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Submission GuidelinesHello,
Currently, the Sentiment analysis tool will score textual data by use of a Compound_Sentiment_Score, which is effectively a score from -1(negative) to 1(positive).
The tool is great, in that it has a built-in classification function so that we can say that anything under -0.5 we want to label as negative, and anything over 0.5 we want to label as positive.
However currently, the defaults are set to:
Which effectively creates a negative-weighted classification, as anything from -1 to -0.1 are classified as negative. -1 to 0.5 are labelled as neutral, and 0.5 to 1 are labelled as positive.
My suggestion would be to change the default max negative classification to 0.5, to level the weighting of the tools scoring.
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