Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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I like the concept of the Interactive charts tool but it seems overtly cumbersome to use when you are trying to perform simple changes to a line graph.  The chart tool was much easier.  I like the direction the interactive tool is going but I should not have to edit the tools xml to display point values on a line graph.

I just got out of the Advanced reporting session at the Alteryx inspire convention. Preety cool stuff. I just have a request for the alteryx developers team. Can you please add the option to select a report coming from a Render tool directly as an attachment without having to write it out first? Just select it as a field the same way you can select a field as the body of the email. That'll make my workflow more streamlined and save space, as I'm sure it'll do for a lot of fulks out there.

Hello Product Management,


I'm trying to emulate a graph from the book, Effective Data Visualization by Dr. Stephanie Evergreen.  Here's what I have so far:



This was a little bit of work to create and while it isn't what I exactly had hoped for, it does approximate my attempt.  Ideally, I would do the following to complete the exercise:

  1. Have a Y-Axis (none) line on for both Old/New Sites (dual-axis)
  2. Replace the Y-Axis number with the Label for the departments
  3. Remove the (line) from the label

As observations, in order to add carriage returns to NOTES, i had to use HTML tags <br>.  The settings for points and lines required me to do lots of configuration.  Maybe a format painter would help to copy the format from one set of point/lines to the next.  Once I completed a chart/insight it would be "nice" to be able to copy and configure the other.  If you have an insight and wish to create a chart, you have to reconfigure the new element from scratch.


I do have an error in the creation of the chart that says, "Error parsing configuration."  I have no idea what error exists.  I submitted a ticket on that issue.  


I haven't created this chart via Excel, but the textbook shows you how to create the result in Excel.  The graph is easy for me to see and to understand.  I like it and think that it could be a valuable way to demonstrate the potential for Alteryx visualizations.





Hello - does anyone know if it's possible to to place text both above and below a table in the report text tool (in this instance i'm using it to feed an automated email)


I have some text which is the body of the email but also want to add some text with a hyperlink to unsubscribe to the email, below a table but as far as I can tell, there's not a way to input the table in between text, only above/below/left/right


Thanks in advance for the help,




I have a very regional problem, when we use reporting tools, they seem to be encoded in ansi, but in France, we use a lot of accents, and when we want to use the mail tool, we have to "write wrong" with e instead of é for instance, would it be possible to make it possible for us to use accents, I saw a solution in this post ( but if it would be possible to have the option directly in the reporting tools it would be a lot easier for us to use them in an automated way!

Currently, there isn't any option in the Salesforce Input tool > Existing Reports  to remove the 2000 record limit for queries. Is there any way of removing that cap so that our queries will return the correct number of records?


The Salesforce input tool has an option to select Salesforce report templatesThe Salesforce input tool has an option to select Salesforce report templatesBut the number of records is capped at 2000But the number of records is capped at 2000

Please see attached PDF file, since I am not able to paste the contents of the idea in the body of this field.

I repeatedly get "Correct the highlighted errors" -- but nothing is ever highlighted.  I raised this problem with Support.

There are currently two different types of select tools. The dynamic select tool and the normal select tool. In my opinion there should only be 1 tool and it should be a mix of these two tools.


First the select tool is great because I can select the exact fields that I want, and I can pass new fields through using the "unknown" field. The dynamic select tool is also great because I can write formulas that dynamically select fields. Why not have one tool that does both?


In my mind, it would just look like the select tool, but then on the "unknown" field, I can click on it and configure it. It would basically just open the dynamic select tool interface where I can write formula's etc that select the unknown fields that I am willing to pass through.


For example.. clients add new fields to our data integrations all the time. A lot of the time I dont want these new fields to pass through automatically. But we also do reporting, and reporting could include column headers that are dates (ie sales may 18, sales june 18, etc). As new months appear in our sales data, new columns are added to our reports. I should have the capability to hardcode the fields I want to pass through and then write a formula for the remaining "unknown" fields. In this example I would check mark the fields I know I want, then write a formula that says if the unknown field starts with "sales" then pass it through.


Yes there are workarounds for this type of functionality (such as I could do a dynamic select tool and use the formula function to type in the name of EVERY field that I want to "hardcode"), but that would take a long time if I am trying to pass 10+ fields through.

Since we use Mosaic extensively we would like for the colors used in the Interactive Chart tool to be assigned by a value in order to match Experian's color assignments.  For example, if [Mosaic] = “A01” then use RGB 77/72/ 133.


Thanks for the consideration.

The Render Tool for creating reports like PDFs etc does not function if any of the table data it receives contains an accent or special character,


UTFDataFormatExceptions occur..


It also doesn't work if you want filenames output with accents/non-english characters.


So forget about reporting in proper representations of German/French/Swedish/Irish/Russian/Chinese/Japanese.


This is a bit surprising and needs a note in the render tool documentation also!


