Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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I appreciate being able to write to an ESRI File GeoDatabase. It would be even better if in the process of writing to an ESRI File GeoDatabase I could identify fields to index and have them indexed when writing to the File GeoDatabse. Currently I have to add the index in ArcGIS after the fact. Writing to an ESRI File GeoDatabase currently adds a spatial index automatically, but I'm talking about an attribute index here.

Hello gurus - 


Pretty much every coding framework supports this.  If we really want Alteryx to embrace no-code, we've got to have some ability to control commit / rollbacks across transactions.  As it stands currently, it is pretty easy to write out parent records, fail to be able to write out children, and wind up with a database state that makes the end users very sad.  





Right now we can only change the alteryx log folder but not the log file name. If we can change the log file name , it will be great because that gives us the ability to parse certain logs and check for errors/issues and send out emails accordingly.

Looking forward for the addition of in-database tools for SybaseIQ or SAP IQ

Please star that idea so Alteryx product management can prioritize this request accordingly...


Note on SAPIQ;

  • SAP IQ is a database server optimized for analytics/BI, it is a columnar RDBMS optimized for Big Data analytics
  • IQ is very good for ad-hoc queries that would be difficult to optimize in a legacy transactional RDBMS...
  • It's ranked number 48th amongst all DBMS and 27th amongst relational DBMS
  • SAP IQ16 has gained R language support


currently we can connect with ODBC,

Please add measures of statistical central tendency to the Summarize tool, such as:




Thank you.

The Record ID tool can take a custom starting value other than the default of 1. I sometimes have a case in which I want the starting value to begin with 1 + the max of another field. I can either do this with a macro or with Append and Formula tools. This is just one example. If I have the ability to use an expression as the Starting Value, then I can do the 1 + max or something else cool and useful.

It would be nice if we could cancel out of the interactive chart tool without saving the changes we made. It would make it easier than trying to recall how we had it before it was opened, especially when you're making small tweaks to formats & dimensions of things to make them look a little different.


I have Ubuntu 16.04 and a good web developing exrierience.
Moving closer to DataMining and Data Analysis tasks I think this interesting app - Alteryx - should be used not only on Windows, but on Ubuntu/Debian as well.
Downloaded Alteryx file /home/Downloads/AlteryxNonAdminInstall_1_96f6543d8dc5f291.exe does not start (open) on Ubuntu.
There is a message:
"An error occurred while loading the archive."
"Invalid url:AlteryxNonAdminInstall_1_96f6543d8dc5f291.exe given, exiting
No ':' in the uri"
I used 
sudo apt-get update -done
and some other Ubuntu attempts, but still no result..

I think it should be done ASAP.

Thank you
P.S. Also, why *.png files are not accepted as valid attachments files extension? I can not attach an ordinary screenshot... ((

In the in-db join, add the possibility to make left-except or right-except join in addition to the 4 available options.

Would love for the text areas in the configuration window to allow for a Find/Replace text search. Especially useful if you have long/nested/complex calcs that reference the same field multiple times and then you change that field's name or want to replicate the same formula for another field.

The macros included in the CReW macro pack are excellent. However, having to install them each time and hope that your users have the macros installed can be a pain. 

Suggest adding them as default tools in the next version of alteryx.

I have not found this function or a workaround, only as "recent connections" which normally, are not saved on Virtual Machines.

This would save the time it takes to find the path/folder where Calgary DBs are saved.


if this has been proposed or fixed already, please delete this idea! 

Countless times I've been asked by management how long a process will take to run and I really can't say beyond an educated guess (using input file size and complexity of workflow). Yet, when downloading files off the internet or moving files around in a network, Microsoft will give an estimated time of completion (e.g. 10 minutes remaining till files are downloaded). It would be so great if Alteryx would show something similar with regard to how long a workflow will take to finish running. Not sure if you can create an algoithm based on the nubmer of tools, import file size, network connection etc. to give a ETA on when a workflow may finish running but it would be super helpful for me when working on high priortity project so I can communicate with the business side.



The current (version 7.0.x) Google Analytics connector in the Analytics Gallery is not very robust. I had issues maintaining credentials and was forced to frequently reconnect and reconfigure the GA tools in my flow.  I ended up resorting to other means of downloading the data from GA.


It would be helpful if Alteryx created a "first-class" data connector as exists for other cloud-based data sources such as Salesforce. 



In the great workaround In-Database Sorting, the author explain how to distribute the sorting in ot the database.


Unfortunately, the Percent option is not available for a Hive Connection (I'm using Simba Hive ODBC driver v2.1 connection).


This is a behavior that my user would like to use in order to reduce the duration of the workflow (so they do not need to stream datas in and out).


We are using Alteryx 10.6 x64.


What do you think about my need ?


A client has requested that we provide the ability to have the two digit year begin a date string.  Currently, we have the following:

yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss

In addition, they have requested that we have the ability to convert from a date field to another date field.  Currently, we can only convert to/from a string to date and vice versa, but not date to date (which would be helpful in a date format).

You know how when you pull a new tool onto a canvas where you already have a workflow it wants to auto connect to the closest tool where it lands? While this can be useful it causes major issues when it moves the entire workflow you had in place. What makes this more frustrating is when it does this and you can't undo everything it did. Sometimes I spenda lot of of time fixing what it messed up. On top of which the tool it connected too was wrong!


Like I said it can be useful, but the adjustment of the entire workflow is HIGHLY unneccesary.


Could you PLEASE adjust this feature to auto connect without moving the entire module?!


Thank you 🙂



Two things:

Can there either be more space between the Active Documents button (where all open modules are listed out) and the Close Document button (I'm not a fan of this, I use the close button next to module name) or make the Active Documents button a lot bigger (same size as Close Document button)? I've closed a few modules accidently trying to get to module list.


Also, there was a switch and now the Active Documents shows in alphabetical order, instead of the order they fall in on the canvas, which makes it hard to find modules that have your generic New Workflow#. Can you either switch Active Documents back to show display order or switch the canvas display order to rearrange itself into alphabetical order, that way the order they fall in on the canvas is the same order they show in in Active Documents (making it easier for people like me that remember order over name)? 


If you can't do any of these, could you at least add a Left & Right button so a user can just click thru open modules regardless of the module name (like you have on the toolbox)? 



When connecting to a database (Oracle or other) with an Input tool, Alteryx gives you the ability to select a table from a list of available tables in the database. The Output tool has you type the table name in. What if you want to write to an existing table but type the name wrong by mistake? You could unintentionally write to a table that doesn't exist or write to the wrong table . I think it would be valuable for the Output and Write Data In-DB tools to have the option to pick from a list of available tables in the database just like the Input tool.


Extension: It would be great if Alteryx could compare the meta data of the data stream coming into the Output tool and the meta data of the database table itself to see if the data that will be written to the database table misaligns with the configuration of the database table. In other words to prevent the following from occurring: I was replacing the .yxdb output of a large process to output to an existing Oracle table instead. Alteryx successfully deleted the entire contents of the Oracle table, but when it began to write records, it errored because the field lengths of the Oracle table were not long enough. This wouldn't be a big deal except that the workflow takes 20 minutes to run and the database tables were wiped before the error was fully realized! I've heard that other ETL tools warn you against data that may violate the configuration of the database table that you're trying to write to.


Thank you for listening!

It will be a really nice feature if we can sum up values horizontally (row by row), as what we can do in Excel. This will give us more flexibility and hot to have to transpose data first in order to do the sum, especially when data set is really large. It is very time consuming to do all the preparation work to set data ready.
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