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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Hello all,

We all love pretty much the in-memory multi-row formula tool. Easy to use, etc. However, the indb counterpart does not exist.

I see that as a wizard that would generate windowing functions like LEAD or LAG


Best regards,


In a similar vein to the forthcoming enhancement of being able to disable a specific output tool, my idea is to have the inverse where you can globally disable all outputs and then enable specific ones only. This should help reduce the number of clicks required/avoid workarounds using containers to obtain this functionality and allow users to be very specific in which outputs run and don't run as required.

Sometimes I need to connect to the data in my Database after doing some filtering and modeling with CTEs. To ensure that the connection runs quicker than by using the regular input tool, I would like to use the in DB tool. But is doesn't working because the in DB input tool doesn't support CTEs. CTEs are helpful for everyday life and it would be terribly tedious to replicate all my SQL logic into Alteryx additionally to what I'm already doing inside the tool. 

I found a lot of people having the same issue, it would be great if we can have that feature added to the tool. 

Using the Output tool to send data to a formatted spreadsheet apparently doesn't preserve formatting if the entire column is formatted.  I'd love this changed to keep the formatting when its applied to an entire column.  See this thread in Designer Discussions. 


Creating tool which summarize all operations performed in workflow might be beneficial for people who are working on others i.e. where SQL code is required for data transformation.


While using Alteryx Desinger with below option to upload files to Azure Conatiner, storage event trigger wont kick off the adf pipeline:



There is issue with the above tool ,They are calling "CreateFile" which simply opens the file for writing, then they are uploading the file content. And finally they should be calling FlushWithClose. However, that last step is not being done.

This below microsoft thread should help Alteryx Developers to resolve the issue, many customers are looking forward to this  issue and resolution.
ADF event based trigger fires when file created manually but not when databricks creates a file (mic...

Please add support for Databricks' Unity Catalog


Currently, when selecting a Databricks-connection in the “Connect In-DB”-tool, and opening the “Query Builder”, only tables in the catalog named “hive_metastore” are listed. That is, Alteryx submits the following SQL query to Databricks:

Listing tables 'catalog : hive\_metastore, schemaPattern : %, tableTypes : null, tableName : %'


However, with Unity Catalog in Databricks the namespace is three-tier and there may be multiple catalogs (and not just the "hive_metastore" catalog), see


I reached out to Alteryx support, which replied that you currently have a feature request for implementing this change (ID TDCB-4056) and they furthermore suggested that I post here.


Thanks in advance.

When email body gets imported using latest version of the Outlook 365 tool, this tool removes the new line separators from the message body, which makes it difficult to parse relevant information out of the message body. New line separators are there prior to message being imported into Alteryx as can be verified when importing same message using different tools (for example, Python or Power Automate). Without new line separators it is not possible to accurately parse message body using Alteryx. Please add the enhancement to the Outlook 365 tool so that it doesn't remove new line separators from the message body.

This limitation of the Outlook  365 tool has been discussed in the community 

Outlook 365 Input - Separate Body lines - Alteryx Community


I'm dealing with a database that is not always up when my production workflow runs. When the database is down, the workflow errors out because the input data connection errors. I want the workflow to gracefully execute some other steps if the database is down. I need the input data tool to allow errors to be treated as warnings, using a checkbox, and then I can have Alteryx run different logic when 0 rows are detected.


Hi - 


We are using the new(ish) Anaplan connector tools; in particular, the "Anaplan Output" tool (send data TO Anaplan).


The issue that I'm having is that the Anaplan Output Tool only accepts a CSV file.  This means that I must run one workflow to create the CSV file, then another workflow to read the CSV file and feed the Anaplan Output Tool.


If it were possible to have an output anchor on the Output tool that would simply pass the CSV records through to the Anaplan Output tool, the workflows would be drastically simplified.



Mark Chappell

Pre-Filter as new option in Input Tool might reduce import data and allows to input only selected data (ie. for specific period or meeting certain conditions).





Add PowerPoint format file (ppt/pptx) into supported file type as direct connection in Input Tool.




PS. I know that we have workaround allowing to import PowerPoint slides into Alteryx but I'm describing automated solution :)




Currently the Databricks in-database connector allows for the following when writing to the database

  1. Append Existing
  2. Overwrite Table (Drop)
  3. Create New Table
  4. Create Temporary Table

This request is to add a 5th option that would execute

  • Create or Replace Table

Why is this important?

  • Create or Replace is similar to the Overwrite Table (Drop) in that it fully replaces the existing table however, the key differences are
    • Drop table completely removes the table and it's data from Databricks
      • Any users or processes connected to that table live will fail during the writing process
      • No history is maintained on the table, a key feature of the Databricks Delta Lake
    • Create or Replace does not remove the table
      • Any users or processes connected to that table live will not fail as the table is not dropped
      • History is maintained for table versions which is a key feature of Databricks Delta Lake


While this request was specific to testing on Azure Databricks the documentation for Azure and AWS for Databricks both recommend using "Replace" instead of "Drop" and "Create" for Delta tables in Databricks. 



Hyperion Smartview Connect


Alteryx really needs to show a results window for the InDB processes.  It is like we are creating blindly without it.  Work arounds are too much of a hassle.

We really need a block until done to process multiple calculations inDB without causing errors. I have heard that there is a Control Container potentially on the road map.  That needs to happen ASAP!!!!

Hi Team,

Microsoft Outlook is extensively used for day to day operations. With more teams, adopting Alteryx within the firm. We wanted to explore the option of end to end automation and the outputs are directly triggered to external email domains however, due to firm restrictions we cannot send email to external/internal email domains without labelling the email. Is there way to in include email labelling/classification as part of emailing tool.

Hi all,
Something really interesting I found - and never knew about, is there are actually in-DB predictive tools. You can find these by having a connect-indb tool on the canvas and dragging on one of the many predictive tools.

For instance:
boosted model dragged on empty campus:


Boosted model tool deleted, connect in-db tool added to the canvas:


Boosted Model dragged onto the canvas the exact same:



This is awesome! I have no idea how these tools work, I have only just found out they are a thing. Are we able to unhide these? I actually thought I had fallen into an Alteryx Designer bug, however it appears to be much more of a feature.


Sadly these tools are currently not searchable for, and do not show up under the in-DB section. However, I believe these need to be more accessible and well documented for users to find.




Hello Team,


When we do run and cache workflow it remain in the cache memory for only the time the Alteryx designer or that workflow is open.


Advantage: We dont need to wait for the data to load in input data tool and the result is validated properly.


Disadvantage: Loss of time and money when the Alteryx Designer is closed automatically or mistaken.




Can we provide a token Expiry for 12 to 24 hrs so the precious time and money is not wasted.

This will be very useful when we are working on billions of Data.


By default output always print Headers as shown in item 1 below, I am looking to print item 2 as Header.  Item 3 is my output.


I tried item 4 below, doesn’t work.


Please consider this in your future releases.  It saves lot of time as the Outputs can contain hundreds of fields and output files are shared with User community who understands the Field description much more than Field name.  For example SAP Field-KUNNR does not mean nothing to a User than its description 'Customer'.

A check box on the Output Tool should able to toggle the selection between Field or its Description.

You might argue that the Rename column can be used, agree it would be difficult to manually type in hundreds of fields.  As an alternative you can provide automatic Rename population with Description.

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