Can you fix this feature please!



First of all Many thanks to the team for the revamp of the reporting tools. It's so nice to see it's getting a bit more dynamic. 



- I'd love to have more options extended to the graph, such as  being able to add 3 dimensions to a scatter plot, just like below 




- Or being able to have dynamic plot size such as :




- Or again, being able to have a filter in the Interactive Chart (just like the one in the insight tool) would be a great feature to have


- Having Bart chart in differents orientation 






Thanks for reading!

Hi Alteryx Community and Developers!


Since the autodetect smtp was removed from Alteryx Designer, it's much more harder to send e-mails within the company (too many different e-mail addresses).


In place of autodetect, what do you think about to take the SMTP from field (like cc, bcc, subject, etc.)?


Please keep me posted about it 🙂


Thanks and all the best for the Community!


I'd like to see an enhancement that at the install level (through an XML configuration file for example), the use of the From field in the Email reporting tool could be disabled for population by the end user and instead would auto-populate with that current users e-mail address.  Currently users can populate the field with any address on their domain, which is useful, but also poses a risk in that messages can be made to appear to be coming from a party that is not aware of it.  We'd like to be able to control that on install and "turn off" access to the From field



It would be very useful if we could import Excel graphs as images. I've created graphs, tables, and charts using Alteryx tools from raw data (sql queries, etc.), but Excel offers more options. Generating customized emails with Excel graph images in the body instead of Alteryx charts would make this tool all the more powerful.


Idea is to pull in raw data through SQL queries, export data simultaneously to Tableau and Excel, pull back in the Excel graphs that are generated from that data, and create customized emails with links to Tableau workbooks, Excel file attachments, snapshots (graph images), and customized commentary. The Visual Layout tool is very handy for combining different types of data and images for email distribution, and importing Excel graphs as images would make this even better.


I have a process that sends out about 1,500 emails. Every once in a while, it will get stuck at some Percentage and I will have to eventually cancel the workflow, figure out how many emails were sent, and then skip that many emails in order to avoid sending duplicate emails. The process of figuring out how many were sent is currently taking the % of the tool at cancellation minus 50%(since that is where it starts), Multiplying it by 2, and then multiplying that % by the number of lines to get the approximate line of data where it froze up, and then reaching out to individuals to see if they received the email to narrow down exactly where the error occurred. 


Example: 60% - 50%= 10% * 2 = 20% * 1249 = 249.8.


This has been pretty accurate in the past, but obviously is not ideal. Is there no way for it to show us how many were sent even if we cancelled the workflow mid processing of the tool?



Our company is loving the Insight's Tool, but I am constantly being asked by users if they can export the data behind the graphs that is feeding in. For example we have an inventory dashboard for vehicles that starts at a Corporate level, but is drillable down to a "Regional" and then even more focused "Managed Area" level. Once users get down to the "Managed Area" level they want to export the line level data that is feeding into the Insight chart to actually view, work, and action the data at a vehicle level. 


Essentially an option to export the data feeding into the graphs. 

Good Afternoon,


Working with the Alteryx Insight tool there are a few functionality features our team believes would be quite useful:


-When you have multiple charts within an Insight the ability to "Drill Out" of an individual graphs versus having to "reset" the entire dashboard would be incredibly useful and save a lot of time


-When drilling into graphs we have found users often forget what particular category they drilled into leading to them having to reset the entire dashboard and start over. Could a "legend" type area be added to drill able graphs to show the user what they have drilled into?


-The ability to "select all" or "de-select all" options in a filter on the right hand side of the Insight


-The ability to drill into your graphs when in the Design Mode or "Configure Insight" to see how any formatting changes impact all layers of your graph once you begin to drill versus having to switch over to Preview Mode and test all layers and then switch back to Design Mode to make necessary changes


-The ability to adjust formatting on individual layers of a drilled graph. For example on the x-axis of your first layer have labels set at font size 10 with no angle, but then on your second layer once you drill have the x-axis font size adjusted to font size of 6 at 45 degree angle in the case where your data labels are longer once you drill




Nathan Brock 

Alteryx's spatial tools are really powerful and offer a lot of value for analysis.  However, when rendering a map for output, there is currently no way to place an image inside of a polygon.  This feature would be very useful for customized layers on maps and other spatial-based processes.

My rough suggestion would be to scale a selected image to the size of the polygon's bounding rectangle, and then trim the edges of the image to fit inside the polygon itself.

The new insight tool offers some great charting abilities but it does not integrate with other reporting tools. The tool doesn't support pictures,tables or any way to pull text from the data in the workflow in. This really prevents it from being a solution to any of the my reporting needs.

When the stacked bar chart option is added to the new interactive chart tool it would be fantastic if the functionality can be developed in such a way that waterfall charts can also easily be created. has a workaround for doing this with the old chart tool but it would be much better if this functionality was a built in option going forward.

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