Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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There is a great functionality in Excel that lets users "seek" a value that makes whatever chain of formulas you might have work out to a given value. Here's what Microsoft explains about goal seek:


My specific example was this:


In the excel (attached), all you have to do is click on the highlighted blue cell, select the “data” tab up top and then “What-if analysis” and finally “goal seek.” Then you set the dialogue box up to look like this:

 Set cell: G9

To Value: 330

By changing cell" J6


And hit “Okay.” Excel then iteratively finds the value for the cell J6 that makes the cell G9 equal 330. Can I build a module that will do the same thing? I’m figuring I wouldn’t have to do it iteratively, if I could build the right series of formulas/commands. You can see what I’m trying to accomplish in the formulas I’ve built in Excel, but essentially I’m trying to build a model that will tell me what the % Adjustment rate should be for the other groups when I’ve picked the first adjustment rate, and the others need to change proportionally to their contribution to the remaining volume.


There doesn't really seem to be a way to do this in Alteryx that I can see. I hate to think there is something that excel can do that Alteryx can't!

There is a need when visualizing in-Database workflows to be able to visualize sorted data. This sorting could be done 1 of 2 ways: In a browse tool, or as a stand-alone Sort tool. Either would address the need. Without such a tool being present, the only way to sort the data is to "Data Stream Out" and then visualize the data in Alteryx. However, this process violates the premise of the usefulness of the in-DB toolkit, which is to keep your data in-DB and process using the DB engine. Streaming out big data in order to add a sort is not efficient.


Granted, the in-DB processing doesn't care whether data is sorted or not. However, when attempting to find extreme values after an aggregation, or when trying to identify something as simple as whether null values are present in a field, then a sort becomes extremely useful, and a necessary tool for human consumption of data (regardless of the database's processing needs).


Thanks very much for hearing my idea!

I will sometimes open "New Window(s)" from a single or multiple Browse(s), and arrange them on a second monitor to dig through a module I am unfamiliar with, or when building out complicated models.  It would be helpful if I could label these tempary new windows so that I don't spend to much time trying to remember which one is which.


The field summary tool is an excellent resource to get an overview of the data and spot targets for analysis or data cleansing. 


Unfortunately it has limitations either in the number of fields included or some combination of the number of fields and one or more of its attributes.   There is nothing in the documentation I found to make a user aware of this. When you exceed fields selected the system just hangs, indicating it is running but there is no connection progress shown and nothing seems to happen, even if you limit input to 1 record.


Through trial and error I found an approximate limit in number of fields I can include and still have it work.


I request that Alteryx update the tool help info and devise enhancements to dynamically load balance the tool so it can scale to the number of fields requested or at least warn when the limit is reached or approached.  The latter warning could be similar to the red font warnings in the formula tool when you have a malformed expression.  However a load balancing version is most desired.


The issue as it stands results in users wasting a lot of time trying to make the tool work as expected, then report it to support as an apparent bug in the tool which can be argued both ways.


I realize in the real world there are limits but in this real world we are seeing the number of fields to analyze increase significantly, especially when you have a data license and integrate 3rd party data to you own native data adding a hundred or hundreds more fields.

Hello! Almost all statistical softwares allow for the analyst to use either a pairwise or a listwise option when applying clustering techinques. This option affects only how the inner distance matrix is built, and after that whichever algorithm you choose is peformed. However in Alteryx [K-Centroids] by default does listwise, classifying only those records where the selected variables have no nulls.


Please consider adding this option!


PS: the difference is pairwise will build the distance between 2 variables depending on those records that have no nulls on both variables, while listwise will run the distance matrix after it has checked for complete non null records in all variables of interest (not one at a time distance calculation).

In v10, I am using the summarize tool a lot and getting tired of selecting one or more fields and doing a sum function and having to revisit each summary tool when you add a numeric field upstream... I was hoping there would be a more dynamic method, e.g. select all numeric fields and then doing a SUM on _currentfield_.

Then I remembered the Field Info tool. (on a side note, I'd bet this tool is overlooked a lot). This tool is great because for each numeric field you get Min, Max, Median, Std Dev, Percent Missing, Unique Values, Mean, etc.

The one thing that's missing is SUM. Can you add it?


Also, can you give the user option to turn off layouts and reports so it runs faster? I only care out the data side.


or is there another way to do sum on dynamically selected numeric fields? (include Sum on Unknown field)

It would be great to have a spatial function that could be used to evaluate whether two spatial objects are equal/identical. I see this being available in at least three places:


  1. An "ST_Equal" Formula function
  2. A SpatialMatch "Where Target Equals Universe"
  3. An "Equals" Action in the Spatial Process tool


The sum function is probably the one I use most in the summarize tool. It is a silly thing, but it would be nice for "Sum" to be in the single-click list, rather than in the "Numeric" category...


Move sum functionMove sum function


It would be great if there was an option to compute 'median' on numerical data column in 'cross-tab' tool. We trust 'median' a lot more than 'average' in many different computations.
I would stretch my suggestion far enough to propose adding quantile computations as well...

It appears that the Marketo Input tool only is focused aroudn getting Lead oriented Objects, however since Marketo is a Marketing Automation tool, it has many more objects such as email performance, landing page performance, web activity, program performance, revenue explorer, etc. 

I'd like to vote up this idea of having marketo input connector having access to extrac data from other objects outside leads. 

Here is the latest Marketo Analytics resources that are available.  Anybody else encounter this bottleneck when trying to source the data out of Alteryx? 

While trying to debug data parsing, I end up with browse tools all over the place and it makes the pallet a mess and time consuming to organize.

It would be much nicer to just have a little corner of all icons to have a sub icon or something I can click on to see output.  Multi output could be a little more tricky ... so better yet, maybe have small browse icons on the connectors you can click on for results of that feed?

Then have a menu option to turn all off/on.
Would be nice to have the option of disabling the append of the "action" to the variable in the summarize tool.  Sometimes it's useful to leave the variable name as is when making tweeks to your module. 
Can you add the Data Output along with the Report Output on the Association Analysis tool.  

We needed to manually change this on our end but it would be nice if in 9.5 this easy upgrade was done already...
It would be extremely helpful to add in a "Count Distinct" function into the summarize tool.  This would help tremendously when working with hierarchical data.
Seeing how we use browse to tools to help build out modules, but they slow down the modules because they write out temp files, it would be awesome to have a "record count" option similar to the input tool. This would allow us to see the data as it's flowing through the module without slowing it down.  Adding a sample tool before every browse would be fairly cumbersome. 
Within one of my modules I use the “Find Replace” tool quite often to find keywords within a customer name field.  By chance, I have found that irrespective of what order my keywords are sorted in, Alteryx will look at each word in the customer name and try to match them in order.
For example, the customer name of EAST RIDING YORKSHIRE COUNCIL, when matched to my list of keywords matches the word RIDING before it matches the word COUNCIL, even though COUNCIL appears higher up my list than RIDING does.
I would like to be able to prioritise my keywords so that Alteryx starts at the top and works its way down my list of keywords, rather than just taking the first word in a customer name that matches any of my keywords. Is this possible?
In the histogram tool, I would like the ability to specify the bins, not just the number of bins, but the values of the bins. That would be especially helpful when comparing different data sets when I want to see an apples to apples comparison across two different histograms. 
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