Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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I am using the Distance Tool and would like to get the polyline that represents the drive distance.  I need to output the drive polyline for multiple points and determine the percentage of overlap between routes and the number of times overlapped.

Alteryx currently shows 100% in the profiling of spatial fields in the results window, regardless of if there are rows with missing spatial features. I opened a ticket about this & was told it is expected behavior.


Therefore, I submit the idea that the profiling for spatial fields should give an accurate profile of the field, & if there are nulls in the field, it should identify that column isn't 100% OK and show the % of records that have null values, like the profiling does for every other column in workflows.












Thank you!

Sometimes we may have polygons, such as county boundaries, and need to split the polygons into smaller areas using polylines, such as roads. Please consider adding a polygon split by lines tool. I imagine it could be like the Poly-Split tool, but accept two inputs of a polygon field and a polyline field.

I would like the ability to take custom geographies and write them to a table in Exasol. We visualize our data with Tableau and rely on live connections to Exasol tables rather than Tableau extracts. One shortcoming with spatial is that we have to output our custom geographies as a .shp file then make a Tableau Extract.  This would save us a few steps in sharing this data with our users. 



A lot of popular machine learning systems use a computer's GPU to speed up some of the math to a huge degree. The header on this article on Medium shows a 15x difference from a high-end CPU vs a high-end GPU. It could also create an improvement in the spatial tools. Perhaps Alteryx should add this functionality in order to speed up these tools, which I can imagine are currently some of the slowest.

When calculating distance from a single point (or a list of points) to many other points, it can require a lot of processing time to append the single point into the same table as the multiple points (especially with very large datasets).  Seems it would be more efficient to allow the single point as in input to the distance tool and bypass the timely append step.

Currently, the distance tool provides an option to calculate mileage distance (as the crow flies) between a point and the edge of a polygon, but you can only calculate drivetime to the centroid.


I'd like to see an option to calculate drivetime based on the nearest edge rather than centroid, Thanks.




We use Alteryx to extract the reports from 3D CAD system.

XYZ coordinate system is used in 3D CAD system but spatial function in Alteryx is applicable only for lat/long system.

Polygon generated by Alteryx can’t be imported into Tableau with proper scale and other useful spatial function can’t be used, neither.


It would be nice to have options to use XY coordinate system in addition to lat/long.

If XYZ, 3 dimensional coordinate system can be handled to calculate distance and overlap, that would be great.

In the map input tool, it would be really nice if I could type in an address or a geography (like "Boulder County"), and the map would be zoomed to that location, and maybe even draw a point for me (if it is an address) or draw the geography polygon so that I can use that for downstream analysis.

The trade area tool currently allows for

  • Radius (miles)
  • Radius (Km)
  • Drivetime Minutes

We would like to see:

  • Driving Distance

2 benefits of this:

  • Mapping of driving distance polygons
  • Once polygon is created - then faster processing times of driving distance calculations

Hi , Currently we have 3 methods to calculate distance.  K-means, K-median and Neural gas. Can we also include DBSCAN (Density based spatial clustering) as one of the method. I can colloborate with product owners of alteryx to make this happen. Please let me know.

I was wondering if anyone else in the community thought it would be a good idea for Alteryx to add the capability to import a Mapinfo raster file?  Currently you can work with MapInfo's vector .tab files but you cannot bring into Alteryx MapInfo raster .tab files.

Even if Alteryx is not able to do any spatial calculations on the raster it would still be useful to import a georegistered raster .tab file to allow the user to display lat/long referenced data on top of it.  Another way to look at it would be like alowing a user to create and use a custom reference map in the Map Report tool.

I need this functionality because I often need to display lat/long data on top of georegistered .tab floorplans (always created in MapInfo). Currently there seems to be no easy way of doing that.  The simple solution would just be able to import them and view .  Later if you could do spatial calculations on those files that would be an enormous bonus.  



it would be nice Street Geocoding tool can be capable of accepting Latitude and Longitude and spit out the address like Reverse Geo Coding . The reverse Geo coding currently using TomTom is too slow to process hundred thousands records.. if the data is already local to our system in form of CASS or Street Geocoder that will be certainly faster. 

An ability to modify the angle of the grids created. Degree Angle input would be real simple to use and would allow for creating more appropriate grids without making really small grids and re-merging them for similar result.  North South & East West grids are nice, however ability to change to NW by SE would be real nice.


North South & East West defaultNorth South & East West default



Ability to adjust the underlying speeds on the roadways via the GUI and eliminate having to modify the xml file and registry OR adjust the existing speeds in Guzzler that correspond to the urban roadways to bette reflect traffic volume and the resulting drive time polygons that are created in dense urban areas.

Within the mapping tool, please add an alignment option (left/center/right) within the label options (when wrapping).



I recently had a project that involved clipping the spatial polygon from one record with the spatial polygon of a different dataset. Currently, the only way I know how to use Alteryx to do this is to use a Spatial Match tool to get both spatial objects in the same record line, which allows me to use the Spatial Process tool. In my case, I was trying to trim polygons to the US, so my second spatial object was a polygon for the entire US, which then got attached to every record of my data in order to do the Spatial Process.


My suggestion is simple, make the Spatial Process tool have an option that would allow for two Inputs. I bring my target data in on one stream, chose the process method I want, and use the second Input as my "clip" data. This would allow people to trip/clip their data without having to append the clip data to every single record in the target dataset.


Same concept applies for the Distance tool, currently have to have both spatial objects in one record. My suggestion is to allow the Distance tool to also allow two inputs, I understand there is the Find Nearest tool and that as two inputs, but I'm not always just wanting the nearest, or to have a cutoff distance. Sometimes, I just want to know the distance in my target data to the location in my secondary file, for every record..

I'm plotting ship's routes on a map by using the Poly-Build tool to create a Sequence Polyline, the source field is a daily snapshot of a ship's position, the sequence is the date. This works well until the ship goes off the map, i.e heading west in the North Pacific to Japan.  Rather than wrapping the line around the world, it draws an ugly line across the map:




I've seen some super clever WFs on here where people have manipulated coordinates to stop this happening, but rather than me having to do that (and probably getting it wrong), could you make the Poly-Build tool map sensitive?



Geohash is a latitude/longitude geocode system (public domain). It is a hierarchical spatial data structure which subdivides space into buckets of grid shape.

Geohashes offer properties like arbitrary precision and the possibility of gradually removing characters from the end of the code to reduce its size (and gradually lose precision).

As a consequence of the gradual precision degradation, nearby places will often (but not always) present similar prefixes. The longer a shared prefix is, the closer the two places are.

Alteryx's spatial tools are really powerful and offer a lot of value for analysis.  However, when rendering a map for output, there is currently no way to place an image inside of a polygon.  This feature would be very useful for customized layers on maps and other spatial-based processes.

My rough suggestion would be to scale a selected image to the size of the polygon's bounding rectangle, and then trim the edges of the image to fit inside the polygon itself.

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