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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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I am using Alteryx as an ETL Tool and then QlikSense for data visualization.

Alteryx only gives QVX outputs which are the old version QlikView files. It works for QlikSense but it slows down the system. So, the QlikSense support suggested using QVD outputs. 

I want to suggest supporting QVD files as QlikSense is being used more widely instead of QlikView, most users are migrating to QlikSense.

It would be more useful and efficient if Alteryx supports latest file format.


All the input tools like Input Data and Dynamic Input will have a new flag  "Skip on fail" that will process all the data, or none of the input data, or partial of the data requested and will return the data that could be read and do not return any error in the WFs.


If the 'Skip on fail' flag is false - the system should act like it is now.


if the 'Skip on fail' flag is true - the system should return the  only the accepted or manager to read data on the default out put, and can have a second output connection for the error log, so we can parse it and do something with it, but the WFs should still run,




Today I pressed F1 in the Output Tool to find out what the setting Transaction Size does. It turned out that this is not documented.


It would be a great idea to make a documentation that covers the options of a tool.






After closing the Table or Query option on an Input Data tool, the table layout in the Visual Query Builder view gets reset to stacking the tables/views on top of each other. It would be great if the layout stayed the way I left it the last time I closed it.





Using File Browse on Excel files first of all is inconsistent between running the Analytical App in the Designer and in the Gallery:

  • In the Designer, the user is not being asked which Excel workflow shall be selected.
  • In the Gallery, the user is always asked which Excel workflow shall be selected.

Depending on the use case, both behaviours can be the right one:

  • To load a specific Excel file worksheet, the dialog for workflow selection is appropriate.
  • When working with the entire Excel file (copying, getting the list of worksheets, etc.), the dialog is not helpful.

Thus, my idea is as follows:

  • Add a checkbox to the File Browse tool which determines whether the worksheet selection dialog shall be opened (and the output will be <filename>.<ext>|<worksheet>) or not (and the output will be <filename>.<ext>) in case of Excel file selected.
  • Make behaviour consistent in Alteryx Designer and Gallery.





Enhancement request for the option to Encrypt ODBC credentials instead of just hashing them


I've used tools like BRIO/Hyperion with a wide-range of control over the output to MS Excel. The Jooleobject allowed me to control MS Outlook, Excel, Word, etc..  The goal is to run a scheduler within Alteryx every week to blend data, insert the data into pre-formatted and renamed excel templates, copy those files to a network shared drive and finally send a formatted email to my users. If I can get past copy/paste routines, my job would be much more efficient. Thx


My team always run into the issue that two people running two workflow at the same but those workflow using the same excel flat file, then it clash into each other. 


I want Alteryx to develop a feature to allow read only capability to a input excel, that way two workflow use the same input file will not clash into each other, it's very good for running workflow in parallel, this way really increase our efficiency. 


I know this feature is not easy to achieve, we have had chat with Alteryx team before. 


I am opening to alternative solution to this problem. 




A new type of Browse tool which can dynamically be renamed through a field could be helpful for the cases where Analytic Apps display output results in Browse tabs. It could both help create the name of the Browse tab dynamically and create multiple Browse tabs automatically.


I was working on the file and there are multiple sheets need to be pulled from one excel file. I was not sure how we can give one source of information and pull multiple sheet from one source as per the requirement. So wanted to submit this idea to create a toll which can pull any sheet(s) from one input tool as per requirement.


Very beneficial will be adding extra row in Input tool (while we importing CSV) where we can define escape character. This functionality will help to avoid errors that currently occur when importing such files.


Right now, you can highlight 1 output tool, right click, convert to input tool.  Im doing that to each of 30 outputs in 1 workflow as part of splitting a workflow that has too much spatial processing. Would be cool to highlight all of the outputs and convert all at once to save the clicker finger.  Keep it rocking Alteryx!




In the Input tool, it would be useful to have the Saved Database Connections options higher in the menu, not last. Most users I know frequently use this drop down, and I find myself always grabbing the Other Databases options instead as it expands before my mouse gets down to the next one. I would vote to have it directly after File..., that way the top two options are available, either desktop data or "your" server data. To me, all the other options are one offs on a come by come basis, don't need to be above things that are used with a lot more frequency. Just two cents from a long time the product either way!







Eli Brooks


Creating tool which summarize all operations performed in workflow might be beneficial for people who are working on others i.e. where SQL code is required for data transformation.


While using Alteryx Desinger with below option to upload files to Azure Conatiner, storage event trigger wont kick off the adf pipeline:



There is issue with the above tool ,They are calling "CreateFile" which simply opens the file for writing, then they are uploading the file content. And finally they should be calling FlushWithClose. However, that last step is not being done.

This below microsoft thread should help Alteryx Developers to resolve the issue, many customers are looking forward to this  issue and resolution.
ADF event based trigger fires when file created manually but not when databricks creates a file (mic...


I'm dealing with a database that is not always up when my production workflow runs. When the database is down, the workflow errors out because the input data connection errors. I want the workflow to gracefully execute some other steps if the database is down. I need the input data tool to allow errors to be treated as warnings, using a checkbox, and then I can have Alteryx run different logic when 0 rows are detected.

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