it adds clicks. 


Select ALL.JPG

Switch origin idea.JPG


It would be great if Alteryx created a program along the lines of Tableau Reader. If an organization is not at the point where they want to deploy Alteryx Server, but some people need to run Alteryx Apps, making a low cost desktop application that would allow users to open and run .yxwz files would be great. There are many non technical users who don't need and would not use the full version of Alteryx, but creating a desktop application allowing them to run .yzwz files would be helpful to them and would drive Alteryx adoption. 

This is the most minor of annoyances, but it would be great if I could copy and paste color hex values between containers, comments, etc. The system color dialog doesn't have that, so maybe if the color boxes in the configuration pane were directly editable, or something like that. If I'm changing the colors for multiple containers, it's kind of a pain that I have to select the R, G, and B values manually. 

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