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Email tool - configuration to disable use of From field

I'd like to see an enhancement that at the install level (through an XML configuration file for example), the use of the From field in the Email reporting tool could be disabled for population by the end user and instead would auto-populate with that current users e-mail address.  Currently users can populate the field with any address on their domain, which is useful, but also poses a risk in that messages can be made to appear to be coming from a party that is not aware of it.  We'd like to be able to control that on install and "turn off" access to the From field

6 - Meteoroid

Yes, I agree with this. We use Alteryx at an enterprise level and we are already seeing the "from" field being used by invalid / incorrect / random emails which is a risk. We want that to be disabled or populate the user's email id. 

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Very much agree - preference would be to force the user's own identity on the desktop, and a system-wide default on the server.

6 - Meteoroid

Very useful in enterprise, il would like to apply the same idea for authentification fields.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes
5 - Atom

In addition to this, limiting any of the TO/CC/BCC fields would be helpful to limiting to a certain domain. For example, only allowing it to send emails to your